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The Obama Presidential Library -- American Thinker, Arnold Cusmariu

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  • The Obama Presidential Library -- American Thinker, Arnold Cusmariu

    The Obama Presidential Library

    American Thinker

    Arnold Cusmariu


    Omissions from the Obama Presidential Library

    "While there is precedent for deliberate omissions from a presidential library that represent inconvenient truths -- references to their many sexual indiscretions while in office are absent from the Kennedy and Clinton libraries -- Team Obama will make sure that only material portraying our nation's first African-American president in the most favorable, glowing light will be included. The Obama Presidential Library (OPL) will be a propaganda exercise of massive proportions worthy of anything the Nazis or the Soviets could have dreamed up -- unless something is done to stop it.

    We will not see the items below in the OPL -- an admittedly incomplete list that will be much longer by the time Obama exits in 2017, if he's re-elected in the fall....

    1. A certified copy of Obama's long-form birth certificate.
    2. A 2004 article from the Sunday Standard in Kenya referring to Obama as "Kenyan-born."
    3. A statement by Obama's grandmother Sarah that he was born in Kenya.
    4. Testimony from a Kenyan Anabaptist minister that a Kenyan civil registrar affirmed Obama's birth at Coast Providence Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.
    5. An article in the January 8, 2006, Honolulu Advertiser stating that Obama was "born outside the country."
    6. A 2008 radio interview with Peter Ogego, Kenya's ambassador to the U.S., affirming Obama's birth in Kenya.
    7. Statements by Michelle Obama describing her husband as "Kenyan" and Kenya as his "home country," along with an explanation of what she meant.
    8. A 2008 National Public Radio report describing then-senator Obama as "Kenyan-born" and "son of Africa."
    9. Conflicting reports in the mainstream press that Obama was born at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, as well as the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.
    10. Evidence that the "Obama for America" PAC has paid since October 2008 a reported $2.7 million (and counting) to the Perkins Coie law firm to fight requests to release Obama's original birth records.
    11. Letters from Perkins Coie threatening plaintiffs with financial sanctions if they failed to abandon lawsuits seeking release of Obama's original birth records.
    12. Evidence of foreign contributions to the 2008 Obama presidential campaign.
    13. Complete list of contributors to the 2012 Obama presidential campaign.
    14. Connection to fundraiser Tony Rezko, who helped facilitate Obama's purchase of a $1.65 million mansion in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood for $300,000 below the asking price.
    15. Evidence that ACORN was a legal client of Obama, on whose behalf he filed a law suit after former Republican Gov. Jim Edgar refused to implement the federal "Motor Voter" law, which Republicans argued could invite fraud.
    16. Involvement with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
    17. Involvement in loans to Solyndra, Beacon Powers, and NextEra Energies.
    18. Complete set of Department of Justice files on "Operation Fast and Furious."
    19. Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School transcripts.
    20. The Columbia University yearbook with photos of, or information about, all 1983 graduates, showing that Obama is not in the yearbook.
    21. A photo of the 1983 Columbia University Black Students Organization. Obama is not in the photo despite claiming to have been involved with the organization.
    22. Recollections by people who knew him at these schools, students or faculty.
    23. Illinois bar records and law practice client list.
    24. Articles in the Harvard Law Review -- he published none.
    25. Explanation how Obama was selected HLR editor at the end of his first year in 1989 and HLR president in 1990.
    26. Recollections of students who took his classes at the University of Chicago Law School.
    27. Obama's University of Chicago scholarly articles -- there are none.
    28. Obama's employment record after graduating from Columbia University with the Business International Corporation (BIC), proving he embellished his resume.
    29. Explanation why Obama has used five different legal names: Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham, and Barry Dunham.
    30. Medical records. (Compare Obama's refusal to allow access to these data with the opposite attitude of Truman. At, the reader will find in the World War I file results of a 1917 physical examination conducted while Truman was in the Missouri National Guard, which describes his uncorrected 20/400 left-eye vision as "Blind" -- really!)
    31. The truth about Obama's relationship with Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis and '60-'70s terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
    32. Evidence Obama worked for Ayres' Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
    33. The truth about Obama's long-standing relationship with Reverend Wright.
    34. Photographs of Obama bowing to the Emperor of Japan and the King of Saudi Arabia.
    35. Details of Obama trips to Indonesia and Pakistan in 1981; specifically, who paid for the latter trip at a time when Obama allegedly lived in poverty.
    36. Obama's unsanitized passport file.
    37. The fact that the Illinois New Party, a Marxist coalition, endorsed Obama in his run for the Illinois state senate in 1996.
    38. Obama's Illinois state senate calendar and schedule.
    39. Obama's Illinois state senate voting record.
    40. Obama's voting record in the U.S. Senate showing how many times he voted "present."

    View the complete article at:

    My Comment: Conspicuously absent from the above list is the 'Certified Copy of Barack Hussein Obama II's August 4, 1961 Kenyan Birth Certificate from the Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa, which was personally obtained on February 19, 2009 directly from the birth hospital by Lucas Daniel Smith'.

    I hope this inexcusable omission to the record will be corrected, with apologies to Mr. Smith, in subsequently published lists of this type!
    B. Steadman