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Unmasking the embassy threat -- Canada Free Press, Doug Hagmann

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  • Unmasking the embassy threat -- Canada Free Press, Doug Hagmann

    Unmasking the embassy threat

    Canada Free Press

    Doug Hagmann


    There is one thing certain about the publicized threat to our embassies; it is not what it is presented to be. To accept the official explanation of a nebulous threat from al Qaeda as the reason for closing our embassies across the Middle East and North Africa is being dangerously naive and simplistic.

    This is much more serious than what we are being told, but not for the reasons we are being given. We are seeing the consequences of a long running “Cold War” on two major fronts of political conflict that could escalate into military engagement with proxy nations of world super powers. The world, and life as we know it, could change in an instant should we awaken one morning to the news of bombs flying across the Middle East. That is a very real possibility, as we are now in a heightened proxy war environment. We are standing in a thick forest of dry tinder, and the smallest of sparks could ignite a conflagration the likes of which we have never before seen.

    How we arrived here

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” This quote attributed to Winston Churchill is applicable to our current situation as it is a consequence of our policies and actions in the Middle East and north Africa.

    First, it is important to understand that the so-called Arab Spring did not start on December 18, 2010 as a spontaneous revolutionary wave of demonstrations by people to rid themselves from the shackles of governmental oppression. It was planned many years ago by the globalist power brokers, with the latest incarnations perhaps sketched out in the bowels of a Saudi mansion or an estate owned by a cabal of central bankers, partly to change the geopolitical power structure of the Middle East, and partly as a “jobs program” for the military-industrial complex.

    This was confirmed by a 1300-word e-mail dated June 8, 2008, sent by former British Ambassador to Libya Sir Vincent Fean to Tony Blair, just shy of a year after Blair stepped down as prime minister. The e-mail consisted of a briefing on the state of relations between Great Britain and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in advance of a visit by Blair to see Gaddafi. His June 10, 2008 visit with Gaddafi would be one of six made by Blair after leaving office and just three years before Gaddafi was deposed by the U.S. and UK-led interests and ultimately murdered.

    Exactly what was the purpose of this meeting as well as the others made by Tony Blair on behalf of the Crown? According to the confidential information obtained by The Telegraph, it was about a prisoner transfer agreement that would be signed once Libya agreed to purchase an air defense system to the tune of about £400 million. The prisoner? Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi. Who would provide the air defense system? MBDA, a missile developer and manufacturer with operations in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United States. They provide products and services for over 90 militaries worldwide. They are a world leader in missiles and missile systems, and employ about 10,000 people in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and the United States, and produced about 3,000 missiles and missile systems last year alone.

    It is not merely the military-industrial jobs program alone, however. According to the confidential memo, a key objective of Great Britain was to force Libya to invest its £80  billion sovereign wealth fund through the City of London. Additionally, the Department for International Development was also eyeing another Libyan wealth fund worth £130 million “to pay for various schemes in Sierra Leone and other poverty-stricken countries.”

    Concurrent with the machinations of the UK, former French minister for Foreign Affairs Roland Dumas shed additional light on plans relating to Libya and Syria in an interview with the French TV station LCP:

    “I’m going to tell you something. I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met with top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria. This was in Britain not in America. Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer minister for foreign affairs, if I would like to participate. Naturally, I refused, I said I’m French, that doesn’t interest me.” [emphasis by this author]

    Dumas added:

    “The only thing I know [about French Leaders] is that they have gone crazy. President Sarkozy hosted Gaddafi a few months ago at the Élysée Palace, with a red carpet and all the grandiose honors. Two months later, Sarkozy is leading a crusader war, at the head of NATO, which has become a pawn serving international politics. This has been going on for a long time.” He further stated that “I regret to see my country, to which I belong with spirit, blood, and life, leading an instrument such as NATO to come and destroy an entire people and attack its leaders.” [emphasis by this author]

    Due to the role of Mr. Dumas in the French government, he could not reveal France’s role in the British plan as he would be exposing himself to prosecution for revealing state secrets, thus explaining his statement, “I’m French, that doesn’t interest me.”

    It should be clear that the Arab Spring, including the NATO action taken against Gaddafi’s Libya followed by the rebels attacks against Assad, is part of a globalist agenda rather than a spontaneous uprising that has become the official historical narrative for the naive.

