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2012 Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth on Arpaio press conference

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  • 2012 Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth on Arpaio press conference

    SPECIAL REPORT: 2012 Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth on Arpaio upcoming press conference

    Give Us Liberty

    Gary Wilmott


    "ELK WASHINGTON-1 June 2012-Calling in from Hawaii, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Mike Zullo advised Friday on The Roth Show that the investigation had uncovered a huge and extremely widespread cover-up of Barack Obama that the media will no longer be able to ignore. Zullo advised that the press conference will be announced soon and is due to occur this month.

    In response to this news, Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth commented: “The battle of all American battles is on with Barack Obama. We are in a Constitutional emergency with our usurper and poser President, Barack Obama. It is international in scope and must be dealt with quickly. Most media, politicians and candidates think it is a complete waste of time to pursue the eligibility issue. I have been called many names for daring to want the truth about this liar of a President to be revealed. The growing evidence that has come out points away from Obama being born in Hawaii and directly toward his birth in Kenya. His Grandmother and publicist/PR person who promoted his book from 1991 onward said he was born in Kenya (for 16 years without issue). The AP referred to Barack as ‘Kenyan born’ in print and members of Kenyon Parliament said the same thing.

    “Add to the cover up and lies surrounding where Obama was born, the fact that on April 27, 2011, Obama showed a fraudulent copy of a long form birth certificate in his national press conference. This fraud has been verified by many professional document examiners and confirmed as such by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse. The sold-out media, as usual, was dead in their anti-American coma.

    “On May 25, Friday (listen into the archive, first hour I interviewed Dr. Jerry Corsi and Mike Zullo-Sheriff Arpaio’s lead investigator. They called in from Hawaii and stated that at some time in June the Mother-load of all press conferences was going to take place.

    “Sheriff Arpaio and his team are planning to reveal earth-shattering information that demonstrates a huge cover up and that it is international in implication and scope. This cover-up also affects US national security and involves decades of subterfuge and plots. This directly involves and surrounds the placement by others of usurper Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States.

    “Sheriff Arpaio has spent his whole career trying to protect and serve the law, Constitution and the people. Now, he is boldly standing out front, taking the hits and daring to confront our dangerous usurper of a President. Go Sheriff Joe! Let us pray that with this next press conference media and our political leaders will snap out of their treasonous stupors and boldly confront and officially investigate Obama.”#######

    For more information or an interview with Dr. Roth contact:
    American Eagle Media & Publicity
    Sher Zieve:


    View the complete Give Us Liberty presentation at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-03-2012, 04:00 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Whatever is disclosed and exposed in the upcoming press conference better be more concrete than anything they have reported before .
    Most of the info connected with The Cold Case Posse has been well known by millions of AMERICANS for more than 3 years , and they
    still have not called attention to or recognized the authentic Kenyan birth certificate posted by Lucas Daniel Smith . Corsi does not even
    believe it is a viable document .

