Fierce field research behind enemy lines. Dr. Conspiracy’s wife (Virginia Hutson Davidson) is a criminal and Loren Collins is a baloney man.

work table

I’ve been, as I often am, energetically and fiercely conducting field research in the days and poring over books and documents at the reading table in the nights.  In order to conduct effective and efficient field research one needs the proper foot attire and for this month of March, 2013 I’ve determined that the above pictured Nike Ralstons are appropriate and adequate.

I will report again soon.

In the mean time I trust that a brief report from behind enemy lines in Obotopia will suffice:

1.    Fact bungler and homophile author Loren Collins has published a book (pictured above in my photograph) titled, Bullspotting: Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation.  The book is published by Prometheus Books.  In the first paragraph of Chapter 1, or ‘Baloney Detection’, we find that Collins confidently and forcefully asserts that Ernest Hemingway said, in 1965, “Every man should have a built-in automatic crap detector operating inside him.”

homophile collins0001

Ernest Hemingway died on July 2, 1961 just a month or so before Barack Hussein Obama II was born at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya.

How could Ernest Hemingway have said anything in 1965 if he died in 1961?    How did an erroneous assertion like that end up on the same page in which the author harps on ‘founts of misinformation’, ‘unreliable’ information and on the first page of a chapter entitled ‘Baloney Detection’?

Moreover, after publication of the book it became overtly and abundantly clear that the homophile author, Loren Collins, had made the little mistake (misinformation, unreliable information or just plain baloney?) on page 15 of his book about finding facts in misinformation. Rather than admit that he made a small mistake on page 15 he chose to issue the following pubescent repudiation on January 20, 2013:

“While I admit the phrasing could have been better, the Hemingway quote is not a mistake. In fact, it’s even footnoted with the original source. It is indeed an authentic Hemingway quote, which was first published in The Atlantic magazine in 1965, in an article by Robert Manning titled “Hemingway in Cuba.” The fact that the article was the product of several years of interviews with Hemingway is what resulted in it being published posthumously. I attributed the quote to the date of publication, unaware that Hemingway had died in the interim. And Manning’s name appears per Chicago Style citation rules, because he’s the author of the article wherein the quote was published.”

Rather than admit he had indeed made a mistake (misinformation, lol) and find the humor in it as a confident and levelheaded person might do, and laugh at himself, Collins instead becomes atypically defensive and argues that the ‘quote is not a mistake’.

If I were to find a garland of lost diaries written by the great George Washington Carver (he died in 1943) and publish them in the year 2013 I would not expect to find conscientious and levelheaded writers quoting Carver by saying that ‘George Washington Carver said this in 2013.’  It just doesn’t make sense.

It seems that Loren Collins has serious issues with personal responsibility and owning up to mistakes. People often hide their mistakes from other people because they worry that they will think less of them once they’ve seen that they’ve messed up. But acknowledging your mistakes, apologizing for them, and then earnestly working to make things right almost always has the opposite effect – people respect you for it. There might still be consequences, of course, but people will appreciate your honesty. When you hide your mistakes, and they’re found out anyway, people lose their respect and their trust in you.

The more you refuse to acknowledge your mistakes, the more you create an alternate universe for yourself. This leads to a decreased ability to make good choices, as the information you’re using to do so is warped.

2.   Some of Dr. Conspiracy’s overzealous and seemingly mindless fans boys are encouraging Keven Wayne Davidson (Dr. Conspiracy) to file for a restraining order or other kind of legal protection against me because I drew a nude (?) robot (Obot) picture of his wife, Queen of the Obots, and listed her true, correct and complete legal name along with her date of birth on the same.

In my artistic pencil sketch rendering of Mrs. Conspiracy (Virginia Hutson Davidson) her torso consists of nothing more than an old hot water heater with cold (blue) and hot (red) water outlets as well as a pressure relief valve on the side which serves as an arm.  Moreover, I’m not certain what a nude robot is or what one should look like.

Was I the first person to publish Mrs. Conspiracy’s name and date of birth (and her address) online?  No, I wasn’t.   If she wasn’t a criminal I wouldn’t have found her:

State of South Carolina VS Virginia Hutson Davidson.

What did she do?  What law did she break?  Answer: 2485-Traffic / Operating or permitting operation of vehicle which is not registered and licensed.

