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Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated -- Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson

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  • Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated -- Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson

    Evidence Indicates Michael Hastings Was Assassinated

    Paul Joseph Watson


    The revelation that Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings was working on a story about the CIA before his death and had contacted a Wikileaks lawyer about being under investigation by the FBI hours before his car exploded into flames has bolstered increasingly valid claims that the 33-year-old was assassinated.

    Hastings died early Tuesday morning in Hollywood when his car allegedly hit a tree at high speed. The Los Angeles Coroner’s office has not yet been able to officially identify the body as Hastings because it is so badly burned.

    Skeptics of the official narrative have highlighted eyewitness accounts which state that Hastings’ Mercedes “exploded”.

    Images of the vehicle appear to show more damage to the rear, around the area of the fuel tank, than the front, leading to speculation that a car bomb which ignited the fuel could have been responsible for the incident.

    “No matter how you slice this particular pie, a Mercedes is not just going to explode into flames without a little assistance,” writes freelance journalist Jim Stone. “Car fires in new cars happen for three main reasons — running the engine out of oil, or running the engine out of coolant, or after an absolutely huge car mangling accident, having the hot side of the battery short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse panel. And for all 3 of those normal reasons, which account for virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would have started in the engine compartment, progressed slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before ever reaching the gas tank. That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings was murdered, and the rest is detail.”

    Stone also questions why a white sheet has been draped over the vehicle in the image below.

    The questions surrounding the precise nature of the “accident” that killed Hastings are given more weight by the fact that the journalist had made enemies within both the FBI and the CIA.

    “Michael Hastings contacted WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson just a few hours before he died, saying that the FBI was investigating him,” the official Wikileaks Twitter account announced yesterday.

    Hastings “had the Central Intelligence Agency in his sights” and was set to release an article exposing the agency, according to L.A. Weekly.

    The Obama administration and the Justice Department have openly claimed the authority to assassinate American citizens anywhere in the world if they are deemed a national security threat. A number of American citizens have already been killed as a result of this policy. Is it really that crazy to suggest that Michael Hastings was merely the latest victim of this doctrine?

    The New York Daily News highlights the fact that Hastings had received multiple death threats before his demise.

    Following his role in bringing down Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, Hastings was told by a McChrystal staffer, “We’ll hunt you down and kill you if we don’t like what you write.”

    “Whenever I’d been reporting around groups of dudes whose job it was to kill people, one of them would usually mention that they were going to kill me,” said Hastings.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    From Karen Silkwood to Michael Hastings, something is wrong

    Canada Free Press

    Doug Hagmann


    Just a few short years ago, I would have likely considered the death of Rolling Stone Reporter Michael Hastings an “open and shut” tragedy after a cursory review of the open source evidence associated with this event.

    Based on a number of things I’ve recently seen and certain information which I’ve been given over the last few years, I have my doubts. Serious doubts. Legitimate doubts.

    I am not writing out of lack of experience and exposure to such events, as I’ve spent the last 28 years of my life as a career investigator. In the mid-to-late 1970s, I spent several years as a “first responder,” long before that descriptive phrase was ever used. In many ways, my transition from responding to tragedies of all kinds to the investigation of such events was a natural evolution, and set the stage for my current overlapping roles as an investigative journalist and a talk show host with the only goal of identifying truth and exposing lies, wherever the journey might lead.

    Offering my background is to simply provide you with a frame of reference regarding how and why I am going on record to say that I suspect that there is something very wrong taking place in America, and it is not new. It is, however, becoming more refined and deadly, and perhaps even more common than any of us can comprehend or might be willing to accept. After all, it’s extremely uncomfortable for us to believe that there is an unseen darkness or a hidden hand that exists in our world as we personally know it.

    We all have enough drama in our own lives to keep us busy, so why should we seek out more? We are busy today putting food on our tables, working multiple jobs to keep a roof over our heads, and are dog-tired from dealing with the stress in our own lives just to survive. Or perhaps those stresses are behind you, and you are merely trying to enjoy your life in retirement. So why would any reasonably sane person, at whatever station they find themselves in their lives, go looking for conspiracies where none might exist? Why would we subject ourselves to the mocking and marginalization that comes with questioning the official accounts of various incidents?

    The answer, I submit, is that many of us are inherently moral and just who resent lie after lie served to us by those we have elected to represent us. We expect and deserve the truth as citizens. We are not the subjects of royalty, despite the acceptance by some to be treated as such. We care about the condition of our country and the world we are leaving to our offspring, and would not sleep well knowing that we’ve done nothing to protect our children and grandchildren.

    The very institution that had once forced transparency in our government, the media formerly populated by persistently inquisitive journalists has been infiltrated, compromised and is now acting as an agent of out-of-control leaders who have given themselves the power to terminate, at will and without due process, anyone they deem a threat to the safety and security of our nation. To many, that sounded reassuring while the embers of what once were the World Trade Center towers were still glowing white hot. Unspeakable carnage, we were told, caused by a nebulous foreign enemy with designs to keep attacking us into oblivion. Our rational thought was overcome by our emotional outrage, and those we placed in power exploited our grief and our concern to the point we find ourselves today.

    So much has happened since then that it is difficult to recognize what we have done and allowed to be done to ourselves and our nation. Yet, there have been a number of hard-core, no nonsense, truth-seeking journalists who have seen through the fog of deception and dared to take on the people and institutions who are actively pursuing an agenda that is antithetical to everything we hold dear. The tyranny that has been forming for decades regards such truth-seekers as troublesome and uncultivated wildflowers that have taken root on an otherwise pristine lawn. The more aggressive and uncultivated the wildflower, the more troublesome they become to the illusion of a well-planned landscape that serves as nothing more than eye candy to an ever-growing controlled populace. It is only reasonable that they should be cut down, uprooted and destroyed.

    Could this be what we might be witnessing to the truth-seekers who dare take on the powers of the royalty who are in power? From the strange car “accident” that took the life of whistleblower Karen Silkwood in 1974 to the Michael Hastings wreck of 2013 and countless other conveniently coincidental deaths in between, could we be witnessing the deliberate purging of those who are desperately seeking the truth?

    .................................................. .

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The Political Assassination of Michael Hastings

      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Michael Hastings conspiracy theories: Web goes wild after NSA, CIA reporter killed in crash', which was started 6/20/2013 by 'Nachum'

        The thread references a 6/19/2013 New York Daily News article written by Beth Stebner -

        View the complete Free Republic thread at:

        B. Steadman

