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Obama Cites US v Marguet-Pillado. Dicta Implies Obama Eligible Even if Born in Kenya

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  • Obama Cites US v Marguet-Pillado. Dicta Implies Obama Eligible Even if Born in Kenya

    Free Republic is running a thread titled, "Obama cites US v Marguet-Pillado. Dicta implies Obama eligible even if born in Kenya (vanity)", which was started 3/11/2011 by 'Seizethecarp'

    View the Free Republic thread at:

    "In support of the opinion in US v Marguet-Pillado, 9th Cir. 2011, Judge Gwin, writing for the majority in his “III Analysis” dicta, states: “No one disputes that Marguet-Pillado’s requested instruction was ‘an accurate statement of the law,’ in that it correctly stated the two circumstances in which an individual born in 1968 is a natural-born United States citizen: (1) that the person was born in the United States or (2) born outside the United States to a biologically-related United States citizen parent who met certain residency requirements.” On March 1, Sheriff Arpaio’s Posse re-opened the possibility that Obama was born in Kenya by announcing that it had found probable cause to believe that Obama’s long form birth certificate was forged, newspaper birth announcements were unreliable, and that there was now no proof that Obama was born in the USA. A week earlier, with full knowledge of what the Arpaio Posse’s findings would be, “constitutional scholar” Obama’s legal team suddenly started citing the Marguet-Pillado case in multiple PA and GA ballot eligibility state appeals. The following language is included by Obama’s lawyers in the PA and GA MTD filings: “President Obama was a United States citizen from the moment of his birth inHawaii. Since he held citizenship from birth, all Constitutional qualifications have been met. Ankeny v. Governor of State of Indiana, 916 N.E.2d 678 (Ind. App., 2009); see,United States v. Marguet-Pillado , 648 F.3d 1001, 1006 (9thCir., 2011). There is no basis to question the President’s citizenship or qualifications to hold office.”

    "The Marguet-Pillado case, quoted above, affirms in dicta that Obama would be eligible to be president even if he was born outside the USA!

    IMO, the timing of this citation by Obama and his legal team shows “consciousness of guilt” that he is actively hiding his actual foreign birth, which most likely would be in Kenya. The defendant in the Marguet-Pillado case was born in Mexico to a Mexican citizen mother and had stipulated in an earlier trial (reversed and remanded) that the US citizen named Marguet that appeared on his Mexican birth certificate was not his natural father. Why would Obama cite to a case which adds nothing at all towards establishing his eligibility if he were, in fact, born in the US? Here is the Opinion from the case, which does not appear to apply to Obama at all:

    (bold and underline emphasis added)


    GWIN, District Judge:

    "Defendant-Appellant Carlos Marguet-Pillado ('Marguet- Pillado') appeals his conviction for being a previously removed alien found in the United States, in violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1326. With his appeal, Marguet-Pillado argues that the district court erred in refusing to give a requested jury instruction. The instruction would have permitted Marguet-Pillado to argue that the government had failed to establish that Marguet-Pillado was an alien who had not obtained derivative citizenship from his step-father, a United States citizen listed on Marguet-Pillado’s birth certificate as his father. The district court rejected the instruction after finding that an earlier appeal in this case relieved the government of the burden of establishing alienage in the second trial. Because we find that in the second trial, Marguet-Pillado could require the government to come forward with proof that Marguet-Pillado was an alien and did not have derivative citizenship, we REVERSE Marguet- Pillado’s conviction and remand this case for a new trial."

    If born in Kenya, whether Obama would even be a US citizen at birth (natural born or not) would depend on whether his parents were legally married. INS records show that BHO Sr. was deported based substantially on suspicion that he had entered into a bigamous marriage with Stanley Ann Dunham. Below are the State Department rules for married vs unmarried foreign births with a US citizen mom:

    “Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent in Wedlock:

    “A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be genetically related to the child to transmit U.S. citizenship.”

    “Birth Abroad Out-of-Wedlock to a U.S. Citizen Mother:

    “A person born abroad out-of-wedlock to a U.S. citizen mother may acquire U.S. citizenship under Section 309(c) of the INA if the mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person’s birth and if the mother was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the person’s birth. The mother must be genetically related to the person in order to transmit U.S. citizenship.”

    Ironically, if Obama was born in Kenya it would be to his advantage for him to have been born out-of-wedlock because, as can be seen above, his mother meets the residency requirement to pass citizenship to him if she was single while she does NOT meet the residency requirement to pass citizenship to him if she were legally married to BHO Sr.

