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News Institutions Have Hidden & Distorted Truth On Obama; Has Media Meltdown Begun?

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  • News Institutions Have Hidden & Distorted Truth On Obama; Has Media Meltdown Begun?

    Alert: News Institutions Have Hidden & Distorted Truth On Obama; Has Media Meltdown Begun!?

    Birther Report



    Has the Media Meltdown Begun?
    by Sharon Rondeau

    — In an April 2011 televised interview with the late Andrew Breitbart, Fox News host Sean Hannity reminded his guest that he had said that in 2008, “the media died.”

    During the interview, Breitbart responded that he planned to “save the world” with a “citizen journalism revolution” through his several websites intended to counter what he claimed was “liberal” bias in the mainstream media. As examples, he cited James O’Keefe’s work with Project Veritas, which exposed ACORN employees in 2008 and later, campaign workers in 2014 appearing to advocate, or at least not discourage, voter fraud.

    At the time, Hannity said that in an apparent indication of their perhaps ultimate displacement, the major “mainstream media” stations were “contemplating whether they want to keep their nightly newscast on now.”

    Breitbart managed The Drudge Report for a decade, then established The Huffington Post, working with Arianna Huffington, before launching his own business.

    An article in the left-leaning Atlantic on March 8, 2013 reported that Breitbart’s work with O’Keefe had resulted in a lawsuit won by an ACORN employee interviewed on O’Keefe’s hidden camera who reportedly called the police after his meeting with O’Keefe and his partner, Hannah Giles, who posed, respectively, as a pimp and a prostitute seeking assistance in carrying out trafficking of underage young women across the Mexican border.

    In the early morning hours of March 1, 2012, Breitbart unexpectedly died several hours after having spoken with Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio on February 29. “He calls me, and right after that, he dies,” Arpaio told TruNews host Rick Wiles. On the afternoon of March 1, Arpaio gave the first of what would be two press conferences in which he stated that the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website purported to represent Barack Hussein Obama’s original birth certificate from Hawaii is a “computer-generated forgery,” along with Obama’s purported Selective Service registration form.

    In September 2011, Arpaio had commissioned his Cold Case Posse to investigate the image at the urging of 250 Surprise, AZ Tea Party members who were also his constituents.

    In an obituary, Breitbart’s editor-in-chief, Joel Pollak, wrote that Breitbart had died of “natural causes,” specifically an enlarged heart, although there has been much speculation as to other causes.

    Several weeks before he passed away, Breitbart promised an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), “This election we’re going to vet him” meaning Obama (4:57). “I’ve got videos,” Breitbart said to a cheering crowd, referring to what he claimed was Obama’s use of “racial division and class warfare.”

    Breitbart is also credited with causing the resignations of then-Department of Agriculture employee Shirley Sherrod and U.S. Rep. Anthony Wiener after exposing the congressman engaged in sending inappropriate photos to women over the internet.

    A story Breitbart published about the Wiener scandal has been pulled, but another appears here.

    The second Arpaio press conference occurred on July 17, 2012, during which Arpaio and his lead investigator, Mike Zullo, stated that the “probable cause” standard of forgery of the birth certificate had been surpassed and called upon Congress to investigate their findings. The mainstream media did not televise either of the press conferences, and reporters attempted to vilify the messengers with ridicule which continues today.

    Zullo has said publicly that Obama “is the only president that has aliases.” The media has explained Obama’s apparent alias of “Barry Soetoro” as the name by which Obama was known in Indonesia after his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, allegedly enrolled him in school there.

    On May 7, 2012, Dr. Jerome Corsi of WND reported that Breitbart had told him that he possessed a video depicting “radical Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and Barack Obama at Harvard planning revolution in the United States.” However, the video aired on Fox News showed Obama at a rally for controversial Harvard professor Derrick Bell.

    Ten days later, on May 17, the Breitbart news site reported exclusively that Obama’s then-literary agent had written in his official biography that he was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

    Corsi stated that he had arranged the interview between Breitbart and Arpaio on February 29, which Arpaio confirmed and which Corsi said “may have been his [Breitbart's] last interview.” In his recent State of the Union address, Obama reminded his audience that he “grew up in Hawaii.”

    In 2007 and 2008, remarkably little information was released about Barack Obama’s early life, college years, family life, and employment after college. To date, Obama has not released his school, medical, university or voting records from his Illinois state senate or U.S. Senate terms. In 2004, he was declared “a rising star” in Democrat circles for his energetic speech at the Democrat National Convention in Boston.

    In December 2007, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews claimed on air that Obama was “born in Indonesia” and had “a Muslim background,” theorizing that Democrat primary contender Hillary Clinton would challenge Obama on those items. The media did not investigate Matthews’s claims, although questions began to arise about Obama’s constitutional eligibility given that Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires the president to be a “natural born Citizen.”

    As time passed and the questions went unanswered, anyone investigating or questioning Obama’s background has been ridiculed, marginalized, harassed, threatened, received “abusive emails,” and in some cases, death threats, likely from Obama supporters known as “Obots.”

    In late 2013 following more than two years of investigation into the birth certificate image, Zullo revealed that several “Obots” are employed by DARPA, a division of the Department of Defense. DARPA works in the areas of psychological warfare and robotics.

    Beginning in 2013, former CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson reported that her CBS and home computers were hacked and that her home security system, television, and personal cell phone and home phone were the focus of highly disruptive interference affecting all family members. While CBS conducted a forensic examination at its expense, it did not reveal the results except to confirm that the equipment was, in fact, hacked.

    After hiring her own forensics team, Attkisson was informed that a government agency had to have been the instigator of the hacking based on the sophistication of the intrusions which turned her computer off and on at night, planted classified documents in her hard drive which she had not obtained independently, captured her keystrokes, and erased files in front of her eyes.

    Recognizing that her investigative work on Fast & Furious and the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya which took four American lives were marginalized by her employer, CBS, of nearly two decades, Attkisson resigned in March of last year and launched her own website.

    Hundreds of pages of emails obtained by government watchdog agency Judicial Watch published in November reveal that a spokeswoman from the Department of Justice and a White House press aide colluded as to how to silence Attkisson’s reporting on the Fast & Furious gunrunning operation which killed a U.S. Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry. While DOJ media aide Tracy Schmaler left the regime in 2013, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz remains in his post.

    Schultz was noted in the email exchange with Schmaler to have said that Attkisson’s latest report “made the AG look bad.”

    Judicial Watch has accused Schultz on Twitter of having intimidated journalists.

    On Monday, Judicial Watch reported that longtime host of NBC News’s “Meet the Press,” David Gregory, was fired “several months ago” after he displayed on air a 30-bullet-capacity firearm magazine following “repeated” warnings that doing so would be a violation of law.

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    B. Steadman