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President Obama’s Uncle: “WE ARE ALL MUSLIM” (Caught on Video)

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  • President Obama’s Uncle: “WE ARE ALL MUSLIM” (Caught on Video)

    President Obama’s Uncle: “WE ARE ALL MUSLIM” (Caught on Video)

    Shoebat Foundation

    Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack



    We obtained several videos from Middle Eastern sources. In one, President Obama’s uncle Sayid, about whom we’ve reported in the past, about his dealings in Saudi Arabia being in bed with Wahhabist madrassas. Here he was assuring the Middle East in this rare interview that the whole Obama family are “all Muslim”, everyone.

    We assembled the following clip (unedited versions are linked to below) never before reported in Western circles until now. Of course, no one in the U.S. media wants to even address the sensitive issue of President Obama’s Islamist connections; it’s a taboo:

    Aside from the President’s terrorism-connected brother Malik Obama, how many Americans know Malik acts somewhat like an ambassador himself while using President Obama’s name every time he visits a foreign country. In Egypt, President Obama’s popularity is nil among secular Muslims who openly believe that President Obama is an Islamist while in the West, even supposedly well-intended organizations that expose the Muslim Brotherhood agenda often twist themselves into pretzels to avoid the plain truth, that the Obamas (as they themselves declare) are indeed all Muslim and support Islamist interests. Consider the ‘reasoned’ Global Muslim Brotherhood Watch (GMBW) website. This site reported on Malik Obama’s connections to the IDO and concluded that nothing could be proven that links him to the Sudan branch of IDO (GMBW isn’t swayed by photos on Malik’s website, nor do interviews Malik granted .......................

    Apparently, GMBW don’t want to examine the sources in Arabic, and they conclude that Malik was likely welcomed into the group based on the prestige of his name.

    Of course, missing from GMBW’s analysis are the several Obama family members who are connected to terrorism, as well as our recent revelations, which include Malik prominently wearing a scarf in Yemen that calls for the elimination of Israel, that including all the website links to Hamas front organizations.


    View the complete article, including photos and videos, at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-10-2014, 10:32 PM.
    B. Steadman