Seeking a Scapegoat for Biden’s Crimes

THE NEW AMERICAN, by C. Mitchell Shaw — November 1, 2019


Democrats have shown great concern about even the possibility that there are connections between foreign powers and those in seats of power within our federal government. That “concern” has been demonstrated by Democrats going so far as to conduct a thus-far endless stream of investigations, probes, and inquiries that have hung like a shadow over every day of Donald Trump’s presidency. But that concern is pretend, rather than genuine. In this case, the estrangement between “Democrats” and “genuine” is illustrated by the simple fact that their alleged concern does not extend to one of their own, despite his clear connections to a foreign power.

In fact, rather than investigate the apparent shady dealings with Ukraine of former vice president and current presidential hopeful Joe Biden and his son Hunter, Democrats used the scandal to (once again) attempt to turn the tables and dump the whole thing squarely in the lap of President Trump. Blaming Trump for his appropriate response to Biden’s inappropriate actions, Democrats claim that the president’s actions are grounds for impeachment.

As we will demonstrate, all available evidence shows it was not the president’s response that crossed ethical and possibly legal lines. Instead it was actions of both Joe and Hunter Biden that crossed those lines.


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