Operation Fish Bucket.

Yesterday (07.23.2011) a friend and I went fishing on the falls of a lake here in eastern Iowa.  The above photo was taken at the conclusion of our early morning fishing trip.

I caught some crappie and also two decent sized striper fish.   Crappie are my most desired fish and in my opinion are the tastiest fish.  The fish at the foot of the chain and the fish at the head of the chain, in the above photo, are the striper fish.  Striper fish are hybrids.

The only downside of fishing is the offensive fish smell which clings to your hands and sometimes your clothing.   Its a laborious and toilsome job to completely wash off that unpleasant fishy smell that has affixed itself to your hands.

Yesterday while filleting my fish I started thinking about the fraudulent Hawaiian certificate of live birth that Barack Obama digitally-disclosed to the public back on the 27th day of April, 2011.   I was curious as to what number of people (how many people) have physically handled Obama’s tangible, yet fraudulent, 2011-certified copy of 1961 Hawaiian certificate of live birth.   Then I realized that I have no way of really and truly knowing whether or not the said Obama document is indeed a tangible (perceptible by touch) document.  All that I have seen is a digital image.   The displeasing fishy smell hit me again.    This time it wasn’t just the fishy smell that had adhered itself to my fingers.

Again I said to myself, if this purported 2011-certified image of Obama’s purported 1961 original Hawaiian birth record does indeed exist in a tangible paper form then just how many people have handled this said tangible document?   Furthermore, I said to myself, what are the names of these individuals?

Over the course of the last 2.5 years I’ve sometimes been accused of not allowing anyone to view and handle the tangible 2009-certified copy of Barack Obama’s 1961, Coast Province General Hospital (CPGH), Kenyan certificate of birth.   Sometimes such remarks don’t always come as accusations but rather as erroneous statements by critics and Obots to the effect that the 1961 CPGH Kenyan birth record is only a digital image and why should anyone bother looking into something that no person has ever physically seen, in-person, or physically handled.

Such statements are counterfactual.  FACT: I’ve physically presented, to scores of various individuals, the 2009-certified copy of Barack Obama’s 1961 original, true and correct birth record issued by the CPGH in Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya, in the year 1961.

The following undermentioned individuals have physically handled the aforementioned Kenyan birth record (Note: This is not a comprehensive listing.  This is a truncated list of names):

1.   Marc Harris.   (Glenn Beck sent Harris to interview me, face to face, in 2009.  Harris has publicly stated that, “My name is Marc Harris. I am a writer and researcher–I work with the Glenn Beck Show. I just gather and give them information, I don’t do anything else.”   Harris is a freelance political researcher, writer, author, speaker.)

2.   Attorney Pamela Patterson.

3.   Attorney Philip J. Berg.

4.   Litigation aficionado Charles Edward Lincoln III.

5.   Attorney Orly Taitz.

6.   Kathy Ann Garcia-Lawson.

7.   Peyton Yates Freiman.

8.   Bruce Steadman.

9.   William Wagener.

10.   My attorney in the state of New Jersey.

The following undermentioned offices and agencies have physically handled the aforementioned Kenyan birth record.

1.   Department of Homeland Security.

2.   Federal Bureau of Investigation.

3.   Office of US Senator Charles E. Grassley.

There might not be a definitive method for a third party to independently verify that the three above listed offices/agencies have physically handled the said tangible Kenyan birth record.  Likewise, I don’t know that it is possible that I, or anyone else, can independently verify that an office, agency or other government or corporate entity has physically handled the purported tangible (paper) 2011-certified copy of Obama’s purported 1961 original Hawaiian certificate of live birth.

With that said I’d like a list of names of real people that have seen, in-person, and have physically touched, the said 2011-certified Hawaiian birth record that Barack Obama claims is a true and correct copy of his original 1961 Hawaiian birth record.

I’ve labeled this project as Operation Fish Bucket.  Anyone, including an inhabitant of Obotopia, is welcome and implored to participate.  Simply leave a comment, here on this blog, which contains the name or names of individuals (i.e., not buildings, not agencies and not acronyms) that have physically touched the said purported 2011-certified Hawaiian birth record.

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13 Responses to Operation Fish Bucket.

  1. SamSewell says:

    My name is Mickey Mouse and I have personally handled and seen President Obama’s April 2011 birth certificate. I also contributed to President Obama’s campaign. Public records will prove my contribution.

  2. Phyllis says:

    Hi, Sam/Mickey…Did Minnie witness your touching-handling the bc? Or perhaps contribute to your contribution to bho’s campaign? Or perhaps Donald Duck, maybe Goofy & Smow White. I know they voted for him. Wonder if they will again.

  3. Phyllis says:

    Seriously, No one can be named as a touchee of the 2011 certified Hawaiian burth record because it doesn’t exist.

