The Six Most Important Revelations from the Comey Hearing

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The Six Most Important Revelations from the Comey Hearing

by Colin Madine


Trump supporters, swamp dwellers, and Americans from all walks of life had their eyes glued to coverage of the testimony by former FBI Director James Comey to the Senate Intelligence Committee this morning.

The hearing was treated like a major sporting event by D.C. locals, who lined up to gain entrance to local establishments for standing-room only viewing parties.

As coverage and responses to Comey’s testimony continue to unfold, we’ve gathered together six of the most important revelations from the hearing. One thing is for sure, Comey’s testimony was anything but boring.

 1) Trump was not under investigation by the FBI

When questioned by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Comey answered that President Donald Trump was not under investigation by the FBI. It was also revealed that congressional leaders had previously been briefed on this fact.

This morning Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton joined Breitbart News Daily and predicted this fact. Fitton called allegations against Trump “gossip” and “a nothing burger.”


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One Response to The Six Most Important Revelations from the Comey Hearing

  1. Bruce says:

    Left desperately trying to pretend Comey testimony contained anything they can use against Trump

    Canada Free Press
    by Dan Calabrese


    In the investigation about nothing, the left and the media are now stuck with the testimony about nothing on a day when they desperately hoped to get the bombshell that would bring down a president.

    Let’s review:

    —- James Comey thought President Trump was trying to give him a directive to drop the Mike Flynn investigation, and thinks he was subsequently fired for not dropping it. Ooh. Watergate. Right? No, because firing Comey wasn’t coupled with the dropping of anything, and his incoming successor can do whatever he wants with the investigation.

    —- Not even Comey claims Trump was trying to get him to drop the entire Russia investigation, although Trump is clearly irritated by it, as he should be because it’s a complete waste of time without any apparent point.

    —- Comey admits he leaked his infamous memo to the media through a friend, which as Rob points out may have been illegal in its own right.

    —- If Comey thought Trump was trying to obstruct an investigation, the law requires him to report that to his superiors. He never did so.

    —- And oh by the way, the Obama Justice Department was awfully aggressive in deciding to investigate Flynn for contact with a Russian diplomat that, even now, no one claims was illegal or improper.

    So where’s the meat here? There is none. We’re left with Comey’s opinion that Trump lied about why he fired him. We’re left with conflicting reports about what went on in that meeting in the Oval Office, since Trump’s denies much of Comey’s account through his lawyers. And we’re left with a possible ham-handed attempt by the president to get the FBI director to lay off a guy who they both knew hadn’t done anything wrong.

    There’s your scandal? I guess it was “riveting” if you’re into that sort of thing, but all we really got out of it was that Comey doesn’t like Trump, didn’t want to be alone with him and doesn’t think he told the truth about why he fired him.

    That’s not a scandal, although the left and the media are trying awfully hard to say it is. The accounts of the New York Times, Washington Post, Business Insider and USA Today are little more than assessments that this looks bad for Trump because they, the media, will make sure it looks bad for Trump.

    The Wall Street Journal, on the other hand, actually dealt with the substance, such that it is, and found it more than a little wanting:

    Mr. Comey confirmed that Mr. Trump never tried to block the FBI’s larger probe of potential Russian entanglement in the election and even encouraged the FBI, noting that “if some of my satellites did something wrong, it’d be good to find that out.” Despite this probative evidence, Mr. Comey claims that in an Oval Office meeting in February Mr. Trump importuned him to close the case on Michael Flynn, the National Security Adviser who had recently been fired for misleading the Vice President.

    Mr. Trump, according to Mr. Comey, defended Mr. Flynn, saying “he is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” Mr. Comey explained that “I took it as a direction to get rid of this investigation.”

    But he wouldn’t answer when Senators asked if such a direction was illegal. “I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversation I had with the President was an effort to obstruct,” Mr. Comey said. “I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning, but that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there, and whether that’s an offense.”

    Mr. Comey also admitted that after he was fired he leaked his personal memos about his Trump conversations, via a cutout at Columbia Law School, “because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.” So Mr. Comey triggers Robert Mueller’s new assignment and then tosses him responsibility while still intimating that Mr. Trump violated the law.

    ………………………………………….. ………………..

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