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WTF - CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller -- Breitbart

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  • WTF - CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller -- Breitbart

    CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller

    Breitbart News



    For the last four years, Pamela Geller of and the American Freedom Defense Initiative have held events at CPAC featuring guests she invites to discuss the influence of Islamism on America. But this year, the American Conservative Union (ACU) has no room for Geller or her message.

    In 2009, she brought Geert Wilders, who is the head of the third largest party in the Netherlands and has spoken out against the Islamization of his country.

    In 2010 she held an event that her organization, The American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted, titled "Jihad: The Political Third Rail", with speakers like Allen West, Wafa Sultan, Simon Deng, Anders Gravers, and Steve Coughlin.

    In 2011, she hosted an event discussing the Ground Zero Mosque with 9/11 families. In 2012, the event was titled "Islamic Law in America."

    In years past, the events were standing room only thanks to their popularity, but that apparently was not enough to counter pressure brought to bear from somewhere to exclude Geller’s message.

    Geller and her coworkers recently won a court battle allowing them to post ads that countered the #Myjihad ad campaign that posited that jihad was a peaceful word. Yet despite the law's defense of her rights, the ACU will not stand up for her against critics.

    Geller explained the intention of her advertisements in a statement to Breitbart News:

    Hamas-CAIR's ad campaign is a psyop.“#MyJihad” is a cynical, misleading, and deceptive campaign designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad that Muslims the world over understand and all too many act upon. They're attempting to fool Americans into thinking that jihad is about getting in your exercise and making friends.

    My ads, in contrast, tell the truth about the jihad that too many Muslims believe in and act upon, and the only jihad that Americans need to be concerned about. They're designed to tell the truth about jihad and lay bare CAIR's deceptions and lies.

    There have been over 20,000 jihad attacks since 9/11, each one with the imprimatur of a Muslim cleric. And so I created a jihad campaign speaking about the true meaning of jihad. Our new campaign focuses on how jihadists really use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism. It uses actual quotes by jihadis and Islamic supremacists, including Osama bin Laden and Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as statements from Hamas TV and one of the victims of the Fort Hood jihad massacre.

    One ad depicts Osama bin Laden and the burning Twin Towers along with a bin Laden quote explaining why he took down the Twin Towers: “The first thing we are calling you to is Islam.” Another quotes an eyewitness to the jihad mass murders of Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, noting that he was shouting “Allahu akbar” as he murdered 13 Americans at Fort Hood. Another quotes a Hamas TV music video including the lyric, “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah.” A fourth quotes Times Square jihad car bomber Faisal Shahzad saying that jihad involving “weaponry” was “an obligation and duty in Islam on every Muslim.”


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-02-2013, 06:21 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller', which was started 3/2/2013 by 'Bratch'

    The thread references a 3/1/2013 Breitbart News article -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #66 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    Not one of them will address the communist-Islamist alliance that put a foreign enemy combatant in our White House - who is systematically destroying this country’s foundations, abandoning our allies, and lifting up our enemies. They are guard dogs that rolled over and fell asleep while the enemy ransacked the whole house.

    Right now there is nobody who gets much but a “meh” from me. Nobody in the public eye has the courage to be real with the country about what is happening. Some are braver than others but none will address the elephant in the room.

    The following is COMMENT #78 by 'TADSLOS' in the thread:

    The ACU (American Conservative Union) owns and operates CPAC. Its board of directors includes Suhail Kahn, who Is engaged in a litany of Muslim based front groups and Grover Norquist, who is an unabashed supporter of Islam. That’s all I need to know about why CPAC shut Pam Geller out.

    The following is COMMENT #88 by 'brityank' in the thread:

    US politics are infected with Islamists and their sycophants. I have no doubt that Grover Norquist was the prime mover behind stopping Ms. Geller's addresses to CPAC. Daniel Pipes had the goods on Norquist back in 2005:

    Is Grover Norquist an Islamist?

    It does appear that he is indeed from his actions and deeds.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-02-2013, 06:42 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      "CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller"

      Atlas Shrugs



      I won't be at CPAC this year. Every year AFDI organizes a must-see event addressing issues the Grover Norquist/Suhail Khan cabal refuse to address (jihad, sharia, the war on freedom in the West).

      This year, I applied to speak and was ignored. I tried to get a room for an AFDI event, "The War on Free Speech" and was ignored. So, for the first time in five years, I won't be at CPAC. Last year Suhail Khan bragged out loud that he (and his other operatives) had successfully kept Robert Spencer and me from being invited to speak. He went so far as to warn people not to attend our events or read our books.

      In several articles I took on Grover Norquist and his powerful influence over CPAC, most notably here and here. As soon as I published my Newsmax column concerning his perfidious influence at CPAC, my Newsmax column was taken down and my name and picture were removed from the Newsmax page..... it was two slots away from Grover's. My weekly column never appeared at Newsmax again. It was axed.

      Now this. I might add, every AFDI event at CPAC was standing room only. We turned people away every year.

      .................................................. .

