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Justin Barrows, a carpenter who helped build Comet Pizza -- VOAT, AmiablyGivenSo

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  • Justin Barrows, a carpenter who helped build Comet Pizza -- VOAT, AmiablyGivenSo

    Justin Barrows, a carpenter who helped build Comet Pizza


    Submitted by: AmiablyGivenSo

    CAUTION: Many of the links given in the post brought up the following excerpted warning on my anti-virus software:
    Dangerous Website Blocked

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    This is a known dangerous website. It is recommended that you do NOT visit this site. The detailed report explains the security risks on this site.

    I assume the problem sites were tampered with following the original posting of this excellent presentation. This probably indicates that 'we are over the target' on this topic.


    Justin P. Barrows is a DC resident. He helped build Comet Pizza. His handles are Jabbaroos, Cutterfingers, and possibly JimAroo. His instagram was posted to this subverse on 12/12/16 because he had a lot of creepy child-related stuff that Jimmy Comet publicly liked. At the time I was just a lurker, and I was hoping other people would notice this guy's online trail. I archived everything and made offline backups. Since nobody seems to have followed up, I'll post what I found here.

    For starters, his instagram contains the following:
    • A mural with an adult and children holding hands. The smallest child has been corroded away. JoeWills comments "That degree of corrosion only occurs with regular application of urine." JimmyCommet liked the post.
    • The words "HELP" and "SAVE" written on a wall.
    • The book "Lolita".
    • Three men wearing various winter face covers. The man in front appears to be Barrows. The man behind him appears to be Podesta (edit: or perhaps not, might be someone else). The sole comment says "Hungarian coal miner terrorist behind you." Google indicates that this may be a reference to this email. Liked by Jimmy comment.
    • Cellar doorsPNG.
    • Baby food in a yin-yang, titled "Adventures in babyfooding." One of the comments says "Love it! Would also love to see the baby!" to which Barrows replies "just sent you some through fb"
    • Toddler shoes hanging from the ceiling of a dirty room.
    • Adult hands touching a finished bowl of babyfood that is being held by a toddler with dark skin. It appears to at least superficially resemble one of those FBI pedo symbols.
    • His toe in a toddler's shoe.
    • A pile of children's toys.
    • A toddler's arm next to a cucumber. The only comment reads 'Growing good"
    • Dead bird with ankle tag on the ground next to a small piece of snowPNG. Comments include "Is this being tracked?" (possibly in reference to the bird's ankle tag, but also perhaps ambiguously referring to the post itself) and a description of a previous discovery of a bloody piece of scalp with a baseball cap in a commenter's backyard. Jabbaroos tells werkinonmahnightcheese "I didn't get his number" which is possibly a joke about how his sexual partners die violently (or perhaps it's replying to a deleted comment).
    • Colorful cartoonish drawing of a firefighter without a facePNG. A spiral is drawn on the firefighter's helmet. A triangle within a triangle is drawn on a second helmet. Both are pointed out in a comment. (note: This is from a screenshot link in the voat thread about his instagram, but I can't confirm without a doubt that it's from Jabbaroos). (edit: Turns out it's by an artist in the same instagram circle)
    • Wall of naked plastic dolls in bags with price tagsPNG. Jabbaroos says to mayors_of_london, possibly in reply to a deleted comment "the original may be gone. Inbox me an email address, and I'll forward it along if I find it."
    • Man in a pink animal costume holding a sign that says "Free Hotdogs". Jabbaroos says "I think it's a trap."
    • Metal box partly covered in concretePNG. Jabbaroos says "Thanks, fellas." (edit: in retrospect this is pretty innocuous)
    • Stack of burned papers in a barbecue. Jabbaroos says "Don't ask questions, and I won't tell lies."
    • Plastic infant chair with mobile, next to a dirty garage door spray-painted with "WATER WORLD"
    • Hospital release form giving him permission to work with no restrictionsPNG. His fingernails are visibly messed up. The caption is just reads "No restrictions."
    • A closer shot of his damaged fingers. He claims it's due to lime mortar, aka quicklime. Snopes says hydrated or garden lime isn't useful for corpse disposal, but quicklime is. It's used to mask odors. It's also very caustic. (edit: in retrospect this is pretty innocuous)
    • Pizza-shaped slice of watermelon captioned "Summer harvest coming in strong and sweet. #sugarbaby" (edit: I've been informed that there is a popular variety of watermelon called a sugarbaby).
    • The hands of a dark skinned person covered in dirt and white gunk, probably carpentry related. Jabbaroos says "S'mores." He seems to have multiple pictures of dark skinned kids.
    • A picture of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons parodying the famous painting "Saturn Devouring His Son".
    • What appears to be coagulated blood and meat captioned "#hadalittlelamb"
    • A completed anatomy puzzle clearly meant for children.
    • A wet cardboard sign saying "HELP", ripped in half and laying on a concrete floor. Liked by Jimmy Comet.
    • Taxidermied bear and elk head. Jabbaroos claims they were for a client that didn't pay.
    • A man with a small happy child. Jabbaroos liked an image of the same child's pants pulled over a man's head and face.
    • A motorcycle owned by a member of the "Organized Chaos Ryderz" biker gang. They apparently use a lot of masonic symbols. Edit: They made a post about R Kelly's "pedafile" lyrics.

    He also has a flickr account from 2006 with pictures of a slaughtered pig's head and himself in drag (1, 2, 3).

    His YouTube account has a single upload of a Heavy Breathing concert from 5 years agoYouTube. The performer uses a "demonic" voice changer and makes multiple references to child sacrifice and satanism.

    His IMDb says he was in the TV show "Queen Dad." The description says "A homophobic boy finds the father he's never seen and must learn to adapt to a new reality when his plumber dad turns out to be a drag queen."

    If Jabbaroos = JimAroo, it's possible that he was making knowledgeable posts on Catholic forums in 2007.

    I don't know what to make of this. Maybe he just has a sick sense of humor and happens to be friends with Podesta and Jimmy Comet. But somehow I don't think that's what's going on here.

    View the complete post, including comments and links, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-07-2017, 09:36 PM.
    B. Steadman