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Kidnap of 7-year-old Colombian girl connected to Clinton Foundation?

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  • Kidnap of 7-year-old Colombian girl connected to Clinton Foundation?

    BREAKING: Kidnap of 7-year-old Colombian girl connected to Clinton Foundation

    Archived from a 'reddit CONSPIRACY' post

    Submitted by 'ChiefVideos'


    For those unfamiliar, a young girl named Yuliana Samboni was kidnapped outside her home last Sunday in Bogotá, Colombia¹. Police traced the car through CCTV footage and found her body, tortured and abused, at the residence of wealthy architect Rafael Uribe Noguera. Lots of mainstream coverage on the news here and hundreds of vigils in her honor.

    A few things about this seemingly independent case have struck me as odd. Some articles are in Spanish and may need to be translated through Chrome.

    1 - FBI involvement in the case²
    Why would FBI agents come to Colombia to aid a seemingly isolated child abduction case? This article states that officers will focus on deciphering forms of communication from before, during, and after the kidnapping.
    (bold color and font size emphasis added)(see image at Link #2 at:

    2 - Rafael Noguera & his family³
    Rafael Noguera comes from a wealthy and distinguished family. His father Rafael Rivera is Dean of Architecture at Javeriana University in Bogotá, his mother Maria Noguera is a legal representative for Lascaux Constructions Company, and his brother Francisco Noguera works at prestigious law firm Brigard & Urrutia.⁴ Carlos Urrutia, founder of the firm and former Colombian Ambassador to the United States, was forced to resign after investigators uncovered his involvement in the illegal purchase of protected peasant land holdings by multinational companies (including US food giant Cargill Inc., Colombian sugar company Riopaila, and financial firm Grupo Aval).⁵
    Investigators have since opened up an investigation into Rafael's brother Francisco Noguera, stating the crime scene was manipulated by more than one person.⁶ Police are looking at what involvement the family played, as Rafael's siblings were present after the kidnapping and before police arrived.⁷

    3 - Javeriana University and the Clinton Foundation
    Rafael Uribe Noguera attended Javeriana University, where his thesis titled ‘Sustainable Housing Complex For Low - Income Families’ focused on the Calderon Forest neighborhood, the same neighborhood where Yuliana Samboni was taken on the morning of December 4th.⁸ Previously mentioned, the father was Dean of Architecture at the University, with one former student calling him ‘a totally evil being’ who ’viewed the poor as animals, without any rights⁹.’
    The wikipedia page for the University states that they participate in ‘volunteer programs with Mission Country Colombia, working in the areas most affected by social inequality and armed conflict in the country.’¹⁰
    And lastly, a 2014 initiative by the Clinton Foundation (with a budget of $250,000) committed to developing programs in Colombia that would ‘devote at least 50% of its coverage to girls and women involved in the social impact space.’ Among the small list of partners is the Javeriana University.¹¹

    4 - Areas of interest
    Fernando Merchen, the doorman of the Rafael Noguera's building, was found dead 5 days after Yuliana was murdered. Although police found a suicide note, they have not ruled out foul play.¹²

    Perhaps the biggest area of investigation should be the Clinton Foundation and their previous involvement in Colombia. One article, titled ‘Clinton Foundation’s Toxic Legacy in Colombia,’ investigates the unscrupulous dealings of the charity - with one union official saying he’s unsure of their involvement ‘other than exploiting poverty and extracting money.’¹³

    Final person of interest is Frank Giustera, one of the wealthiest donors to the foundation.¹⁴ Giustera is close with Bill Clinton, who reportedly set up meetings with Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, after which Giustra obtained permission for his timber company to log in Colombia.¹⁵


    At the very least, Yuliana’s death is the result of an isolated case that will test your faith in humanity. At the worst, her kidnapping is indicative of the human trafficking ring perpetrated through the complex inner workings of the Clinton Foundation. Let me know if there’s anything I missed, any organizations or corporations which may have direct or indirect involvement with the Clinton Foundation. This includes any corporations operated by the Noguera family and their associates. Anyone who speaks Spanish would be particularly helpful in the investigation, as most articles are from Colombian websites.

    They can silence, censor, and discredit our claims, but they can not remove what has now become part of the global lexicon. #NiUnaMas

    View the complete post, including links and comments, at:

    See below: Google-translatioin of an excerpt from reference Link #15
    Last edited by bsteadman; 12-15-2016, 12:08 AM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Google-translated from the original Spanish

    Clinton's friend to whom Uribe allowed him to clear the Chocoan jungle

    Canadian-born Frank Giustra of the Pacific Rubiales group was granted the authorization to clear a unique biodiversity in the world in order to sell wood in China

    By: Las2orillas | July 04, 2016


    .................................................. ..

    At nearly sixty Frank Guistra is on the list of Canada's 50 richest men and has made his closeness to President Bill Clinton a business passport that involves government decisions such as all those natural resources that have licensing Exploitation by means. Good disciple of Clinton in matters of lobby and relations with high government for private purposes. That is why Colombia could not be different.
    Giustra visited with Bill Clinton the recovery works of Haiti, a key alliance to obtain the license that allowed him to devastate the Chocoana jungle

    Their relationship began to be woven in 2005 when Giustra, who did not neglect the philanthropic front, facilitated his jet for a trip through Latin American countries for social purposes, including Colombia. The Canadian accompanied him and with an empathy instant became friends and accomplices in all kinds of projects including the philanthropic. They made, according to the Washington Post 13 trips together in their plane and Giustra became one of the main donors of the Clinton Foundation with a contribution of $ 100 million.

    The close relationship with the Clintons brought Giustra back to Colombia in 2010, when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, accompanied by her husband, visited the country on June 8-9. After the private dinner they had with President Uribe, who was two months away from finishing his term, the next day the Clintons met Giustra, who was waiting for them in Bogota. And soon after, the Canadian company Prima Colombia Hardwood owned by Frank Giustra, was authorized to exploit wood in the Chocoan forest, one of the most diverse forests in the world, as Peter Schweizer tells us in his Book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. (Clinton in Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Clinton and Hillary Become Rich). It was confirmed that Giustra's travels around the world with philanthropic flavor have gone hand in hand with lucrative business in which the lobby has weighed heavily. Colombia thus entered the map of the political corruption that endilgan to Mrs. Clinton and that according to the author Schweizer can become a serious obstacle in the ticket to the White House of Mrs. Hillary.


    View the complete article, in Spanish, at:
    B. Steadman

