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Saudi ‘Person Of Interest’ Is Osama Bin Laden’s Son -- Before It's News

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  • Saudi ‘Person Of Interest’ Is Osama Bin Laden’s Son -- Before It's News

    Saudi ‘Person Of Interest’ Is Osama Bin Laden’s Son

    Before It's News





    Hamza is the son of Khairiah Sabar of Saudi Arabia, one of Bin Laden’s three wives who were living in the Abbottabad compound.[11] Interrogation of the surviving wives of Osama Bin Laden by Pakistani intelligence after the raid on the Abbottabad revealed Hamza was the only person missing. He was not among those killed or injured. The raid conducted by the SEAL team was thorough: infrared technology, as well as ground troops, remained confident nobody inside the compound had escaped. There were no hidden exit tunnels from the compound.[12][13]

    In a letter confiscated in the raid, written by bin Laden and addressed to his “Chief of Staff” Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, bin Laden mentions his desire that Hamza would be educated in Qatar as a religious scholar so that he could “refute the wrong and the suspicions raised around Jihad.”[14] The same letter revealed that Hamza did not escape the raid because he was not even present in Abbottabad.[15][16] Letters from the compound also confirmed that Osama was grooming Hamza to be his heir apparent following the death of Hamza’s older brother Saad in a 2009 US drone strike.[17][18]

    The congressional source told TheBlaze it was unclear as to why representatives from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would be unaware of this information. Earlier on Thursday, an official with ICE said it was “categorically false” that Alharbi had ever been considered for deportation.

    The congressional source, however, said the information sent to Congress showed that a file was created on “Abdul Rahman Ali Al Harby” at 4 p.m. on Tuesday by an official with the National Targeting Center, a counterterrorism sub-agency of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Department of Homeland Security. The file stated that the individual is “linked to the Boston bombing” and was to be processed for revocation of his visa based on national security grounds, the congressional source revealed.

    .................................................. .

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Saudi ‘Person Of Interest’ Is Osama Bin Laden’s Son', which was started 4/22/2013 by 'LucyT'

    The thread references a 4/22/2013 GOPTheDailyDose post by Amy -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The following is an excerpt from COMMENT #227 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      So plastic surgery altered the features most people would notice, which is why they thought they were fine with him out in the open. Appearances are deceptive. I wonder what clued them in. It must have been something in the apartment. Was the name fake? Borrowed from a real person?

      If Bin Laden was dead since 2005, then Jarrett was saying no to an action that would let the Muslim world know he was dead. The leaders already knew, I’m sure, but the rank-and-file maybe didn’t. I thought I read somebody saying that Jarrett wanted to save the “Bin Laden assassination” for an October surprise, but the fake BC spoiled that plan.

      The following is COMMENT #231 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      I like the thought that there’s concrete factual analysis rather than simply a subjective impression of this person looking like that person. The two faces didn’t look alike to me, so it seemed strange for somebody to suggest in that article that they did. And it seems far-fetched that law enforcement/FBI would jump to test this guy’s DNA just based on his appearance. There must have been something in that apartment.

      I read an article that said they appeared at his apartment about 5:30pm the day of the bombing and were there until about midnight. Even before that, though, at the hospital they had taken his clothes to examine for evidence that he had been involved in the bombing. If they found something at his apartment that led them to believe he was a Bin Laden they would probably have been able to do a DNA test.

      That article said they were looking for explosives at his apartment, and the roommate said they didn’t take anything - but yet there were those bags of stuff they were loading into the car as they left. The article said they were eliminating him as a person of interest, and yet the official record had him classified as a “known terrorist”, presumably based on what they found there.

      I caught snippets from Beck’s radio show today, and what is scary is the number of Congress members who responded to constituents by saying that they refuse to pay attention to “crazy conspiracy theories”. Beck reiterated that he had about 10 different people from WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT who confirmed the information for him, saying they have a smoking gun. But the soundness of the evidence means nothing - only the seeming sensationalism of the claim. It’s an epistemology I can’t understand. When an issue really matters, you do the due diligence of looking at facts. And you go wherever those facts take you, because truth is truth.

      If truth doesn’t matter to us as a society, there is no hope for us. We’re a boiled frog. It’s scary to me to hear Congress members openly telling us that they are a boiled frog and can never be revived.

      If the media and Congress are willing and able to sweep this under the rug, there is NOTHING that they can’t and/or won’t do the same thing to. If so, we are totally boiled. We’re incapable of feeling the pain that is supposed to accompany lies and corruption. There’s nothing SOLID left on us; it’s all just illusions and perceptions with nothing concrete to hang our hats on.

      Sorry for the mixed metaphors. It’s late and my mind is mush. I fear this will all be washed away by the tides of the political-media charade playing around us. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? I fear that will be the epitaph on this country’s gravestone.

      The following is COMMENT #232 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      It was 4pm on Tuesday that they created the file with the designation as “known terrorist”. If Beck’s got it right, that label had to be cleared with multiple people/departments before it could be applied. That means there was something MIGHTY CONCLUSIVE that left no doubts in anybody’s mind. The actions of TEN people going to Beck (and to members of Congress) to show the original record (which they had the foresight to print out before it was altered) also says to me that there was something very, very solid on which they based their firm, death-defying belief.

      At it says a RUSH job on DNA testing takes 8 hours. If they found something in the apartment that aroused suspicion and submitted DNA for a rush analysis by 8am on Tuesday morning they could have had a result by 4pm, at which time they could have called everybody together and come up with the classification for the file. Wouldn’t have taken much debate.

      And that was the afternoon that the FBI was trying to schedule a press conference to make a big announcement - only to have it interrupted by a bomb threat and eventually Obama’s big temper tantrum on TV. Lots of people saying, “What the heck is going on here?!” Almost like the FBI had something big they wanted to say, and somebody “higher up” wanted to cover it up...

      The following is COMMENT #236 by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

      I wonder who is the source for the Beforeitsnews article. There are footnotes that are cited but not included. Maybe it’s somebody trained in facial recognition and that is why he says they look alike.

      And what happens from here? Presumably these members of Congress have been informed that this is Bin Laden’s son - as have all the news networks. The speculation was that Holder was going to claim this is an ongoing investigation and that’s why nothing can be disclosed to the Congress members, but if there’s an ongoing investigation into this guy then there’s no way they should have allowed him to leave. And actually, wouldn’t an investigation fall under CIA rather than FBI/DOJ, since this guy is not American?

      Beck is finding the same problem that Cold Case Posse Commander Mike Zullo is finding. We can have proof, but nobody will put it out there to the public, and nobody will act on it within the legal system.

      I have to say, though, that Schadenfreude isn’t sweet at all. It’s sad and sickening. Beck knows I’m right on the birth certificate and I know Beck is right on the Saudi. But neither one of us can do a dang thing because the whole world thinks none of this could happen in America, and especially without anybody in the media willing to tell the story. Beck ridiculed me (the “birthers”) but I am not going to ridicule him. We’re on the same side, and we’ve got big enemies we’re facing.

      Do the members of Congress have to break this story? Will they do it? What has to happen now?
      Last edited by bsteadman; 04-24-2013, 03:52 PM.
      B. Steadman

