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Obama Lied, Ambassador Stevens Died: Obama Admin Scrubbed State Dept. Memo On Libya

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  • Obama Lied, Ambassador Stevens Died: Obama Admin Scrubbed State Dept. Memo On Libya

    Obama Lied, Ambassador Stevens Died: Obama Admin Scrubbed State Dept. Memo On Libya

    Birther Report



    Obama Lied, Ambassador Stevens Died:
    Obama Admin Scrubbed State Department Memo On Libya

    Via Gateway Pundit: Yesterday there were reports that the Obama Administration found out that Al-Qaeda was behind the Benghazi consulate attacks within 24 hours of the assault that killed four Americans.

    So what was their first action?

    Did they secure the compound? – No, that took over a week to get FBI agents to the consulate

    Did they acknowledge it was an Al-Qaeda attack? No, Obama this week blamed the terror attack on a YouTube protest.

    Here’s what they did – They scrubbed a damning State Department memo from the internet–

    On Wednesday September 12, 2012 blogger Speak With Authority discovered that five days before 9-11, the US State Department sent out a memo announcing no credible security threats against the United States on the anniversary of 9-11.

    The Overseas Security Advisory Council, who posted the memo, is part of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security under the U.S. Department of State.

    Here (link given in article) is a screengrab of the memo at the OSAC website:


    View the complete Birther Report presentation, including video, at:

    B. Steadman