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Indiana: Obama's Mom's Passport Records Showing Surname Soebarkah Irrelevant

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  • Indiana: Obama's Mom's Passport Records Showing Surname Soebarkah Irrelevant

    Indiana Election Commission Rules Obama's Mom's Passport Records Showing Obama's Indonesian Surname Soebarkah Irrelevant

    Birther Report


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The following is COMMENT #25 in the end-referenced thread by 'Seizethecarp'

    "Indiana was the worst possible venue for an eligibility challenge because it is home to the ONLY appeals court, the Ankeny Court, to have ruled on the NBC issue...and that was in favor of Obama.

    So the two of four GOP lawyers who were commissioners were bound by the law of IN ruling that Obama was NBC, as pronounced by their appeals court.

    Also, the burden of proof in IN was on the challengers even if the candidate didn't show up, unlike GA where a default was available in the event of a no-show by Obama (which the challengers declined in GA).

    The commissioners were forced to resort to "Since when does a president need a social security number to be eligible?" arguments to attempt to deflect Dr. Taitz's speculations that Barry was using a SS# never issued to him in HI."

    The following is COMMENT #28 in the end-referenced thread by 'Seizethecarp'

    "Orly cannot use a civil law eligibility hearing of any kind to bring criminal charges against Barry. The rights of the accused and the standards of evidence are totally different in a criminal case of fraud.

    Arpaio, on the other hand, might just have found evidence to support a criminal action against Barry. Arpaio, unlike Orly, is understands and is experienced in criminal law and how to bring a prosecution of an accused person without violating their rights."

    View the Free Republic thread titled, 'Obama Biased Indiana Elections Officials Vote to Put Obama on Ballot", which was started 2/24/2012 by 'ednoonan7' at:

    View the complete original referenced 'Obama Ballot Challenge' article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-25-2012, 06:32 PM.
    B. Steadman