    Bottom line is that the Obama legal team is now claiming that Marguet-Pillado applies to Obama and that case would make the out-of-wedlock Kenya-born child of an eighteen-year-old US citizen mother a "natural born citizen" according to the two-judge 9th Circuit majority and eligible to be president of the United States according to the Obama legal team. This is a blatant attempt to overturn the unanimous holding in Minor v. Happerset defining natural born citizen to exclude those who were not born in the country to citizen parents:

    (bold and underline emphasis added)

    “The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.”

    Note that the Congressional Research Service has also jumped to endorse the Marguet-Pillado case as affirming that a foreign born child biologically-related to a US citizen is a citizen at birth and thus a natural born citizen and thus eligible to be POTUS:


    "Concerning the contention made in earlier cases that everyone who is made a citizen only by federal statute is a “naturalized” citizen (even those who are made citizens at birth by statute), it may be noted that the common understanding and usage of the terms “naturalized” and “naturalization,” as well as the precise legal meaning under current federal law, now indicate that someone who is a citizen “at birth” is not considered to have been “naturalized.”

    Justice Breyer, for example, dissenting on other grounds in Miller v. Albright, explained that “this kind of citizenship,” that is, under “statutes that confer citizenship ‘at birth,’” was not intended to “involve[ ] ‘naturalization,’” citing current federal law at 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(23). The Supreme Court recently recognized in Tuan Anh Nguyen v. INS, that federal law now specifically defines “naturalization” as the “conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth,” and thus it could be argued that by current definition and understanding in federal law and jurisprudence, one who is entitled to U.S. citizenship automatically “at birth” or “by birth” could not be considered to be “naturalized.” The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has specifically recognized in a recent case that one may be a “natural born” citizen of the United Sates in two ways: either by being born in the United States, or by being born abroad of at least one citizen-parent who has met the residency requirement. In United States v. Carlos Jesus Marguet-Pillado, a case dealing with the propriety of an appeal based on requested jury instructions not given, the court stated:

    No one disputes that Marguet-Pillado’s requested instruction was “an accurate statement of the law,” in that it correctly stated the two circumstances in which an individual born in 1968is a natural born United States citizen: (1) that the person was born in the United States or (2) born outside the United States to a biologically-related United States citizen parent who met certain residency requirements."

    end quote
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-12-2012, 04:03 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The following is COMMENT #3, by 'butterdezillion' in the thread:

    "It shouldn’t matter if he’s NBC for the next election because nobody should vote for a POTUS who is serving out a conviction for fraud and treason.

    Basically Obama’s re-election chances hinge on whether or not we have the rule of law in this country. If we don’t, then ANYBODY could get elected OR usurp the office of the Presidency in any other way. We are in a lawless state right now.

    Interesting, though, that they’re starting to switch their strategy to accommodate the possibility that it will be found out that he was foreign-born. Inconceivable, though, that they would think that he would have any chance of being re-elected if it was found that he was born elsewhere and that everything he has presented, and that the whole system claims to have validated, is actually a filthy lie. Clearly they believe that not only the rule of law is gone but also any concern by the PUBLIC for truth. If they think they are this invincible, it suggests to me that they have a way of MAKING SURE that the truth and the rule of law cannot matter."

    The following is COMMENT #44, by 'Seizethecarp' in the thread:

    “He hasn’t even proven he is a citizen, let alone a Natural Born Citizen.” (Comment #22, by Danae, in the thread)

    "True, but according to the 9th Circus and the CRS, Barry only has to declare “Gee, it has just come to my attention that that Lucas Smith BC IS my actual BC and because it proves that I am biologically-related at birth to at least one US citizen no matter where on the planet I was born, I am POTUS eligible. I will immediately begin an investigation into who it was that forged my HI LFBC!”

    Of course, the matter would have to get past SCOTUS review coming up from the GA ballot challenges."

    (bold and underline emphasis added)
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      The following is COMMENT #64, by 'Seizethecarp', in the thread:

      “I know she (Obama's mother, Ann Dunham) was not old enough to convey citizenship.” (COMMENT #59 by 'Yaelle')

      "But if she was single, she actually was old enough because the residency for a single mom is less than five years...short enough for SADO to qualify at age 18. The details are at the top of the thread in my article.

      The INS deported BHO Sr. on suspicion of being a bigamist due to his prior Kenyan marriage known to the INS. That would make SADO legally single and able to pass citizen ship to Barry if he was born in Kenya. I don't believe that would make him NBC as implies by Marguet-Pillado, of course...just a citizen."

      The following is COMMENT #78, by 'SatinDoll', in the thread:

      "Doesn’t anyone else here see this is a Red Herring?

      He was born in Kenya and became an Indonesian citizen via adoption by Lolo Soetoro when barely past being a toddler. His adoption BC said “Born in Hawaii, father Lolo Soetoro, (Indonesian citizen).

      This would automatically have given Barry Soetoro Indonesian citizenship according to laws in effect at that time, both U.S. and Indonesian.