  4. Phyllis says:

    Lucas, nice fish. I’ll be right over for dinner. To get the fishy smell off your hands, rub some lemon juice on everything that smells fishy. It won’t improve the Hawaiian documents but it will remove real fish odor from your hands.

  5. Fishy ? Might recommend obtaining several CERTIFIED COPIES from the Federal Court where Orly Taitz, Attorney filed the Declaration and Exhibit as THAT IS A CERTIFIED COPY OF A COURT DOCUMENT, not what has been presented as the original fingerprints of anyone touching the document can be brought out in a forensic chemical process with the Original. Still feel the signature shown on your CPGH item is female and until you can obtain the CERTIFIED COPY FROM THE COURT you can talk all you desire about same being CERTIFIED when it is not fisherman. RE-BAIT THE HOOK with a Certified Copy of the filing with Federal Court Lucas. 072511 @ 1:52 AM Eastern

  6. Hi Ralph,

    The fishy part is applied to the April 2011 released Hawaiian document. Not Kenyan document that I obtained in 2009.

  7. Hi Phyllis,

    You are welcome to dine at my house anytime. And thank you for the tip regarding lemon juice.

  8. Check with the GURU’S as CERTIFIED COPY would indeed be certified from a U.S. Federal Court of the Declaration and Exhibit which was received. Right now you have only a piece of paper Lucas with no one CERTIFYING IT. The other way the document STANDS AS A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE FILING ACCEPTED BY THE COURT AS TRUE ! Just a thought overlooked by everyone with a case involving the man born in Kenya.

    Senior members of Congress TRIED to get the Constitution Changed to allow anyone to be in the office and remember THEY HAVE LIFETIME TENURE instead of being limited to one term or maximum of two terms so THEY have a vested interest in supporting the man from Kenya who the FBI, USSS, Local Police cannot arrest because no badge carrying individual is not under control of the Executive Branch. Hmmm ?

    Right now remember the Children of America going to school are in danger Lucas since the water hot and cold were shut down, chlorine left the lines and bacteria like FIRE LINE WATER is contaminated. School will open, kids and adults fed bacteria water, swimming in bacteria laden pools and drinking bacteria laden drinks plus eating super bacteria laden foods and perhaps cereals for months until the Chlorine of 3-5 PPM flows freely through water fountains YET the aerator and shower heads will still be contaminated for YEARS ! Num Num ! Now that is really as scary as the Kenyan and his Congressional pals getting back in the saddle in 2012. You child in school yet ? Drink Distilled Water ONLY Lucas.

  9. Bruce Steadman says:

    As Lucas states in this post, I indeed had the opportunity to physically hold and closely examine the Certified Copy of the August 4, 1961 Birth Certificate of Barack Hussein Obama II, which he obtained directly from the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya in February of 2009.

    I thought this an appropriate occasion to elaborate a little on this remarkable experience since Lucas mentioned my name in his post. Lucas sent me the document via USPS Certified Mail to hold for safe keeping in late August 2010 and I held the document in my physical possession until early December 2010. Lucas maintained legal possession of the document throughout this period. In early December, at Lucas’ direction, I sent the document, again via USPS Certified Mail, to his designated attorney.

    I do not have any unique ‘forensic evaluation’ expertise and I did not have the document examined in any way by anyone else, except my wife. However, I did examine the document very carefully myself, including use of a magnifying glass. I can assure anyone reading this comment that the document appears to be authentic in every respect.

    Although I do not have any forensic expertise, I do consider myself an intelligent, detail-oriented professional, fully capable of exercising good judgment. I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree, with a major in Chemistry and a Master of Science Degree in Radiation Biology from a large, nationally-recognized, relatively prestigious university. At age 72, I am now retired, but I earned my living as a professional chemist working in the specialty chemicals industry, both as a development chemist and in senior management positions for slightly over 40 years. Prior to that, I served for approximately 3 years as a junior military officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve, following my ROTC training in college.

    More importantly than the above, I think, is the fact that I have worked very closely with Lucas, primarily via e-mail correspondence, for a period of about 2 years. I have closely read what he has published and I have closely observed how he has acted on a number of occasions. I consider him a capable, talented and determined individual.

    I believe Lucas Daniel Smith has obtained and now has in his legal possession a true certified copy of Barack Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate. I hope this short posted comment by me, in his behalf, will help bring both him and his valuable document the recognition they both most certainly deserve.

  10. Phyllis says:

    Bruce…Bravo..Well done!

  11. Thank you very much Bruce!

  12. MikTaerg says:

    since no was has “handled” the Us declaration of War to Germany, WW2 NEVER EXISTED.
    you guys are fools. How many millions of certified hard-copies would be necessary ?

  13. Pingback: Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate « thearizonapatriot

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