Was it a criminal offense?  Answer: Yes.   Here is a screenshot of the ‘Criminal Traffic’ case.  Cause number D144826, filed 08.08.2008:

Spartanburg County Obot criminal history

Here is a screenshot of her bio data, i.e, name, address, race, sex and date of birth:

Spartanburg Obot bio data

She was ordered to pay, among other things, the following costs/fines:

$5.00 – SC Criminal Justice Academy Training.

$2.95 – Victim Services Asm:

Spartanburg Obot crime fines

She was also charged in, yet not convicted, a separate traffic case, cause number D144827, filed 08.12.2008: 2559-Traffic / Failure to maintain proof of insurance in motor vehicle (same penalty as 2472).  Disposition: Not Guilty Bench Trial.  Note that in the two screenshots below this particular case is not a ‘Criminal Traffic’ case like the above cited criminal traffic case but is instead listed as ‘Traffic’ (non-criminal) and also note that her race, ‘White’, is listed (whereas it is not listed in the above cited criminal traffic case):

Spartanburg Obot white female not guilty

Spartanburg Obot not guilty

Its all online and you can find it by searching for Virginia Davidson at

Exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so.

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24 Responses to Fierce field research behind enemy lines. Dr. Conspiracy’s wife (Virginia Hutson Davidson) is a criminal and Loren Collins is a baloney man.

  1. Voice of Reason says:

    I thought smearing and digging up dirt fell into the whole “Alinsky Tactics” that you birthtards decry.

  2. Rambo Ike says:

    Holy Toledo, this is going viral on the Web.

    Arrested for multiple criminal offenses against the State of South Carolina. Wow!

    I don’t see a release date. How much time did she get behind bars?

  3. Rambo Ike says:

    Oh my God! Just when you think it can’t get any worse with the Obots.

    Great investigative work as reported by Yoel & Anon on Orly Taitz’s website. Signs are that this will go viral on the Web.

    I had no idea till these recent disclosures came out on the insect eating Fatty McKinnion, operator of the smear machine known as Bad Fiction, that he was into Kiddie Porn [Care Bear S&M Bondage] on the internet going back more than 10 years.

    Is this something law enforcement would be interested in knowing about? If so, someone needs to contact the BAU at the FBI.

    Now with this 2nd disclosure of being Poly {morphodite characteristics) and somewhat of an expert on the LBGT community leads one to wonder if Fatty has had some romps with the Lavender Hill Mob.

    These recent revelations must be heartbreaking for Daddy Davidson.

  4. Rambo Ike says:

    Update on the sick & twisted mind of the insect eating Patrick “Fatty” McKinnion.

    I’m posting it here because I know the Obots who are going spastic & foaming at the mouth over some recent posts by Lucas, will read it.

    Somehow a/or poster(s) have been able to find some statements by Fatty on blog sites (?) that go back around 10 years or so ago – interesting.

    Here’s the latest. Fatty responding to a blogger named James:

    “James wrote: Do you understand that we know you are a member of the KKK?? You are not welcome here.”

    “I was making a generalized statement based upon my experience as a member of the KKK and a Pagan.”
    ~Patrick McKinnion

    This is rich seeing this coming fromFatty as he has been one of the leading racemongers on the internet over the last 4 years.

    According to Fatty & his mindless flock this is coming from either a Yoel or Anon who I’ve seen post on Orly’s website. They have connected it also to a John Steel.

    Fatty has confirmed with statements on his smear site some of the recent discoveries of his involvement as a voyeur in online Kiddie S&M Bondage Porn with Barney, Care Bears, and Dragon Tails. Fatty is one sick puppy!

  5. Rambo Ike says:

    Commie Tracker reporting on the Cesspool that makes up the Obot blogs:

    The marxist-minded Dr. Con & his useful idiot lapdog Choir are still going strong. Their latest offering on March 28th – this is only one of hundreds of threads – speaks to what consumes their hearts & minds.

    Dr. Con: “What I am saying here is that the specific concerns from the mouths of the Framers are not applicable, not relevant to the present day.”

    [Note: This is the “small dose style” that many Obot propagandists like Dr. Con have continually repeated over the last 5 years. It’s a brain-washing designed to get his flock and target audience to believe the Constitution is no longer relevant. Who said if you repeat the lie often enough people will begin to believe it?]

    [The following goes to what has become the default position when Obots feel they are losing in a debate]:

    Lupin: But then, your racist agenda only targets Obama for whatever imagined evils you think he is guilty of.

    Lupin:“Presidenting while black” appears to be your main if not only objection of substance to Obama.

    Lupin: Obviously any shenanigans are OK with you except if the Prez is blackety blackety black. Then the pitchforks come out. There’s a word for that. Oh, yes: racist.