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Harper at

        Atlas Shrugs

        Pamela Geller


        Jennifer Harper's weighs in on the CPAC ban over at the Washington Times. At the end of the day this is not about me, it's about the issue of jihad and sharia and the gravest national security threat this nation faces. The fact that this issue is forbidden at CPAC speaks volumes at how dangerous and deep the stealth jihadists have infiltrated into every nook and cranny of American power centers regardless of party. - (bold and color emphasis added)

        Inside the Beltway: The guest watch: The Washington Times, March 4, 2013

        “I applied to speak and was ignored. I tried to get a room for an American Freedom Defense Initiative event, ‘The War on Free Speech,’ and was ignored. So, for the first time in five years, I won’t be at CPAC,” declares Pam Geller, the outspoken opponent of radical Islam, who has her own theories about the situation.

        She joins New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and the gay Republicans of GOProud among those also not invited to participate in the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference in mid-March, sparking yet another round of discussions among observers who ponder the wisdom of infighting while parsing the private decisions made by event organizers at the American Conservative Union.

        Who’s in, who’s out? The situation presents a complex choice for conservatives.


        View the complete post at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Jihad-accommodating CPAC

          Exclusive: Pamela Geller shares why she was axed from annual conservative conference


          Pamela Geller


          For the first time in five years, I won’t be at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

          This year I wanted to hold an event entitled, “The War on Free Speech.” After the historic free-speech legal wins in Washington, D.C., and New York, the bus ads and the ongoing fight to run our counter-jihad campaign, what could be more timely? I applied to CPAC and met with their signature wall of silence. I tried to partner with the tea party (as I had done last year), but no dice.

          It has always been a challenge to hold an event at CPAC, which is sponsored by the American Conservative Union (ACU). The CPAC events that we organized were always fraught with difficulty. Most folks didn’t understand why I worked so hard to hold an event there. A number of people have questioned my choice of venue for our historical counter-jihad events. Many feel, and rightly so, that the ACU – the political right’s largest and most influential grass-roots umbrella organization – has abandoned conservative principles and morphed into some fleshy, ambiguous, compromised political machine doling out money and favors for cronies, when it is doing anything at all.

          I agree. Wholeheartedly. It has been co-opted. Jihadist operatives Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan, board members of the ACU, made sure jihad and related topics were omitted from the program, year in and year out. But that is exactly why I held the event at CPAC, and in the early years held my tongue over the difficulties I experienced in bringing my events to CPAC. It was too important that the presentation be made in order to educate everyone. Years ago, when I first met the great historian Bat Ye’or, I asked her, “What can I do?” She answered, “Learn everything first.” That was the purpose of our CPAC presentations. Many people were shocked by them, but Americans needed to know, and need to know, what we are up against.

          There’s nothing conservative about soft-pedaling jihad. CPAC 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 had little in the way of addressing the war we are engaged in and the enemy threat doctrine. That again was why I held my event there. Every year CPAC gets progressively worse. Silly, even. CPAC chief Cardenas said: “This year we decided not to invite Pamela Geller for comments she made at CPAC critical of our officers. In each of these cases, their ad hominem attacks denigrate the debate and distract from the real point of CPAC.”

          What I exposed about Norquist was not “ad hominem.” Norquist and Khan seem to be in charge at CPAC – no CPAC event goes on that doesn’t reflect their perspective. Norquist and Khan are serving the purposes of the Muslim Brotherhood, the international Islamic organization that has infiltrated the U.S. government and media to such an extent (as Stephen Coughlin explained at our CPAC event) that it controls the information and dissemination of everything you see, hear and read on Islam – unless you do your own research, your own study and frequent blogs like mine and Robert Spencer’s.

          Journalist Paul Sperry says that Norquist’s strategy has been to “dress Islamists up as patriotic Republicans so they can infiltrate the government.” According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism:

          Grover Norquist hoped to … harness votes from the country’s growing Muslim population by creating the Islamic Free Market Institute in 1998. He did so with significant financial help from Abdurahman Alamoudi, then one of America’s most influential Muslim activists and head of the American Muslim Council. Today, Alamoudi is serving a 23-year prison sentence after admitting to illegal transactions with Libya and being part of a plot to assassinate the then-Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Alamoudi was also found to be a long-time secret financial courier for al-Qaida while at the same time being routinely invited to the Clinton White House for receptions and meetings.

          But the 10,000 great Americans who attend CPAC are not Shariah-compliant. The patriots attending CPAC are not pro-jihad. They were not willing to hand America over to Shariah (Islamic) law. We needed to reach them. We needed to educate them. They know they are being deceived. They look around their towns and cities and see the unremitting capitulation to Islamic supremacism.

          Arm them with knowledge, I say, and what better way than to bring the leading authorities across the world to speak honestly and directly to the American people? This had to be done if we are to have any shot at saving America. And so this is what we brought to CPAC:

          • CPAC 2008: Introducing Mark Steyn
          • CPAC 2009: Pamela Geller Brings Geert Wilders to CPAC
          • CPAC 2010: FDI Inaugural Event, Jihad: The Political Third Rail
          • CPAC 2011: Ground Zero Mosque
          • CPAC 2012: Islamic Law in America

          Apparently, the tea party came under enormous pressure last year when they helped me hold our event. A confidential source told me the pressure to cancel was ongoing. This year, no go.


          View the complete article at:

          Last edited by bsteadman; 03-06-2013, 04:01 PM.
          B. Steadman