    Benghazi exposed

    It was shortly after the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that I wrote in explicit detail the actual reason for that attack. Thanks to a highly placed source in the intelligence venue, readers learned the truth ten months before the corporate media finally acknowledged that the compound in Benghazi was the operations center for a large CIA weapons smuggling operation where Libya was being used as a weapons storage depot to arm the anti-Assad “rebels.”

    The attack at Benghazi was described by this administration and the Clinton State Department as a spontaneous protest over an internet video, although that narrative was proven to be a lie. It was a lie they continued to stick with to hide the fact that the U.S., in conjunction with other NATO allies, were actually doing the work of Saudi Arabia. But why - who benefits? To understand the answer to that question, we must look at what Saudi Arabia is and how the Saudi royals came to power. Much like the U.S., the nation of Saudi Arabia itself is a captured operation, established by a cabal of globalists for the sake of oil. It would be helpful to understand the role Aramco and other oil interests played in the establishment of the Saudi power structure.

    As the Obama regime continued forward to advance this Saudi-globalist agenda, Russia’s Putin warned the U.S. that the insanity of destabilizing Syria was not in their best interests, and certainly not in ours. When the warnings were not heeded, proxy groups for Russia, Syria and Iran, in the form of Ansar al Sharia and AQIM launched a deadly assault on the CIA operations center in Benghazi.

    The continued pressure of possibly exposing the true nature of the activities in Benghazi, from the illegal arms trafficking in violation of international law to the attack itself, became a serious annoyance to the globalist planners and the Obama subjects to the Saudi royals. The assistance to the anti-Assad rebels was interrupted, albeit temporarily, by this exposure. Consequently, the plans for Syria did not go off as intended, and the timetable had to be extended. Now the anti-Assad rebels are “on the ropes,” and they are being beaten with every passing day, having lost much of the covert assistance of the CIA.

    This is the reason the true account of Benghazi has yet to be told to the American people, and the reason that the official accounts are continually being pushed in place of the truth.


    If you have understood how we arrived here by the short summary provided, then you will see that we are standing on the brink of not just a regional war, but a global war. Those in power do not want you to know their plans until there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

    It is vital to understand that the embassy closures are a signal of the rapidly escalated intervention in the region by the US. It is a modern day equivalent to the Bay of Pigs, except Barack Hussein Obama is no John F. Kennedy. Those old enough might recall that the CIA trained and inserted a group of “freedom fighters” into Cuba to oust Castro. Exactly like the rebels in Syria, those fighters could never overthrow Castro without direct U.S. military intervention and assistance. The situation is exactly the same in Syria today.


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-05-2013, 01:36 AM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    U.S. facing al-Qaida payback strike?

    Terror, travel alert tied to retaliation over American involvement in Syria


    Aaron Klein


    JERUSALEM – The current al-Qaida terrorist plot against U.S. and Western targets is a direct result of U.S.-supported efforts currently underway to purge al-Qaida affiliates from the ranks of the Syrian rebels, according to informed Middle Eastern security sources.

    The sources have specific knowledge of the terrorist threat that has prompted a worldwide travel alert and the closure of 22 U.S. embassies.

    Those sources said the U.S. has been working with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf states to support a U.S.-armed Free Syria Army effort to cleanse al-Qaida affiliates from among the rebel ranks, including al-Nusra and other groups.

    For months now the U.S. has reportedly been providing lethal support to the Syrian rebels amid widespread fears the Western weapons could fall into the hands of al-Qaida organizations known to work alongside the Free Syria Army.

    Now with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad closing in on the insurgency targeting his regime, U.S. allies in the Gulf and throughout the Middle East are deeply concerned the freshly armed al-Qaida groups could turn their efforts from Assad to destabilizing the moderate Arab regimes.

    To that affect, according to the Middle Eastern security sources, the U.S. has been heavily aiding the Free Syrian Army in its efforts to disarm or eliminate the al-Qaida groups fighting as Syrian rebels.

    The Middle Eastern security sources said the current al-Qaida plot is an attempt to dissuade the U.S. from further supporting those disarming efforts.

    Yesterday, CNN reported U.S. intelligence agencies believe the specific plot is being coordinated by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, with chatter among the group increasing in the last few days.

    Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the Congressional Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, told a New York radio station yesterday the terrorist threat is serious and ”very specific.”


    View the complete article at:

    My comment: This WND article by Aaron Klein appears to be presenting information almost directly opposite to that which is being presented in the Canada Free Press article by Doug Hagmann posted above. This is a very complex topic. I have considerably more confidence in the validity of the information presented by Hagmann.

    Nothing that Obama has actually done or supported so far during his administration would cause me to believe that he would be involved with 'purging' the Syrian Rebels of al qaida participation. -- Very sad, and very serious, IMO!

    I don't agree with Hagmann's comparison of the current Syrian situation in the Middle East to the 'Bay of Pigs' anti-communist invasion against Castro in Cuba, an island 90 miles off our coast of Florida, back in 1961.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 08-05-2013, 02:27 AM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Benghazi and the Al Qaeda Resurgence

      FrontPage Magazine

      Arnold Ahlert


      According to sources talking to CNN, “including those with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings,” 35 CIA agents were on the ground in Benghazi the night ambassador Christopher Stevens, Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, and diplomat Sean Smith, were killed in a terrorist attack. As a result, the agency is making an “unprecedented attempt” to keep what they were doing there a secret. ”You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation,” revealed one of those sources.

      That pressure apparently includes subjecting agents who were on the ground to “frequent, even monthly” polygraph tests to see if they’ve been talking to either Congress or the media. Former CIA operative and CNN analyst Robert Baer puts the number of tests in perspective. “Agency employees typically are polygraphed every three to four years. Never more than that,” he said. ”If somebody is being polygraphed every month, or every two months it’s called an issue polygraph, and that means that the polygraph division suspects something, or they’re looking for something, or they’re on a fishing expedition. But it’s absolutely not routine at all to be polygraphed monthly, or bi-monthly,” he added.

      It is critical to remember why Obama and company thought it was necessary to lie. The Benghazi attack occurred during the homestretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, during which the president assured us on several occasions that al Qaeda was “on the run,” “decimated,” and “on the path to defeat.”

      The past month alone revealed the staggering level of deceit those statements encapsulated. Al Qaeda has been linked to, or coordinated, a series of prison breaks, freeing more than 500 hardcore terrorists from Abu Ghraib and Taji in Iraq, nearly 250 more from the prison in the town of Dera Ismail Khan in Paistan, and 1,100 in Benghazi.

      Interpol has issued a global security alert to nine nations as a result. That warning followed an announcement by the Obama administration that American embassies located in the Middle East and North Africa would be closed yesterday, due to “a potential threat occurring in, or emanating from, the Arabian Peninsula.” It is based on “specific credible information,” and the team tasked with carrying it out is “already in place.” Furthermore, the Department of Homeland Security is boosting domestic security efforts as well.

      All this in response to a decimated, on-the-run terrorist organization? A comprehensive, Watergate-style investigation of what occurred in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 can’t happen soon enough.

      View the complete article at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        U.S. extends embassy closings; warnings renew debate over NSA data collection


        By Ali Watkins, David Lightman and Adam Baron | McClatchy Washington Bureau

        WASHIGNTON — The closing of U.S. embassies in 21 predominantly Muslim countries and a broad caution about travel during August that the State Department issued on Friday touched off debate Sunday over the National Security Agency’s sweeping data collection programs.

        Congressional supporters of the program, appearing on Sunday morning talk shows, said the latest rounds of warnings of unspecified threats showed that the programs were necessary, while detractors said there was no evidence linking the programs, particularly the massive collection of cell phone records of hundreds of millions of Americans, to the vague warnings of a possible terrorist attack.

        Meanwhile, there were no reports of violence or unusual activity in any of the countries where the United States had kept its embassies and consulates closed when they would have ordinarily been open on Sunday. Nevertheless, the State Department announced that embassies and consulates in 16 countries would remain closed throughout the week, including four African nations that had not been on the original list. Diplomatic posts in five other countries would reopen Monday, the State Department said, including those in Afghanistan and Iraq, where terrorist attacks have been frequent.

        State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the extended closures were “not an indication of a new threat stream.”