    Andrew Vrba: And lets face it, birtherism is lousy with racists, Islamaphobes, homophobes and other assorted bigots, who fear anyone who isn’t a WASP

    SluggoJD: The guy is a racist piece of poop.

    SluggoJD: Doc, please ban intellectually dishonest folks and racists for life. And publish their IPs, because they don’t deserve to be treated like good folks.

    [Poor Sluggo can’t hang. Seriously, it’s Obots projecting onto others what consumes their dark hearts. I experienced it when I was engaging them on Dr. Con’s blog. After catching Dr.Con, Lupin, and a number of their flock spreading lies and distorting the facts on a many issues they banned me in an attempt to save face.]

  6. @ Rambo Ike:

    You probably already know but, just in case, SluggoJD’s claims (he might have been outed first, by others, years ago) that his real name John Dean and that he lives, or works, in Santa Ana, California. He also claims to be a former MSgt in the Air Force (1976-1992).

    You can find his posts, on many different websites, going back to at least 2006 (although I think even further back than that).

    I think that he may, among other jobs, work for the US Government. Moreover, ‘John Dean’ may not even be his real name.

    There are also a number of old, and strange, online posts in which SluggoJD aka John Dean aka whatever his real name is, wrote unfriendly remarks regarding Barack Obama.

  7. @ Rambo Ike:
    Here is an example of an old, and odd, SluggoJD aka John Dean (aka whatever his name is) Obama-bashing comment:

  8. @ Rambo Ike:

    The foregoing comments (Susan and John Dean/SluggoJD) were once posted at an article, Obama Stands Accused of Conduct Unbecoming a Presidential Candidate [Updates: Chicago Tribune, more MSM], written by ‘SusanUnPC’. Susan, or Larry Johnson, at SluggoJD’s request, have now deleted the comments.

    But the wording of the comments can still be picked up in Google search (though no longer in Google cache):

  9. @ Rambo Ike:
    Here is another example of an old, odd (and this one is more significant) Obama-bashing comment that SluggoJD/John Dean made on the same website (

  10. @ Rambo Ike:

    The foregoing comment (SluggoJD/John Dean) was once posted at an article, “Let Me Explain to Obamazoids Why We Don’t Care To Hear From You”, written by ‘Uppity Woman ’. Uppity Woman, or Larry Johnson, at SluggoJD’s request, have now deleted the comment.

    But the wording of the comment can still be picked up in Google search (though no longer in Google cache):

  11. Rambo Ike says:

    @ Lucas Daniel Smith:

    I didn’t know about any of these Obots, or the Cesspool they operate in even existed till around the biginning of 2011 when I got an email with a couple links to check out some of their sites. The one exception is Fatty McKinnion who I believe is the same BadFiction I remember seeing post on Attorney Berg’s site in late 2008.

    Glad you posted that on Sluggo. It confirms what I’ve been profiling. One can easily assume from his past comments he’s a Democrat and conflicted over having to vote for a black guy.

    Most of the Obots have shown themselves to be extremely liberal/progressive, Left to farLeft, & members of the Democrat Party. It looks like, with few exceptions, their racemongering & smearing is an attempt at cover by them by projecting onto the Republican Party, Conservatives, and Birthers what is their long family history of being associated with the racist, Jim Crow, segregationist Democrat Party platforms that goes back 50, 100, or possibly even in some cases 150 years.

    Some recent revelations of Fatty McKinnion, the online voyeur of porn objects associated with children, that he was affiliated with the KKK provides even more evidence of what the Obots are doing. Dr. Con who looks to be a good ol’ boy from the deep South leads one to wonder what all he has been involved with throughout his earlier years.

  12. Rambo Ike wrote:

    Dr. Con who looks to be a good ol’ boy from the deep South leads one to wonder what all he has been involved with throughout his earlier years.

    Here is what Dr. Conspiracy (Kevin Wayne Davidson) has said himself regarding his past:

  13. Rambo Ike says:

    ATTENTION !!!!!!!

    This just in from the gum shoes at Commie Tracker:

    Reports of possible Malware and/or Virus infestation at Dr. Con’s [aka Dr. ConArtist] propaganda site.

    This has been a public service announcement.

    As always,
    Rambo Ike {riding roughshod over Obot ignorance & deceit]

  14. Rambo Ike says:

    Commie Tracker reporting for 4/19:

    Gloom sets in over Obotistan. Hopes were dashed for the sorry Obots and their fellow travelers in the anti-American 5th Column when reports revealed the Boston Marathon bombers were some of their fellow-in-arms muslims.

