A newspaper editor confronts the AP over fake news

American Thinker
by Thomas Lifson


Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real phenomenon, capable of clouding the judgment of seasoned journalists.  Now we have a case study demonstrating the depths of the disorder at the nation’s largest provider of news.

Frank Miele edits a small newspaper in Kalispell, Montana, The Daily Inter Lake.  He has attracted a national audience with his commonsense conservative editorials.  His latest weekly column is a must-read for everyone who wants to understand how and why fake news flourishes in the mainstream media.  He describes his “rare shift” as news editor the day before yesterday, in which he encountered an AP dispatch critical of President Trump that he personally knew to be inaccurate, aka fake news.

As I was sifting through the Associated Press news report looking for wire stories worth putting into the Sunday paper, one story on the news digest caught my attention right away: “President Donald Trump reacts to reports about the retirement of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe by retweeting falsehoods about McCabe’s wife.”

There were two falsehoods in that headline, and as a newspaper editor, Miele had both the standing and the interest in correcting them for his readers, something he could do on his own.  But what about the millions of readers who would see the AP dispatch all over the U.S. and the world?  Miele decided he owed it to them to get the AP to correct a factually incorrect headline.


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