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WTF - Newt Gingrich: John Roberts' Obamacare Ruling 'Probably Healthy For The Country

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  • WTF - Newt Gingrich: John Roberts' Obamacare Ruling 'Probably Healthy For The Country

    Newt Gingrich: John Roberts' Obamacare Ruling 'Probably Healthy For The Country'

    The Huffington Post

    Jon Ward


    "WASHINGTON – Former GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said Wednesday that while he was surprised by the Supreme Court's decision last month to uphold President Barack Obama's health care law as constitutional, he is not as upset with Chief Justice John Roberts as many conservatives now are.

    "I've been curious as to why Roberts took this particular route," Gingrich told The Huffington Post. "But in a way, because I really do believe we want a less interventionist court, placing the political decision back on the American people I think's probably good."

    Gingrich said he is releasing a small ebook next week that will explore how the decision is "probably Obama's worst nightmare."

    "What Roberts has said is, 'Yes, it's constitutional because of a gigantic tax increase, and if you don't want the gigantic tax increase you've got to beat Obama,'" Gingrich said. "You don't just get to come to the Supreme Court to bail you out. And I happen to think that part of it is probably healthy for the country to be forced to confront, that it's their burden."

    Gingrich acknowledged that it was "a little jarring" to see Roberts side with the court's four liberal justices, but he had a different reason than others for describing it as such.

    "I was surprised by it," he said. "I think that one of the things for the rule of law to work, is you have to have predictability. And it is a little jarring to that pattern when you have Chief Justice Roberts and the four liberals suddenly on a major issue voting against the four conservatives. I think there's some degree to which you want a continuity."

    Gingrich said he had not commented publicly on the decision until now.

    "My focus is beating Obama, not attacking Justice Roberts," he said. "So I deliberately didn't say much when it came out because I want to stay focused on Obama."

    And he was not concerned, as some are, that Roberts' ruling has opened up a broad new taxing power for the federal government."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Hmmmmm! I wonder if the above discussed idiotic statement by Gingrich was intentionally delivered at this precise time to subdue his many followers and help convince them to accept the fact that he is NOT going to be Romney's VP choice. -- ie. just Republican Establishment politics, with Gingrich playing an accommodating role!

    I never considered Gingrich to be a viable VP choice, but others certainly have:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-13-2012, 12:08 PM.
    B. Steadman