      The correct question should be: when did he, or did he ever, naturalize. For to get back his U.S. citizenship, he would have had to naturalize. This means INS has an immigration file labeled “Barry Soetoro”.

      By making this issue about birth location we ignore that he is another nation’s citizen.

      And before the chorus starts up “where’s your source”, literally millions of emigrants have gone through this process. There is nothing secret about it, except this guy perhaps blackmailed his way into the echelons of Washington, D.C., power."

      The following is COMMENT #86, by 'Smokeyblue' in the thread:

      "9th Cir. 2011

      “The NBC language appears to have been placed in a jury instruction but a Dems party contributor and Obama backing illegal immigrant defending law firm for the express purpose of giving a federal appeals court the opportunity to declare Barry to be an NBC, IMO.”
      (COMMENT #43 by 'Seizethecarp)

      (bold and underline emphasis added)

      [I]Absolutely. 2011. How convenient for Barry."

      The following is COMMENT #99, by 'Seizethecarp' in the thread:

      “Doesn’t anyone else here see this is a Red Herring?

      “He was born in Kenya and became an Indonesian citizen via adoption by Lolo Soetoro when barely past being a toddler. His adoption BC said “Born in Hawaii, father Lolo Soetoro, (Indonesian citizen).”
      (COMMENT #78, by 'SatinDoll')

      "I'm not sure what you mean “Red Herring.” IMO, if Barry was born in Kenya, a supposition that you appear to support, then it is the Indonesian adoption that fades to irrelevance.

      NBC is a constitutional birth status while subsequent adoption is not. Kenyan birth trumps Indonesian adoption, IMO.

      Proving that Barry is ineligible due to an Indonesian adoption is extremely problematic. Any adoption records in Indonseia (most likely) or Hawaii (less likely, IMO) appear to have been scrubbed and not likely to be recovered until after Barry is either re-elected (urp!) or leaves office in Jan 2013. If Barry's college transcript shows he registered as a foreign national based on adoption that would be a game-changer, but that is only speculative for now while failure to prove an Hawaiian birth and failure to disprove a Kenyan birth is actively on the table. I am in the camp that doesn't consider a foreign adoption to automatically and permanently negate NBC status at birth.

      Look at the Elg case. Little Elg was born on US soil to two naturalized US citizens. Then they expatriated her back to Sweden, IIRC at age four. Elg never disavowed her US citizenship, but was denied entry when she attempted to return to the US as an adult. She sued and won with SCOTUS declaring that parents cannot expunge the NBC status of a genuine US NBC.

      "We conclude that respondent has not lost her citizenship in the United States and is entitled to all the rights and privileges of that citizenship." Elg did NOT have to be naturalized to regain her NBC status. She never lost it and I doubt Obama would have lost his either unless he renounced his US citizenship in Indonesia or Kenya to get a foreign passport and foreign student benefits, perhaps from some Muslim backers.

      Of course, there has been no court test of a presidential candidate's eligibility for a candidate who's public record is that of being born NBC and then expatriated while a minor and the returning to reclaim a US citizenship.

      For me any Indonesian adoption is not an NBC issue but an issue possible fraud by Obama to obtain foreign student benefits."
      Last edited by bsteadman; 03-12-2012, 07:35 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        The following is COMMENT #107, by 'Seizethecarp' in the thread:

        “And we still don’t know if he was born in the US, Canada or Kenya and to what parents since the BC he waved in front of the cameras is totally bogus and all other records are missing.” (COMMENT #85, by 'bgill')

        "Corsi has published numerous secret Kenyan government documents showing that Barry’s BC was stolen. Barry’s Mama Sara told the government that BHO Sr and SADO were in Kenya and she was there in Mombassa when Barry was born and she says that he was born in the same hospital of the Smith BC (forged or genuine).

        Getting that evidence into court requres Kenyan Gov’t authentication which Barry has sufficient funds to suppress...except...

        There is a recent high-level defector from Odinga’s staff in Kenya who has given Corsi an 800 page personal account of the goings-on in Kenya. Corsi revealed this one week before the March 1, Arpaio Posse presser and could be Corsi laying the groundwork for upcomings revelations from this man regarding Odinga and Barry’s relationship and Barry’s birth in Kenya. Just my guess.

        Here is the Kenyan coverage of the story:

        “The book on Raila by Miguna Miguna is now with a US publisher called WorldNetDaily (WND) where political conservative Jerome Corsi is a senior writer. Mr Corsi is well known for his anti-Barack Obama views.

        “The Daily Nation reports that Jerome Corsi had the “devastating” manuscript from Mr Miguna Miguna, which he claimed would threaten Mr Odinga’s presidential election prospects.”
        B. Steadman

