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OBAMA: "WORST PRESIDENT EVER ELECTED" -- Southside Chicago blacks speak out

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  • OBAMA: "WORST PRESIDENT EVER ELECTED" -- Southside Chicago blacks speak out

    Amnesty: “Worst President Ever Elected”

    The Minority Report



    Poor African Americans are starting to “get it” that new giant group of illegal immigrants on the entitlement dole, does not bode well for them. We are against this whole entitlement society that poor black families have been purposely trapped in by the Democratic Party for generations. That being said, we can understand how people on welfare continually and dutifully vote for Democrats who continue to give them handouts. As the saying goes, “Teach a man to fish and we will eat for his entire life…Give him a fish and he will vote for you.”

    Now these people on the South Side of Chicago who no doubt voted for Barack Obama twice for President are turning on Obama as they see he is putting time, effort and money toward illegal aliens entering the United States rather than on the communities that Obama claims are his home.

    Will more government money going toward poor black people on the South Side of Chicago really solve their problems? No. It is interesting to see how people turn on a politician when they even perceive more favorable treatment for what they see as an opposing group. Those Obamaphones aren’t going to calm this group. No more chants of “Barack Hussain Obama…Mmmmm…Mmmmm…Mmmmm” anymore, I guess.

    .................................................. ..

    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman