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Connected Underground Tunnels to Jabbaroos Post About Murder, and Evidence

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  • Connected Underground Tunnels to Jabbaroos Post About Murder, and Evidence

    Connected Underground Tunnels to Jabbaroos Post About Murder, Evidence and "Our Place" on P Street


    Submitted by 'quantokitty'


    As some of you may know, I’m all about the tunnels. Decided to do some tunnel dumpster diving and unwittingly might have connected key pieces of evidence to solve a mystery previously brought up on voat. Let me start at the beginning.

    I first ran into this article: which begat this one:

    To summarize: a huge discovery was made of tunnels running beneath the Tenderloin District of San Francisco. Seems these were used by gay men to hide and use to frequent speakeasies during Prohibition. It started a chain of my thinking that secret tunnels aren’t all that outlandish. I mean, if someone told me that gay men used their own tunnels to have a drink, I would have been in disbelief, but, nonetheless, there it is. And they went undiscovered for so long.

    I got inspired and really started “digging”. I was freaking amazed to run across secret tunnels in Washington, DC! No, these don’t have to do with the already well-established tunnels in the DuPont Circle, BUT they are in that exact same vicinity! How about that?

    It seems a Harrison G. Dyar took it upon himself to excavate and create huge underground tunnels for “exercise”. The article mentions the tunnels being in the neighborhood of V Street and P Street. But another article I found says – and this is IMPORTANT – THAT THEY LEAD TO ROCK CREEK PARK!!! [quote] Reports indicated that the tunnels were long and extensive — that they may have reached as far as Rock Creek Park. [unquote] Before I go any further, the links:

    About Dyar: Second about Dyer: About tunnels leading to Rock Creek Park (quote):

    To give you a frame of reference I google mapped the distance/proximity to Comet Ping Pong Pizza. You can see how stinking close they are!

    P Street:
    V Street: Rock Creek Park:

    I think the interesting thing is that these tunnels were never fully investigated. The authorities seemed to buy his story that they were done for “exercise”, so we don’t really know where they go or where else he may have dug, but we do know about this area around “P” Street leading to Rock Creek Park. That brings us to a post on Voat and establishing a possible solution to it.. It’s entitled: Jabbaroos the man who helped build comet pizza apparently discussing murder on his instagram pic:

    The pic is captioned and the thread discusses a disturbing Instagram Jabbaroos posted to JA & Co. It's all about finding a baseball cap and a piece of scalp. You can see the original in that first link. Below I used that same pic, but red circled and highlighted the salient part:

    Jabbaroos Instagram:

    It says: [quote] community__outreach #meltingsnow --- artis and i found part of a bloody scalp and a baseball cap behind our place on p st---in melting snow 00#goodol'times [unquote]

    Let me repeat: BEHIND OUR PLACE ON P STREET!!!

    This discovery of tunnels and the use of those words admitting that JA & Co have a place on P Street lead to me believe that they’re using this underground labyrinth to get to Rock Creek Park and back. They could do whatever they want underground, or in the park since they're traveling unnoticed. And they could drop evidence anywhere they want!

    I really believe this is a HUGE break in solving what is going on.

    Edit: Adding a link Haldelos gave. Don't want it to get lost:

    2014 Ritualistic Animal sacrifice in Rock Creek Park

    View the complete post, including comments and links, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-10-2017, 08:00 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Tunnel under CPP confirmed by old map - the whole neighborhood was once swamp land and is full of these drainage tunnels


    Submitted by 'Sentastixc'


    Note that Chappell Road in the pic is currently 36th Street

    You can find the map I screenshotted here:

    You can find & track all these small branches coming from Broad Branch. These have been turned into drainage/sewage when the land got developed. High probabability you can walk from CPP to Tenleytown Metro station during the day without seeing daylight once.

    View the complete post, including comments and links, at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Game Over: Alefantis' Properties (CP, Transformer and Pegasus Museums Perfectly Align with Newly Discovered Tunnels!


      Submitted by 'quantokitty'


      In my opinion, there is no way this could be coincidental! All JA's properties perfectly align with what we know about the newly discovered tunnels! I even punched in the Pegasus Museum and it was a perfect match! Now we have a reason for why he bought the properties he did. The 3518 property was so strange, but not when you know about the tunnel system that is known to exist.

      First, a link to an article on the tunnels Harrison G. Dyar built: and to my previous post on the discovery of the tunnels:

      In the article, it says workmen were excavating property at 2115 P street northwest. This will come into play later on.

      Now I first did a map with four locations: Rock Creek Park, CP, The Transformer Museum (1404 P Street), and 2115 P Street. I included the ROCK CREEK PARK because is known that a tunnel runs from P STREET TO ROCK CREEK PARK. Yes, it’s confirmed in this link: What is unknown is where Dyar tunneled along P Street (there is mention of P Street to V Street and also at E and B Streets), but no confirmed addresses. Since 2115 is confirmed by workmen digging at that site, I figured I’d use it. Here is the result:

      You could draw a straight line from THE TRANSFORMER MUSEUM and the 2115P Street location!!!

      Then I took put in the new PEGASUS Museum. This is what I got!!!

      If you take out CP and add in E Street (yes, we know from other articles that Dyar dug at E street), LOOK WHAT HAPPENS!!!

      It’s a perfect match! It’s almost a perfectly straight line up from The Transformer Museum up to PEGASUS!!!

      View the complete post, including comments and links, at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Google Map, Centering on 'Comet Ping Pong' facility at 5037 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, DC, 20008

        Located just South of the corner of Connecticut Ave. NW and Nebraska Ave. NW, on the East side of Connecticut Ave.

        One can zoom in or out on map as desired.


        Link to 'Comet Ping Pong' website. Address: 5037 Connecticut Ave.NW, Washington, DC 20008:

        Link to 'Transformer" art website. Address: 1404 P Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 -

        'Pegasus Museum' Address": 3518 11th Street NW, Washington, DC 20010
        Last edited by bsteadman; 01-10-2017, 10:14 PM.
        B. Steadman


        • #5
          Pizzagate Properties Align with Forgotten D.C. Catacombs

          Published on Jan 14, 2017 by 'reallygraceful'


          Properties (CometPingPong, Transformer and Pegasus Museums) Perfectly Align with Newly Discovered Tunnels:
          B. Steadman

