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Video: Megyn Kelly tries to convince a skeptical panel that Obama is not a Muslim.

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  • Video: Megyn Kelly tries to convince a skeptical panel that Obama is not a Muslim.

    Megyn Kelly SHUTS DOWN a panelist:Obama is Not a Muslim

    Published on Sep 17, 2015 by 'Facebookable'

    Tonight Megyn Kelly discussed with her panel the Muslim question Trump got during his townhall tonight. One of the panelists seemed to entertain the idea that Obama could be a Muslim…but Kelly shut her down saying emphatically Obama is NOT a Muslim, that we know
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

    Yahoo News

    Jill Colvin, Associated Press


    ROCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump declined Thursday to correct a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim and said he'd be "looking at" claims of terrorist training camps on American soil.

    "We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

    Trump, who was a driver of the "birther" movement that claimed Obama wasn't born in the U.S, first responded with feigned exasperation — "We need the question," he said, to laughs — but let the man continue.

    "We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question," the questioner continued. "When can we get rid of it?"


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-18-2015, 02:30 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Megyn Kelly SHUTS DOWN a panelist: Obama is NOT a Muslim

      The Right Scoop



      Tonight Megyn Kelly discussed with her panel the Muslim question Trump got during his townhall tonight. One of the panelists seemed to entertain the idea that Obama could be a Muslim…but Kelly shut her down saying emphatically Obama is NOT a Muslim, that we know that!

      Look, I’ve not hid the fact that I do believe Obama is a Muslim. The fact that he says he’s a Christian is phony boloney. And I don’t believe any of this because I don’t like him.

      I could go through a litany of reasons, whether it be his actions in the Middle East from Libya to Syria or the fact that his own family raises money to send kids to Islamist schools in Saudi Arabia, or the fact that he loves celebrating special Muslim holidays but really doesn’t care about Christian anything…and on and on it goes. And I haven’t even mentioned the way he has treated Israel from day one. I mean, c’mon. There’s so much we could say about this!

      Look, Obama is a liar and has been exposed as a liar. Megyn Kelly herself has exposed many of his lies on her show. Why so quick to believe he’s a Christian when he lies about everything else? Isn’t it possible that he lied about being a Christian to get elected? Oh of course not…that would make Megyn Kelly a racist to believe that or even to muse about it.

      View the complete post, including video, at:
      B. Steadman

