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Corsi: Obamacare Nightmare Has Only Just Begun --, Dr. Jerome Corsi

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  • Corsi: Obamacare Nightmare Has Only Just Begun --, Dr. Jerome Corsi

    Corsi: Obamacare Nightmare Has Only Just Begun

    Dr. Jerome Corsi


    Think the worst is over with Obamacare? Wrong. The nightmare has only just begun.

    (Dr. Jerome R. Corsi) - Obamacare has placed the United States on a suicide mission. Millions of Americans have lost their health care, as health insurers issuing new policies for 2014 have replaced the health insurance you like and were promised you could keep with Obamacare-compliant coverage that includes health care services you will never need, including pre-natal care and childbirth coverage.

    Just to make sure we all understand, Obamacare is a massive income redistribution program predicated on new, expensive “comprehensive” health insurance coverage that will be extremely healthy for those who can afford to pay in order to provide health care services to those who otherwise would have been denied insurance because they are already seriously ill, and for the poor who have typically not had health insurance.

    The second shoe will drop next year when somewhere between 60-80 million employers begin terminating health insurance coverage as an employee benefit, simply because the new “Obamacare compliant” version of group health care is too expensive.

    If the federal government were ever to release the statistics honestly, we would discover that millions of Americans are reduced to signing up for Medicare, without realizing that the federal payment for Medicare-paid health care services have been reduced such that tens of thousands of physicians in the United States are suddenly realizing they can no longer afford to treat Medicare patients.

    In other words, millions of Americans are about to find out that while Medicare gives you a “right” to get government-funded medical care, good luck finding a doctor willing to treat you at the below-market prices the government is willing to pay.

    Finally, Democrat supporters of Obamacare are admitting that government-funded health insurance will involve “death panels,” where government bureaucrats will decide whether or not it is “cost effective” for you to get an expensive medical treatment or operation that may save your life.

    If you are “too old,” whatever that means, the government bureaucrats on the “death panel” may simply decide you do not have enough years to live and you are already not paying enough in taxes to justify the cost of saving your life.

    Better, the government bureaucrats on the “death panels” will argue, to reserve the expensive “life-saving” treatments and medical procedures for younger people with a longer life expectancy, meaning more years to pay taxes.

    Besides, the decision to ration expensive medical treatments and procedures for senior citizens means the government will have to pay for costly medical “life-saving” medical care less frequently simply because those who are younger can be expected to be generally more healthy from the start.

    If this sounds like a “Catch-22,” you’re right – it is.

    The point is that President Obama and the socialists who devised Obamacare knew from the beginning their goal was to make government the only payer in medical care.

    At that point, only the super-rich will be able to afford private health insurance and there will be two classes of medical care in the United States – excellent medical care for the wealthy and rationed medical care by over-worked and underpaid medical care professionals for the vast majority of us.

    In our senior years, the best the government will be able to do for most Medicare/Medicaid patients is to provide you hospice – a medical treatment that often amounts to nothing more than providing you ample mind-altering drugs to end life drugged-up and feeling no pain.

    I continue to warn Obamacare is transforming employment in the United States from full-time to part-time as employers downsize so as to avoid being forced by the government to pay for employer-paid health care benefits the employer cannot afford.

    More than 500 fraudulent websites are on the Internet working just fine, with criminals at the other end waiting to steal your identity information so they can steal money from your bank account and run-up credit card balances in your name.

    If all this is not bad enough, what is to stop Obamacare bureaucrats from handing over all your financial information to the IRS, the agency charged with imposing fines on all those who do not comply with Obamacare requirements?

    Tea Party Loyalists need to make our voices heard loud and clear in the White House and the halls of Congress right now, demanding the following:

    We have proof President Obama lied to the American people intentionally to get Obamacare passed by Congress in the middle of the night.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Cancer Patient and ObamaCare Critic Says He's Being Audited by IRS

    Eric Scheiner


    A cancer patient, who publicly discussed the cancellation of his insurance under ObamaCare, now says he has been informed by the Internal Revenue Service that he is going to be audited.

    Bill Elliot appeared on Fox News on November 7th to discuss the cancellation of his insurance. He claims he was told that his cancer was considered “beyond the catastrophic previous condition” and his plan was being canceled because of ObamaCare regulations.

    Elliot, who has Stage 4 cancer, informed viewers he wasn’t going to pay the $1,500 a month for the new plan being offered, preferring not to burden his family and to “let nature take it’s course.”

    After his story attracted media attention, Elliot says his insurance company decided to let him keep his coverage:

    "Well, the update on my health is: I went to the doctor last week and he told me that I was in full remission. So, that's good news; I'm getting better. Thanks to Steve, I wouldn't have found none of this out, 'cause I wouldn't have had health insurance to go back. So, I found out that I'm in full remission and that I've got four months to go - not four months to go, but be checked every four months.

    "So, Monday I got a certified letter. I didn't my mail until late, so this past Tuesday I went and picked it up. Lo and behold, it's from the IRS saying, "You're going to be audited for the tax year of 2009."

    The good news of his continued insurance coverage - was followed by some bad news. Elliot said on Rocky D on 1340 WQSC and the Sara Marie Brenner Show last week that he is now going to be audited by the IRS for the tax year of 2009.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

