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Live Stream: Sheriff Joe's Lead Investigator Set To Release New Obama Identity Fraud

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  • Live Stream: Sheriff Joe's Lead Investigator Set To Release New Obama Identity Fraud

    Live Stream: Sheriff Joe's Lead Investigator Set To Release New Obama Identity Fraud Info

    Birther Report


    See full original post on Birther Report for links


    Listen Live: Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Lead Investigator Mike Zullo Set To Release New Obama Identity Document Fraud Information - April 5, 2013 -

    Mike Zullo will appear and take calls on Carl Gallups radio show today (Friday) from 5:00 PM ET - 7:00 PM ET. -
    (bold and color emphasis added)

    --- Click ... (link given in original article) To Open Live Radio Stream Player ---

    --- Call-In Number: 850-623-1330 ---

    For those that can't catch the live broadcast or don't wan't to wait until tomorrow for the WEBY podcast, and barring any streaming issues, this post will be updated with each audio segment shortly after each segment airs live. A full version later in the evening...

    The archived audio segments will begin here:

    [ segment one ]

    [ segment two ]

    [ etc. ]

    [ etc. ]

    [ full interview ]

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    I have been attempting to listen to the show but I think there is a problem with the streaming. So far I haven't been able to access any of the broadcast.

    I was thinking of calling in, to talk, but I don't think its a good idea now because I wanted to be able first hear what they were talking about and be able to assess the tone of the interview.


    • #3
      Full Audio: Sheriff Joe Posse; High-Profile Source Turns Over New Obama Fraud Evidence

      Birther Report



      Sheriff Joe's Lead Investigator: High-Profile Credible Source
      Turns Over New Obama Identity Document Fraud Evidence
      - Aired April 5, 2013 -

      Full Interview: Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Lead Investigator Mike Zullo; FULL INTERVIEW EMBEDDED
      (in original post):

      1. Lead Investigator for the Cold Case Posse Lt. Mike Zullo reviews his credentials.
      2. The fraudulent birth certificate represents a crime….a felony.
      3. “We know it was uploaded from a Mac”
      4. A program called Preview was used just before the upload which can erase metadata…some of the data was retained however.
      5. Other Programs used are Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
      6. It was uploaded to a government server.
      7. Biggest fraud committed in American history.
      8. “I have enough evidence to drive a stake in the heart of this document”
      9. This investigation has been verified.
      10. New evidence has been turned over to the Cold Case Posse within the last two days from other law enforcement.
      11. The Investigation is not stopping.
      12. People in high positions with standing have seen the evidence and others also are making arrangements to see it.
      13. Promises have been made from people in high positions that the investigation will move forward.
      14. The “Wheels of Justice” move slowly.
      15. Ret. Army Lt. Col. Allen West and U.S. Rep. is aware of the evidence and cites future political aspirations as to why he refuses to pursue.
      16. Lt. Zullo is working toward getting evidence before a DA or Attorney General.
      17. This is an issue of National Security.
      18. Other sheriffs are interested in the investigation.
      19. If you or I proffered a forged birth certificate to gain access to a ballot and was elected to an office and received financial gain from that office that would be a felony offense and we would be indicted immediately.
      20. Lead Investigator Mike Zullo shines the light on the misinformation disinformation campaign being waged in an effort to try and discredit the investigation…and of which can’t be done.
      21. One individual fled the country because of threats.

      You can listen to each separate segment .... Previous reports .... Bullet-points provided by Pixel Patriot...

      View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'High-Profile Credible Source Turns Over New Obama Identity Document Fraud Evidence', which was started 4/6/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

        The thread references the 4/5/2013 Birther Report article - http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogs...estigator.html

        View the complete Free Republic thread at:
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          RECAP: Stunning New Revelations from Lt. Mike Zullo - Obama Fraud Case


          Carl Gallups

          COLD CASE POSSE - Obama Fraud Case

          On Friday April 5, 2013 - Carl Gallups of Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups interviewed Mike Zullo, Lead Investigator, with the Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse. The interview was conducted over an hour and half portion of Carl's show. Zullo and Gallups promised stunning new revelations in the case ... and in spite of the Obamabot naysayers and, apparently, those incapable of intelligently discerning spoken information - Gallups and Zullo delivered on the promise!

          Below is a recap of the revelations:

          1. Within the last 2 days before the interview, Zullo confirmed that brand new information had been received in the investigation which bolstered the legal evidence of the long form birth certificate being a 100% fabricated and fraudulent document. The information came, unexpected, from a professional source of the investigation, and is irrefutable.

          2. Within the last couple of days before the interview, Zullo had several lengthy meetings with VIPS who have promised to soon bring this case forward in an "official" manner. The VIPS are of "standing" and have the authority to bring the case forward. They have promised full public exposure to the case, the evidence, and to the hopeful ends of a full and official "hearing" of the matter.

          3. A definitive "plan of action" is now being formulated with several VIPS to make number 3 above happen as soon as possible.

          4. Several other VIPS have now scheduled meetings with Zullo and are expected to come on board with the exposure process.

          5. Zullo revealed for the FIRST TIME publicly that a "certified" source of legal investigation has now "signed off" on the CCP investigation and has declared the evidence to be 100% accurate and the document in question to be a complete fabricated fraud upon the American people. This source is certified to testify in Federal Courts throughout the nation.

          6. Gallups identified that at least one VIP has reneged on their promise of further meetings and investigations. Gallups is promising to "out" this VIP very soon. Gallups attests that he possesses the email trail from the office of the VIP proving that the VIP planned to participate in the evidence examination. The VIP is now claiming that their office never planned to be a part of that meeting - even though the email evidence specifically indicates otherwise. In other words - the VIP lied and Gallups says he can prove it.

          7. Zullo says the public disclosure of the evidence and the push for definitive legal action may take from 3 - 6 months depending upon the "plan of action" that is being formulated by the VIPS who are already on board and the VIPS that they are trying to bring on board with them in this matter. Further VIP meetings are being scheduled at this time.

          For those wanting "specifics" of the above - we will have to wait until it is all made public. This is no small matter. This is a criminal case of monumental and historical magnitude. Zullo, Arpaio, Gallups, et. al. are not about to leak out the specifics of the investigation and especially names of the VIPS who are now, finally, promising action in this case.

          The Obamabots would LOVE for Zullo or Gallups to "slip up" or be "bullied" into releasing more information...but Gallups and Zullo are much too smart for those tactics. The Obamabots would love to know the specifics, the evidence, and the names of the VIPS so they could attack them and start a disinformation campaign. But they cannot do either - because they simply do not know what the CCP is now in possession of. The Obamabots are going crazy.

          Gallups and Zullo are asking people to be patient. The bottom line, they say, is that this case is now further along and closer to being publicly dealt with than ever before. These things take time - but Gallups and Zullo have promised that they are not going away until the case is "heard" or until the VIPS are "outed" for reneging on promises to deal with the matter. Gallups and Zullo have promised, one way or the other - the truth will be disseminated to the world.

          Yes...Mike Zullo and the CCP are asking for your donations. Yes - they are asking for them without shame. The donations are the only source of funding in the investigation, travel and future expenses. Many of you ask: How can we help? Gallups and Zullo say: PRAY - and donate!

          DONATE HERE:

          View the complete post at:

          Last edited by bsteadman; 04-09-2013, 12:54 AM.
          B. Steadman

