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EDITORIAL: Let's All Get Together on This!

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  • EDITORIAL: Let's All Get Together on This!


    Let’s All Get Together on This!

    Alinsky Rule #5: RIDICULE – is:
    (here re-applying a quote attributed to George Washington, regarding government) "... like fire, a dangerous servant but a fearful master!’

    As any patriot who has been fighting in the muddy POTUS-eligibility-trenches for the last few years knows all too well, there are a LOT of Obama supporters out there who have been gleefully, and often successfully, employing the Alinsky Tactic of ‘RIDICULE’ in an attempt to silence those individuals trying to expose and bring to justice the ‘fraudulent Kenyan usurper’.

    It is likely that most of the people employing this tactic probably have not thoroughly researched the eligibility issue and actually have come to believe their own BS. Furthermore, they have undoubtedly convinced many others on the sidelines to at least sympathize with their statements.

    Now that the tide is obviously beginning to turn on Obama – what are the ramifications of vast numbers of the American People, who have either promoted or passively accepted the view that ‘birthers are insane idiots’, themselves now being PROVED WRONG?

    It seems to me that the ‘Alinsky Ridicule Tactic’ works quite well -- until it doesn’t! If one has repeatedly called, or at least considered, a large number of their fellow citizens, ‘insane idiots’, I think it is likely that they will themselves feel like ‘insane idiots’ when the truth finally comes out, as it surely will. This can’t be good psychologically for this fairly large group of citizens.

    Many compatriots will probably comment -- ‘so who cares what those morons think and how they feel’, and I must admit that I sympathize a bit with this sentiment. However, what I really want to see occurring in this country is SIGNIFICANT HEALING, and I fear we are a long way off from that!

    Alinsky Rule #5: Ridicule, now working in reverse, will serve as a 'brake' on healing and recovery.

    As Charles Mackay wrote in his 1841 book, 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds' -- "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."

    It is likely that many people will need to painfully pass through some of the 'stages of grief', regarding Obama's loss of the presidency, including: denial, anger, depression, and finally - acceptance!

    We need to achieve a UNITED commitment to progress from large numbers of CONFIDENT, SELF-RESPECTING, REALITY-ACCEPTING AMERICANS in order to successfully return this country to its originally intended status of stable, people-empowering, successful, Constitutional Republic!
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-29-2012, 04:17 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    I think the Alinsky #5 RIDICULE Tactic CAN be utilized effectively, on some people, and usually for a limited period of time. However, from my own experience, it appears that, at least for some people, the longer 'ridicule' is used as a tactic, the less effective it becomes.

    In fact, with some competitive individuals, I believe the 'ridicule' soon is ignored and eventually it starts to actually stimulate a vigorous and sustained counter-action. The commitment in these dedicated and capable individuals to soundly and forever vanquish the 'Alinsky Wannabes' grows even STRONGER!

    Hmmmmmm! I'm quite sure the above mentioned troubling anomaly was NOT something that was covered in the young Obama's Chicago community-organizer Alinsky Tactics course.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-31-2012, 11:40 AM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Makahayan says : " if anyone ridicules me , i just laugh in his face. After he knows that he wasted time and effort , i cut him off at
      the knees with an insult that would burn the eyes and nose of the most callous alinsky disciple. I can easily do ten times the
      ridicule of anyone else you ever met ".


      • #4
        Originally posted by AMERICAN ADVOCATE View Post
        "... if anyone ridicules me , i just laugh in his face. After he knows that he wasted time and effort , i cut him off at the knees with an insult that would burn the eyes and nose of the most callous alinsky disciple.".
        I have watched you do 'your stuff' very effectively on a number of occasions for the last -- what is it now? --nearly three years! Awesome!

        I have a strong feeling those legions of taxpayer-funded 'James Johnson' led obots, along with their Obama-adoring, sycophantic admirers and imitators will begin dining very soon on 'crow' served in a myriad of recipes never even hinted at in 'Joy of Cooking'!
        Last edited by bsteadman; 02-02-2012, 10:26 PM.
        B. Steadman

