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Obama's Ineligibility as President Putting U.S. Military and Intel Personel at Risk

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  • Obama's Ineligibility as President Putting U.S. Military and Intel Personel at Risk


    The Daily Pen

    Dan Crosby


    INTRANATIONAL SECURITY THREAT - A recently released video produced by a group of former and current intelligence and special forces military personnel explicitly confronts Barack Obama’s professional abilities as a president while demanding that he “shut the **** up” when it comes to military operational security and intelligence information.

    "NEW YORK, NY – Barack Obama did say transparency would be the “touchstone” of his administration, after all.

    Little did anyone think that Obama's "transparency" would mean his administration's repeated disclosure of sensitive military intelligence to the enemies of the United States.

    Moreover, it is unfortunate that only a few true patriots in our military, beginning with Dr. Col. Terry Lakin, were courageous enough to risk their professional and personal welfare in order to sound the alarm for the American people that Obama isn't legally qualified to even have an administration, let alone have the opportunity to undermine America’s national security with it.

    A recently released video produced by OPSEC (Operational Security) Foundation, a recently formed group of current and former military and intelligence operations personnel, demands that Obama and his administration keep quiet when it comes to divulging operational security and intelligence information merely for his own political benefit.

    In the 22 minute video, Dishonorable Disclosures: How Leaks and Politics Threaten National Security, highly experienced and decorated intelligence and military personnel explain the risks of disclosing information about military operations. They also show evidence that the Obama administration has leaked confidential information about drone missions, agents’ identities, special forces tactics and network security operations.

    “As a citizen, it is my civil duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy. It will get Americans killed,” says Navy Seal, Ben Smith in the video “

    Beginning in 2009, when evidence began to surface that Obama was not eligible to be president, his administration began to come under scrutiny from military commanders and clandestine services personnel for what they called egregious breaches in national security following a handful of high profile intelligence leaks originating from the White House, including information made public about the alleged raid on Osama Bin Laden’s Pakistani compound in May of 2011.

    In an ironic twist, Obama’s birth certificate and college transcripts are more secure than information about CIA drone missions and special forces tactics. Unfortunately for millions of innocent people, Obama is better at hiding the identity of his real father than the identity of Navy Seals in the Middle East.

    The video, which concludes with former USMC Lt. Colonel, Bill Cowan, explicitly telling Obama to "shut the up" when it comes to military intelligence information, has more than 2 million views on both the OPSEC website and YouTube since August 15th

    The organization’s website, states the following:

    “President Barack Obama is perceived to a significant degree as responsible for the killing of Osama Bin Laden, and has taken significant steps to use that action to prop up his Presidency politically. A notable amount of political hyperbole has already been provided, witness his leaping to the media platform at 11:45 pm on a Sunday night, and the subsequent comments by VP Biden and others to the effect that it was a “bold and courageous” decision, and that “only one other advisor” favored the action.

    While neither is true, this action is perhaps the single most powerful symbol Obama will use during the campaign to provide some credibility to his national defense and foreign affairs stature during the forthcoming fall campaign, thereby avoiding what has been referred to as his various “Tours of Apology” overseas. One may assume, as a practical matter, the BHO political media firm has already laid out the spot featuring him gassing up the stealth helicopters.

    The decision to execute the raid on the compound in Pakistan was unavoidable, and neither bold or courageous. In fact, there was no practical way out. The political cost of failure was far less than the cost not trying in the face of evidence of Bin Laden's presence. To be confronted with the information that there was between a 45% and 60% chance OBL was in the compound and to have not executed the operation to kill OBL, who was responsible for the deaths of approximately 3,000 American citizens in New York City alone and untold others on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, would have ultimately been discovered, and would have resulted in Obama's removal from office by either electoral defeat or impeachment and removal.

    There was simply no choice. Being well aware that President Clinton's administration had passed by more than one opportunity to remove OBL before 9/11, and also aware that those instances had become public knowledge, it could have been construed as a bold, courageous (albeit stupid) decision to NOT execute the raid.

    What has occurred, alongside this and other related actions by special operations forces and the intelligence community, is the public unveiling of classified military and intelligence capabilities for political purposes, thereby posing a serious future threat to the lives of the intelligence and special operations personnel involved in such actions, as well as the exposure of intelligence gathering methods and future special operations missions.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman