The End of the EU ‘Open Door’ Policy for Refugees

In this Monday, Jan. 11, 2016 photo, people wait to leave the besieged town of Madaya, northwest of Damascus, Syria.. (AP Photo)

PJ Media
by Rick Moran


The European Union will take steps to stem the flow of African and Middle East refugees who have poured into Europe by the millions in the last four years. The EU will make a much bigger effort to keep refugees from even getting on the water by vetting them before they leave Libya and other embarkation points, winnowing out economic refugees, and more quickly processing migrants who manage to make the crossing to severely slow the flow of illegals into Europe.

Fox News:

The leaders will back the creation of “regional disembarkation platforms.” Essentially, people striking out for Italy in unseaworthy boats could be taken back — for instance, to Libya if picked up by the EU-financed and trained Libyan coast guard — or transported to neighboring countries for screening.


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One Response to The End of the EU ‘Open Door’ Policy for Refugees

  1. Bruce Steadman says:

    EU leaders press ahead with tough new Africa migrant plan

    By Lorne Cook and David Rising

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