Gallups: Mueller Probe Connected to Obama Long-Form Birth Certificate


The Post & Email
by Sharon Rondeau



The author of 20 books, in 2011, Corsi published “Where’s the Birth Certificate: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President” contending that any identity “documentation” Obama or his surrogates might have released was fraudulent and that indications were that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii, as he claims. Prior to the 2008 election, Corsi visited Kenya and, upon his attempt to depart the country, was arrested and reportedly physically mistreated by Kenyan police, necessitating a hospitalization in London once he was released from Kenya.


The suit also claims that Mueller leaked grand jury information, according to CNN.  In its report, CNN calls Corsi’s work on Obama’s origins “racially-charged and inaccurate theory that President Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.”

Corsi was offered a plea agreement to admit to one count of perjury which he rejected based on his contention that he will not lie in order to appease Mueller and his team.

In an interview with NBC, Corsi said that “when the birth certificate issue came around, there were a few instances where Donald Trump called me to ask me questions and discuss it with me.” (bold emphasis added in two paragraphs above)

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