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Viideo: 2nd Debate, Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton, St. Louis, MO, 10/9/2016

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  • Viideo: 2nd Debate, Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton, St. Louis, MO, 10/9/2016

    FULL: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton - Second Presidential Debate - Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 10/9/2016

    Published 10/9/2016 'RBC NETWORK BROADCASTING'
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Schieffer: Presidential Debate ‘Was Just Disgraceful’

    CBS New York



    ST. LOUIS (CBSNewYork) — Bob Schieffer was not a fan of Sunday night’s presidential debate.

    The CBS News contributor and former “Face the Nation” host called the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump “disgraceful.”

    “How have we come to this? This is supposed to be a campaign for the most powerful office of the land. Here we’re marching in women into the hall who supposed to have some relationship with one of the candidate’s spouses. What’s that supposed to prove?” Schieffer said, citing women who claim former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault sitting in Trump’s box at the debate. “I mean this is what they do in Banana Republic. This is the United States of America.

    “I just hope to God I don’t see another campaign like this one. America can do better than what we have seen here tonight. This was just disgraceful,” Schieffer said.

    He continued, “This was WrestleMania, this wasn’t about presidential politics. I think Donald Trump gets most of the blame here, but I didn’t see much to be proud of on either side, although I thought she handled herself as well as she could under the circumstances.”

    However, a focus group conducted by CBS News contributor and pollster Frank Luntz said that Trump won the debate against Clinton.

    Of the 30 people who took part in the focus group, 21 said Trump had the greater positive impact on their voting choice, compared to nine for Clinton.

    .................................................. ..

    View the complete article, including tweets and images, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-10-2016, 05:55 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Trump Wants Hillary in Jail

      The Pu$$y Posse was a riderless horse last night, but make no mistake about it. Whipping up offended sensibilities from all mucky corners, they will be floating other contrived Trump ‘scandals’—starting today

      Canada Free Press

      by Judi McLeod


      “If you don’t vote for me, I still want to be your president”.

      That’’s the line from Hillary Clinton from last night’s second presidential debate that should send chills down the backs of Barack Obama-trapped Americans.

      “So first and foremost, I will do everything I can to reach out to everybody. Democrats, Republicans, independents, people across our country. If you don’t vote for me, I still want to be your president. I want to be the best president I can be for every American.”

      How she can still be president without your vote is something only Hillary Clinton knows and something worth worrying about.

      Hillary’s Pu$$y Posse came to a dead halt last night, falling right off its vainglorious high horse, during a televised debate.

      With their locker room banter Trump videotape gone viral, their big stick-carrying debate ‘moderators’ ready for the kill, the intent was to corner him in a cage and poke him into a rage. Instead, a steely focused Trump turned the tables and cornered them.

      There was a lion stalking the stage last night and its name wasn’t Hillary.

      With four of her husband’s rape and abuse victims sitting in the audience—after Trump forcefully introduced them to a callous mainstream media that patently ignored them— Clinton tried to brazen it out, laughing her way through most of the debate whenever a dominant Trump had the floor.

      Even when ABC ‘moderator’ Martha Raddatz threw all dignity to the wind, cashing in on the debate as through she were a candidate up for election, Trump maintained poise.

      Brazen laughing not withstanding, Bill Clinton’s wife lost face when when Trump nailed her with the words America has been waiting to hear during the entire presidential campaign:

      Hillary Clinton: “Let me just talk about e-mails because everything he just said is absolutely false. But I’m not surprised. And the first debate, and —

      Anderson Cooper: “The audience needs to calm down here.”

      Hillary Clinton: “I told people it would be impossible to be fact checking all the the time — I’d never get to talk about anything I want to do or how we’re going to make lives better for people. So go to You can fact check him in realtime, last time at the first debate, we had millions of people fact checking, so I expect we’ll have millions more fact checking. It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law of our country.”

      Donald Trump: “Because you’d be in jail.”

      And that’s exactly where millions of Americans want Hillary Clinton to be after 30 years of corruption in public life, the Benghazi scandal, emails exposing national security sent out from a private server and the pay-for-play Clinton Foundation being only the most recent.

      .................................................. ......

      View the complete article, including image, video and links, at:
      Last edited by bsteadman; 10-10-2016, 06:11 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Presidential Debate - DT: Because you'd be in jail! - Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump

        B. Steadman

