Harvard Law Review editor Barack Obama and his 1991 ad for TBS’ “Black History Minute”.

Today, November 21, 2011, is the first time that I’ve ever seen this video.

Youtuber Akaczynski1 uploaded it to youtube on 11.16.2011 and in the relatively short period of time since then (five days now) the video had garnered more than 385,100 views.

However, it appears that the video was first uploaded to youtube almost three years ago (2 years and 8 months ago today) on March 21, 2009 by youtuber rolochoshu.  The title of the video is Barack Obama in a Black History Minute from 1991.  In the two years and eight months that the video has been on youtube it has received more than 82,400 views.

Interesting video.

UPDATE #1:   A mere 12 hours after publishing this blog report the video embedded above (Akaczynski1’s upload) has went from around 385,100 views to more than 944,800 views.    More than half a million additional views in the span of 12 hours.

Rolochoshu’s upload has also climbed from around 82,400 views to more than 84,400 views in the same time span.   Approximately 2,000 additional views.

UPDATE #2:   Akaczynski1’s upload has now went from around 944,800 views to well over one million views (approximately 1,042,400 views).    This amounts to more than 97,000 additional views in the span of 6 hours.

Rolochoshu’s upload has also now climbed (barely) from around 84,400 views to nearly 84,600 views in the same time span.   Approximately 200 additional views in the span of 6 hours.

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9 Responses to Harvard Law Review editor Barack Obama and his 1991 ad for TBS’ “Black History Minute”.

  1. Bruce says:

    An original article from the Daily Caller, which discusses the video, is quoted below. —
    “Early video of Obama surfaces from Harvard Law School era”

    “By Meg Gasvoda – The Daily Caller 11:39 PM 11/17/2011”


    “A 20-year-old video clip of Barack Obama hit YouTube on Thursday. The future president appeared on a televised “Black History Minutes” segment in 1991, the same year he graduated from Harvard law school.

    The early video, originally broadcast by TBS as a public service announcement, may have been Obama’s first-ever appearance on national television.

    The president made this video some five years before running for a state Senate seat in Illinois. The script, which he either memorized or read from a teleprompter, concerned the accomplishments of Charles Hamilton Houston, the African-American lawyer who taught Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

    Obama’s voice in 1991, far lower-pitched and more measured than what Americans are accustomed to in 2011, is only marginally recognizable.

    “The distinguished lawyer Charles Hamilton Houston was born in 1895, eight months before the Supreme Court’s ‘separate but equal’ ruling in Plessy vs. Ferguson. He spent his career fighting to overturn that decision,” Obama intoned. “As director of the NAACP legal campaign, Houston masterminded the strategy that eventually led to the historic decision of Brown vs. Board of Education.”

    Presuming the TBS public service announcement ran during February, which is traditionally acknowledged as Black History Month, Obama was 29 years old at the time of the broadcast. He was identified on-screen as editor of the Harvard Law Review.

    As the 2012 election cycle heats up, the Obama campaign should expect more early videos to be unearthed as Americans take a closer look at the early beliefs of their president. The Daily Caller has already reported on another early video (http://youtu.be/b91nsPDQFUk) from Obama’s 2004 U.S. Senate campaign, in which he tested talking points that he would become more familiar during his 2008 White House run.

    Obama’s approval numbers have fallen precipitously as the economy has deteriorated. Additional vintage videos of the president may yet emerge for the benefit of a public more eager than ever to vet their future leaders.”

    Free Republic ran a short thread titled, “Early video of Obama surfaces from Harvard Law School era (Black History Minutes)” which was started 11/18/2011 by ‘Just4Him’.

    The FR thread is linked below.


    I wonder WHY this interesting video has JUST NOW surfaced! I’d like to think that SOME RESPONSIBLE GROUP is seeking to quietly generate discussions regarding the largely hidden past of BHO, as perhaps intimated in the following re-quoted statement from the above reproduced article. Additional vintage videos MAY indeed surface, and additional facts regarding Obama’s secret past MAY eventually see the light of day – but there are still a LOT of people working diligently to keep-buried this whole sordid mess! … ‘Misprision of Felony’ is a serious crime, a truth not lost on those legions of despicable traitors seeking to forever preserve their own precious fannies in their present, un-incarcerated state!

    “Additional vintage videos of the president may yet emerge for the benefit of a public more eager than ever to vet their future leaders.”

  2. Bruce wrote:

    “Additional vintage videos of the president may yet emerge for the benefit of a public more eager than ever to vet their future leaders.”

    I agree.

  3. Mik Tiger says:

    I’ve seen this video 3 years ago. At the time it was shot Barack Obama was the president of Harvar Law Review. There is really nothing diminutive about him to be found in this document, I am sure Lucas shares my view.

  4. Bruce says:

    — on further consideration, perhaps the ‘WHY’ for this video’s current major PROMOTION is simply – the ‘radical-left progressives’ feel that they have to start advertising BHO’s ‘long-term’ support for his BLACK constituency.

    Although Obama still commands strong loyalty from this group, it has been eroding significantly in recent months due in large part to the poor economy and lack of available jobs.

    I just did a ‘Google Search’ for the phrase, in quotes – “obama 1991 tbs black history” and received 10,400 hits. Although the video was apparently quietly released and viewed three years ago by some in the public, as ‘Mik Tiger’ states, it is definitely being PROMOTED BIG TIME NOW!

  5. Bruce says:

    — and please remember that Obama’s handlers ALSO have to keep the pressure on that large constituency of ‘GUILT-FOR-SLAVERY INFLICTED WHITE’ voters who definitely have been abandoning him recently in significant numbers.

    Linked below is the 8/15/2011 article by ‘Ulsterman’ titled, “White House Insider: The Obama Plan – Part Two” in which BHO’s ‘play the race card’ tactic is discussed in detail.


  6. @ Mik Tiger:

    Great Kim aka Mik Taerg,

    In case you haven’t noticed, you can post (at least for the time being) under your original name(s) if you’d like. You don’t have to keep posting under deviations of your original name(s).

  7. Greatkim says:


  8. Jeffrey Gower says:

    please note that Obama was not “editor” of the Harvard Law Review; he was the “president,” an elected position that is largely ceremonial. The law review editor actually has to do legal academic work, while the law review president does the introducton of speakers, sees that there are enough chairs for speeches, etc. to say Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review gives him waaaaay too much credit for that product.

  9. Jeffrey Gower wrote:

    please note that Obama was not “editor” of the Harvard Law Review; he was the “president,” an elected position that is largely ceremonial. The law review editor actually has to do legal academic work, while the law review president does the introducton of speakers, sees that there are enough chairs for speeches, etc. to say Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review gives him waaaaay too much credit for that product.

    @ Jeffrey Gower:

    Thank you for this information and I will look into making an official correction.

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