‘Empress of Soul’ and Atlanta native Gladys Knight to sing Super Bowl national anthem

Atlanta Business Chronicle, by Eric Mandel  – Digital Producer , Atlanta Business Chronicle — 1/17/2018



The musical guests have been a major source of intrigue in this year’s event, primarily because of the reported difficulties in finding performers for the halftime show. Multiple singers and celebrities publicly stood in solidarity with ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who became a lightning rod of controversy over his decision in 2016 to kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality. He became a free agent in March of 2017 and hasn’t found a job in the NFL since.


I am proud to use my voice to unite and represent our country in my hometown of Atlanta,” Knight said in a news release. …….


Knight said it was “Midnight Train to Georgia,” released in 1973, that lifted her career to new heights. And that the Super Bowl performance is an extension of that.

“Here we are, we’re still here. And I’m in Georgia, singing the national anthem, at the Super Bowl,” she said. “I hope that this anthem will touch people in a different way. We’ve been singing it forever, but this time, I would hope that they would feel it so deeply that it wold lift them to a higher place. That’s what I feel when I sing this song.”


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