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'Birther' Lawyer Doesn't Expect to See Obama -- Free Republic Thread

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  • 'Birther' Lawyer Doesn't Expect to See Obama -- Free Republic Thread

    'Birther' lawyer doesn't expect to see Obama

    Free Republic thread started 1/24/2012 by 'SteveH'

    The thread references an article by Mark Niesse in 'The Daily Report'

    The following are selected comments in the thread:

    COMMENT #11 (SvenMagnussen:)

    "Von Irion is lowering expectations while Orly is raising expectations.

    Obama cannot answer questions under oath because he would incriminate himself. The 5th Amendments provides for the right against self-incrimination for criminal trails. In a civil suit, the Defendant must appear and submit to examination and cross-examination, under oath."

    COMMENT #24 (butterdezillion):

    "When is the latest they (Obama's lawyers) can refile that motion to quash?

    I looked on the OSAH site and it said unless otherwise stated, the record is closed at the end of the evidentiary hearing.

    If Obama would have the person who supposedly picked up the long-forms from the HDOH testify as a witness, present a paper certified copy of a long-form, and vouch for its chain of custody, would either Taitz or Hatfield have the opportunity to give reasons why it it not acceptable as prima facie evidence?

    If so, when would they have to do that, and could they use an affidavit by a layperson in that argument? If cross-examination was required could they request a deposition of the person who signed the affidavit, or would that person have to appear in person on that day?

    These are really, really critical questions, and time is running out. I have a really bad feeling about what’s going to happen in GA on Thursday. I suspect it might be something I’ve been saying I feared for the last year. I fear this is a set-up and all the attorneys have fallen for a bait-and-switch."

    COMMENT #40 (Kenny Bunk):

    "The thing to remember at this stage of the game is that the action in GA is a HEARING. It is not a TRIAL. Team Obama will, IMO, hoist the digit to Judge Mahili, and so will the The HIDOH.
    Quite frankly, all Judge Mahili can do about that is issue an administrative finding that might just encourage the GA officials to step up, do their job, and throw the impostor from the GA ballot. His failure to show, and HI's failure to cooperate should be enough for the GA Election Officials to go ahead and exercise their powers. In the meantime, if the Administrative Law Judge wants his subpoenas enforced, he would have to have that ordered by a superior court. Of course, they are under no compunction to do so!

    This is Administrative Law, a great murky swamp If the MSM would cover the affair, why then the Magic Mulatto Marxist would lose much PR face ... but MSM coverage is unlikely.

    It is only at that point, that this really would get interesting, because then Obama would have to sue GA to get back on the ballot. That is a fast-track to the SCOTUS, and as PLAINTIFF, The Mombasa MF would certainly have "standing."

    Make no mistake about it, the GA boys have boxed the imPOTUS into a tough corner and are beating him like a red-headed step-child. But it is only Round 1.

    Please read Lawyer Leo's brilliant Amicus brief ... and pray that Orly does, too ... before she drops off one of her patented Laurel and Hardy briefs, in which she accuses Obama of starting the Chicago Fire and the Judge of being Stalin's (if not Satan's) Right-Hand Man! Love that girl!"

    COMMENT #42 (Kenny Bunk):

    "Barack and Michelle have long been disbarred." (DiogenesLamp)

    "WRONG! Both Michelle and Barack "voluntarily" gave up their law licenses. Although it is true that Barack's Bar Application would no longer stand scrutiny because he denied having been known by another name or alias ... which all now know to be a falsehood. He also denied any traffic violations, when he had a slew of unpaid parking tickets in MA. Both are big NO-NOs in the lawyer thing. Michelle got caught in an insurance fraud ... mitigating circumstance was that it looked like the client lied to her.

    But neither of them have actually been disbarred and may be actually free to re-apply. Michelle might have a chance. The Mombasa MF, none."

    View the Free Republic thread at
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-25-2012, 01:15 AM.
    B. Steadman