    Leftist propaganda peddlers & smear merchants like Dr. Con & Fatty McKinnion had anticipated a new smear campaign if it was reported the bombers were Birthers or Tea Party members.

    On another note: Silly uneducated Obot Deborah doesn’t know the difference between Chechnya & Moldova.

  15. Rambo Ike says:

    Is this the same “ellen” that posts here as “ehancock”?:

    “They [Birthers] have a motive, and it is not at all nice. They only act as if the truth was meaningless because they hope to find a nut with a gun who believes the lies.”

    “But most birther sites and most of those who post on them just say that they believe that Obama was born in a foreign county even though they really don’t because they hope there will be a violent nut who believes that claim.”

    Looks likes, if that’s her, she’s not the civil person I thought she was.

  16. Rambo Ike says:

    The latest on the sick & twisted mind of insect eating Fatty McKinnion:

    It was noticed last week by a number of people that Fatty has a picture of himself up on the internet advertising for Homo-Sex and asking the Guys to call him. Thomas Brown, G-string, Andrew Vrba, and The Magic M, some of the known Obot sweetie pies, showed up hoping to be chosen. Strangely missing among the Blades are MonkeyBoy & Roadburner.

    That by itself wouldn’t be seen so alarming as people advertise for all kinds of things on the internet, but coming on the heels of the revelation by Fatty to being a big collector [800MB] of online cartoon porn material we’d associate with pre-schoolers [Barney & Dragon Tails] it paints a picture of one extremely perverted mentally deranged individual.

    “I may have some in my collection of cartoon porn. I know I just got some DragonTales and Barney stuff. Let me search for it when I get home. It may take a while to look for it, I think the collection is about 800 or so MB in size right now.”
    ~~Patrick McKinnion

    Like me, when other parents & grand-parents seen that statement from Fatty, the warning light started flashing. The obvious questions that come to mind is what is an over 40 year old man doing collecting that type of porn, and has it escalated to something more over the last 10 or so years? From his statement one can surmise a minimun of 2 computers were/are involved with his sickness.

    On another note, the pervert McKinnion says: “No racial or sexual slurs will be allowed on his site……….Repeated abuse of these rules will result in your being blocked.” Fatty needs to block himself. The sexual slurs on his site over the last few years against women, especially one female attorney, are well known, and his racial attacks against others has reached legendary status in the Anti-Birther Cesspool.

  17. Rambo Ike says:

    Over the past few days a number of Birthers, apparently new ones calling her a nut case, have inquired about Squeeky Fromm after seeing her hate filled spewings at Hammer & Sickle Foggy’s FagBlow.

    Here’s what CommieTracker has profiled on the Squeeky Fromm you’re seeing at the FagBlow:

    She was a Birther that used to blog at Free Republic. Started reading & commenting at the Obot propaganda-smear sites of recovering racist Dr. Con, Hammer & Sickle Foggy, and kiddie-porn perv Fatty McKinnion. It wasn’t long after that that she too wanted to be a propaganda-smear merchant like them. That hatred they peddle appealed to that deeper darker nature that resides inside her so Squeeky started her own propaganda-smear site.

    Last year I exchanged niceties with some of the mindless Obots that were blogging there. Towards the end of the year it became noticable in her comments that she’d become a few cards short of a full deck, then she disappeared. There was much speculation & giggles on the Birther Grapevine believing that she went over the edge. Some of her looney Obot comrades left messages on the site wondering what had happened & telling her the Birthers were making fun of her, which they were.

    After about 6 months she has reappeared. According to what she recently stated on the 5th, she was having mental malfunctions in the cranial area, slipped into a form of idiocy, and admits she must of been mad. Apparently she got some type of therapy or theraputic advice because she goes on to say that after the long break she knew she was cured, and today knows she is mentally healthy once again. This time to protect her sanity and not have another slip she intends to only post up once per day of less, do exercises, and eat lots of veggies.

    That’s good advise for someone rehabing from a break with reality. I honestly don’t understand how the Obots continue on with the Big Lie – it has to be wearing on them, and they know we are all laughing at their mindless babble.

  18. Hmmm. If I am sooo insignificant, why did the Free Republic Birthers cry and whine so much to get me banned??? What really happened is that the Birthers at Free Republic are a bunch of crybaby little tittie wussies who can’t handle a fire-breathing Texas girl who gets right in their faces and calls them out for being bald-faced liars and idiots. Here are some pictures of them begging that Jim Whatever person to save them from me:

    Zot!!! Free Republic Birthers Run In Panic-Stricken Terror From The Truth!!!

