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Rand Paul: ‘Somebody Was Spying on the Trump Campaign’ -- Breitbart

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  • Rand Paul: ‘Somebody Was Spying on the Trump Campaign’ -- Breitbart

    Rand Paul: ‘Somebody Was Spying on the Trump Campaign’

    Breitbart / Video

    by Jeff Poor


    Monday on the Fox News Channel, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) questioned President Donald Trump’s detractors who argued there was no validity to his assertion that he had his “wires tapped” in a tweet earlier this month.

    According to Paul, most people acknowledge Trump’s former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn, a member of Trump’s presidential campaign, had been spied upon and it is coming down to what the definition of wiretap is.

    “You know what’s funny about that — everybody admits that somebody spied on Mike Flynn, and he was part of the Trump campaign,” Paul said. “So, it sounds like what the president said has already been proven to be true. Somebody listened to Mike Flynn’s conversation and revealed it to the press, which is a felony, and you don’t do that unless you eavesdropped on his phone conversation.”

    “The media has been kind of confused on this,” he continued. “The think there has to be an old-fashioned bug place on a wire. If you haven’t looked recently, most of our cell phones don’t have wires. ‘Wiretapping’ is a broad term for surveillance. Somebody spied on Mike Flynn then illegally released that conversation.”

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    View the complete article including image and videos at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    On Obama Wiretap, Truth Won't Come From Intel Agencies, GOP Establishment


    by Larry Klayman


    One thing I am certain about in Washington, D.C., these days. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and its director James Comey, and the intelligence agencies, are no longer to be believed, as if they ever were.

    The House Intelligence Committee, chaired by an establishment Republican, and as might regrettably be expected the self-serving and two faced establishment Republican Senator John McCain, along with Democrats bent on bringing down the Trump presidency, have demanded that the commander in chief cough up evidence by today that he and others on his staffs, both before and after the inauguration, were wiretapped by the Obama administration.

    This ultimatum, coming from a congressional committee, senators and representatives which have known for a long time of the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the National Security Agency (NSA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), but covered it up, is despicable.

    The bottom line is that the truth concerning these wiretaps will never be forthcoming from either the FBI, Comey, or the heads of congressional intelligence committees or the intelligence committees themselves. It will take someone in the Trump administration taking charge and “delving in with a no holds barred vengeance” with a loyal staff, perhaps Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions should not and cannot recuse himself from this endeavor. Heads will need to roll!

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    View the complete article including image and links at:
    B. Steadman

