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Panic in the camp of 'black Jesus' -- WND, Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

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  • Panic in the camp of 'black Jesus' -- WND, Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

    Panic in the camp of 'black Jesus'

    Exclusive: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley notes fear among Obamaites post Ryan pick


    Christopher Monckton of Brenchley


    "The amateur president has had an easy ride in his re-election campaign – until now. He has been comfortably ahead in most of the opinion polls. The left-dominated news media continue to fawn upon Mr. Obama as though he were – in the words of one of his own close advisers – “black Jesus.”

    Now, the black-Jesus freaks are in a panic. The first attack ads were on your screens within hours of Mitt Romney’s confirmation that Paul Ryan, the tea-party movement’s dream candidate, was to be his running-mate for veep.

    The Church of Obama, much outspent by the Latter-Day Saints in the White House campaign, is in a panic. It has even resorted to a swear-word in an email inviting potential supporters to stump up $5 or more to keep Mr. Manchurian in the luxury to which he has become accustomed.

    The hard-left “Democrats” of today (the quote-marks should surely be part of WND’s house style from now on) don’t just hate conservatives. They fear us.

    Why? For all they try to make out that the tea-party movement is a tiny gathering of beyond-the-fringe extremists, they now suspect – and rightly – that this extraordinary, spontaneous, grass-roots uprising against the left’s encroachments upon liberty represents the opinions not of a marginal, numerically insignificant minority but of the great majority of the people of your great nation.

    The “Democrats” also have very good reason to fear Paul Ryan. He is young, fresh-faced, good-looking, charmingly articulate, not fooled by the climate scam, conservative in matters of religion, opposed to baby-butchering. All of these are pluses with voters who had despaired of the wimpy pantywaists who have until recently been in control of the Republican Party. (Margaret Thatcher would have called them “wets.”)

    Ryan’s biggest plus, though, is the one the “Democrats” are screeching about most volubly. He must have read my column of last week pointing out that out-of-control federal spending could bring America down without anyone firing a single shot. He has a plan for bringing that spending under control.

    To control public spending you have to make the biggest possible cuts at the least political cost.

    Yet the sheer grossness of Mr. Obama’s overspending leaves very little room to pick and choose between programs before deciding where the ax should fall. The very large cuts that are now essential to the very survival of the United States leave very little room for political maneuver. A lot of people who have been getting a lot of other people’s money for a long time are going to have to do without it.

    It is often said that politicians think only in the short term. The truth is that it is the voters – or at least those who have allowed themselves to become habitually dependent upon the labor of the taxpayer for their living – who think short-term.

    At each election, those who live at taxpayers’ expense have just one question in their minds: Which party will keep my gravy-train rolling along for a few more years?

    The true significance of Mr. Ryan’s appointment is that, like the trail-blazing Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, and unlike just about everyone else in the Republican leadership, he is not afraid to be honest with the voters about the fact that the gravy-train has already tipped into the gulch.

    Scott Walker fended off a recall challenge by an unholy consortium of unions and other beneficiaries of the taxpayers’ involuntary largesse by being straightforward with everyone about the extent of Wisconsin’s indebtedness and the seriousness of the consequences if it were not addressed.

    Gov. Walker’s entire campaign was refreshingly undoctrinaire. Quietly, politely, gently, firmly, persistently, he spelled out how many beans make five (memo to black Jesus: the answer is a whole number greater than four and less than six).

    He followed the advice Lenin gave but never followed: “Explain. Always explain.”

    A substantial minority of union members voted for him. They could see he was genuinely worried about Wisconsin’s finances, and with good reason. When he gave them the freedom not to belong to unions if they chose not to, many chose not to.

    I was also pleased to see that Ted Cruz, an outstanding tea-party candidate in Texas, won his primary. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak brilliantly in his home state recently. He will go far – you heard it here first.

    Thanks to the “teabaggers,” suddenly the Grand Old Party – long dead from the neck up and from the neck down – is springing to glorious life once again.

    Do not underestimate Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, or the countless other first-rate candidates who, thanks to your nation’s enduring devotion to your Founding Fathers’ principles, are now being chosen over the tired, custard-faced apparatchiks of the old Republican Party who preferred doing shoddy deals behind closed doors rather than explaining things openly to the voters.

    Will the selection of Rep. Ryan be enough to turn the limp Romney campaign around? I don’t know, but it is a very good start."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    >>> Not to worry <<< The polls of lamestream media are 100 % unmreliable and biased toward the imposter .
    The truth is readily available from the odds makers in LAS VEGAS , and they predict a major landslide for R & R ( ROMNEY AND RYAN ) .
    Remember that the same lamestream sources showed Reagan behind by 9 % , and look what happened .
    A day of celebration will be in order when the obummers are evicted from the ' free government housing ' they usurped .


    • #3
      Originally posted by AMERICAN ADVOCATE View Post
      >>> Not to worry <<< The polls of lamestream media are 100 % unmreliable and biased toward the imposter .

      I suspect (desperately hope) YOUR ARE RIGHT on this observation, although I will quibble a bit with your 100% figure. The vast majority of the MSM has been lying and skewing the data for so long now, in trying to support their 'chosen one', that I think most of the reported poll results are indeed heavily biased in favor of Obama.

      On the bright side, I hope the Obama supporters are taking these favorable poll results to be the TRUTH (LOL), and will become overconfident, and slack off on their fund raising and other campaign efforts.

      I generally have the most confidence in the accuracy of the Rasmussen Poll:

      For example, today, August 15th, they report the following results, which I believe are significantly more favorable to Romney/Ryan than those reported by most, if not all, of the other more 'Obama Friendly' polls:

      "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 47% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 43%"

      Last edited by bsteadman; 08-15-2012, 11:08 PM.
      B. Steadman