    How pathetic!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporters

  19. Rambo Ike says:

    @ Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:

    You won’t get anywhere with me trying to smear Free Republic. It’s one of the premier political site, and on my Top 10 since 2000. Jim Robinson’s mission statement is almost the same as mine. Yes, I’m a Freeper.

    You have any idea how big that site is or how many articles & comments are posted there on a daily basis? At that size their bound to have an occasional squabble or disagreement. Get over yourself & stop the sniveling. Checking your ego is mentally healthy.

    You don’t fit the profile of a Texan. I’m not native, but I live in General Lee’s backyard, about a 10 min drive from where Sam Houston’s forces captured Santa Anna & his Yellow Rose, winning independence for Texas.

    I told you last year you were being played for a stooge by your Obot handlers, and you still haven’t caught on. The whole idea of birther debunking is a Big Lie and nothing more than a cover for advancing Obama’s farLeft [marxist] agenda for America. Ask yourself the simple question: Why have the Obots in the anti-Birther Cesspool attacked & viciously smeared every attorney representing the American people bringing the law suits against Obama? It would only makes sense if they, the Obots, believed Obama is lying.

    Why would somebody claiming to be a Texas Girl want to model herself after such poor examples; an admitted racist, a pinko-commie cap wearer, and a kiddie-porn pervert. You can do better than to wallow in the gutter with people like that.

  20. @Rambo Ike:

    It ain’t a SMEAR, if it is the truth. I go to Free Republic several times a day, and weed thru all the silliness to read the decent articles. If whoever runs the place thinks it is OK to let a bunch of little wussie Birthers who wet their widdle panties every time somebody gets in their face have moderator status, then that is their business.

    BUT, I have a right to call them out on it. As a Freeper, you ought to be ashamed that your website is composed of such a bunch of chickens and cowards that they allow stuff like that. Do you notice how I do NOT censor you on my website???

    It is because I am not afraid of what you may say. Obots and Anti-Birthers don’t mind disagreement. But Freepers and Birthers in general have to have moderated sites where they can be safe from the Big Bad Obots and Scary Anti-Birthers.

    I guess it comes from being all IRRATIONAL like Mark Levin says. How can you and other Freepers and Birthers even look at yourselves in the mirror being such a bunch of little nervous Nellies??? Why aren’t you on Free Republic demanding that your frightened little Birther Buddies stop trying to censor people who disagree with them???

    OH Wait! If you did that, then they might ZOT you! Sooo, RamboIke, you just go on pretending to yourself that you are all big and bad and brave. You are safe from anybody on Free Republic busting you out. I am sure they will provide you with a pacifier if you ask.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  21. Voice of Reason says:

    @ Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter:
    You go girl!!!

  22. Pingback: Attorney Loren Christopher Collins to represent [currently under consideration by me] Lucas Daniel Smith in extradition to Kenya case (Pro bono). | Lucas Daniel Smith's Blog

  23. Pingback: October 2012 Attorney Loren Collins and the Joel Gilbert’s Dreams From My Real Father | Lucas Daniel Smith's Blog

  24. Why does Amazon sometimes remove review comments which appear to be legitimate (i.e., not spam, no advertising and no offensive/vulgar language)? The other week I received the following email notification from Amazon informing me that someone named “Francois” posted a new comment (Dec. 4th, 2014) regarding my review (June 25th, 2013) of Loren Collin’s book, Bullspotting: Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation:

    Mr. Smith’s ‘review’ makes a virtually air-tight case regarding the contribution of Mr. Collins’ book. Thank you for the inspiration to purchase copies to send to friends and family. This will make good bedtime story reading. I’m raising my kids to recognize nonsense and BS as illogical as trying to convince a whole population that 2+2= 5. Because an authority figure or institution said so doesn’t make it fact or true. The book is a great contribution to our society’s very difficult road to reality. The ignorance of tribalism has been cleverly manufactured and played. Democratic and republican politicians are just different prostitutes in the same whorehouse. If I want news, I’m better off with The Onion. If I want laughs, I tune into Fox – until I remember some people seriously believe…

    When I went to Amazon to read the comment I discovered that the comment was “Deleted by Amazon on Dec 5, 2014 12:35:44 AM PST”

    Screen-snip of the email which contains the now deleted comment:

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