Google and Mastercard in secret deal aimed at bridging online and offline attribution



by Tim Maytom


Mastercard and Google have reportedly reached a secret deal that will enable Google to track Mastercard user buying habits both online and offline, and use the data for ad targeting and attribution. According to Bloomberg, the deal was brokered last year following four years of negotiation.


Consumers are able to opt-out of the attribution technology by toggling off ‘Web and App Activity’, a broad category that controls whether Google can pinpoint your exact GPS coordinates. This same category came under the spotlight earlier this month when it was revealed that Google was using it to track user locations even when users had opted out of Location Services.

However, the deal has raised concerns over how much consumer information Google has access to, and the lack of transparency and consumer information provided regarding the partnership.

“People don’t expect what they buy physically in a store to be linked to what they are buying online,” said Christine Bannon, counsel with the advocacy group Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC). “There’s just far too much burden that companies place on consumers and not enough responsibility being taken by companies to inform users what they’re doing and what rights they have.


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One Response to Google and Mastercard in secret deal aimed at bridging online and offline attribution

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    TECH TYRANNY, Tucker Carlson Tonight 8/31/18 | FOX NEWS

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