New York Times: Certain speech literally IS violence and it’s probably KILLING YOU!



New York Times: Certain speech literally IS violence and it’s probably KILLING YOU!


Canada Free Press
by Robert Laurie


Snowflakes don’t like being called snowflakes. The derogatory term perfectly encapsulates both their extreme fragility and their tendency to melt down at a moment’s notice, so they really can’t stand it. It probably causes them a lot of stress. So, of course, people keep using it.

That, if the New York Times is to be believed, could probably be considered some sort of assault.

People who say things often do so without any regard for the health and safety of those who might hear their words. At best, they’re callous and selfish. At worst, they’re murderers. Their weapon of choice?  …Unpleasant opinions.

Well, the Times isn’t going to take this lying down. On Friday, they wondered: Is there really any difference between speech and physical violence?  If there is, what is it?

The answer might seem obvious: Physical violence is physically damaging; verbal statements aren’t. “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

But scientifically speaking, it’s not that simple. Words can have a powerful effect on your nervous system. Certain types of adversity, even those involving no physical contact, can make you sick, alter your brain — even kill neurons — and shorten your life.

Your body’s immune system includes little proteins called proinflammatory cytokines that cause inflammation when you’re physically injured. Under certain conditions, however, these cytokines themselves can cause physical illness. What are those conditions? One of them is chronic stress.

Chronic stress, it seems, can hinder the process by which the cells in your body divide. The more stress you endure, the faster the cellular replication degrades, and the sooner you die. According to the New York Times, words you disagree with are very stressful. Therefore, it only stands to reason that certain forms of free speech are so inflammatory that they’re actually sending people to an early grave.


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