        “Given that a number of our embassies and consulates were going to be closed in accordance with local custom and practice for the bulk of the week for the Eid celebration at the end of Ramadan, and out of an abundance of caution, we’ve decided to extend the closure of several embassies and consulates,” she said.

        An official who’d been briefed on the matter in Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, told McClatchy that the embassy closings and travel advisory were the result of an intercepted communication between Nasir al-Wuhayshi, the head of the Yemen-based Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, and al Qaida leader Ayman al Zawahiri in which Zawahiri gave “clear orders” to al-Wuhaysi, who was recently named al Qaida’s general manager, to carry out an attack.

        The official, however, said he could not divulge details of the plot. AQAP’s last major attack in Sanaa took place in May 2012 when a suicide bomber killed more than 100 military cadets at a rehearsal for a military parade.

        “Al-Qaida is on the rise in this part of the world and the NSA program is proving its worth yet again,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

        “This is a good indication of why they’re so important,” Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

        Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a leading critic of the program, took the opposing position on CNN, saying the program that has raised the most opposition in Congress, the daily collection of so-called cell phone metadata that details numbers called, the location where a call originated, and the length of a call, appears to have had nothing to do with either the closing of the U.S. diplomatic outposts or the travel advisory.

        “If you look at the one that’s most at issue here, and that’s the bulk metadata program, there’s no indication, unless I’m proved wrong later, that that program, which collects vast amounts of domestic data, domestic telephony data, contributed to information about this particular plot,” he said.

        The disagreement highlighted the growing debate over the domestic versus international component of the NSA’s data collection efforts, an issue that has become increasingly convoluted in controversies surrounding the agency.

        There are two communication intercept programs in particular that have come under scrutiny in the wake of leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, both of which operate under different provisions of U.S. law.

        The collection of the telephone records was authorized by the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which allows the collection of business records without a subpoena. In early June, Snowden revealed that the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Court had secretly ordered a Verizon subsidiary to provide the NSA on a daily business the metadata for all of its cell phone accounts, the first confirmation that the NSA was collecting records on millions of U.S. cell phones.


        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Obama Pays Al Qaeda $150 Per Month In Syria

          The US openly admits it gives the Syrian insurgents 150 USD per month, interestingly the exact same wage Al Qaeda is getting.

          Syrian Girl - Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda

          B. Steadman


          • #6
            Michael Savage Questions Terror Alert: ‘First Muslim President’ Trying To ‘Justify Spying On Americans’


            Evan McMurry


            Radio host Michael Savage recently went from skepticism over this weekend’s terror alerts to accusations that Barack Obama was “the first Muslim president.”

            “Do you believe this terror alert is real, or an attempt to justify spying on American citizens?” Savage began. “Why should I believe this at all?”

            After a caller pointed out that the last evening of Ramadan is the night of power, suggesting that they could find a “camel leaded with C-4,” Savage mused on the origins of alleged Muslim violence.

            “Where does this come from, that an offshoot, or a segment of individuals within the religion, believe it’s their duty now to go and kill and blow things up?” he asked. “What about Christmas? Doesn’t Christmas empower Christians? How come don’t they go out on a rampage at the end of Christmas?”

            When his caller asked why Obama had a Ramadan party but no Christmas party, Savage said, “He’s the first Muslim president, everybody knows that. Why are we even mincing words about it? His first father was an African Mulsim. His second father was an Indonesian Muslim. Isn’t it true that most boys are impressed by their father’s religion, practice their father’s religion? Why are we shocked by this? Why is it even a question?”

            View the complete article, including audio, at:

            B. Steadman


            • #7
              State Dept. urges US citizens to leave Yemen

              My Way News

              By Deb Riechmann and Lolita C. Baldor


              WASHINGTON (AP) - The State Department on Tuesday ordered non-essential personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen to leave the country following the threat by al-Qaida that has triggered temporary shutdowns of 19 American diplomatic posts across the Middle East and Africa.

              The department said in a travel warning that it had ordered the evacuation of non-emergency U.S. government personnel from Yemen "due to the continued potential for terrorist attacks" and said U.S. citizens in Yemen should leave immediately because of an "extremely high" security threat level.


              View the complete article at:

              B. Steadman

