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Immigration officers doubted Obama birth story -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

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  • Immigration officers doubted Obama birth story -- WND, Jerome R. Corsi

    Immigration officers doubted Obama birth story

    INS was prepared to investigate marriage, paternity in 1961


    Jerome R. Corsi

    "NEW YORK – Immigration documents filed in 1961 cast doubt on whether Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was the president’s biological father and indicate federal officers were prepared to investigate whether the Kenyan was married to the president’s mother, Ann Dunham.

    Aside from the image of a long-form birth certificate released by the White House April 27, 2011 – a document Sheriff Arpaio’s law enforcement investigation has found probable cause to believe is a forgery – what documentary evidence is there that Barack Obama was the biological father?

    The recent biography of the president by Washington Post editor and author David Maraniss, “Barack Obama: The Story,” quotes concerns about Obama Sr.’s sexual promiscuity expressed by Immigration and Naturalization Service officers, but he dimisses them as racially motivated.

    Maraniss, on pages 162-163, examines a 1961 INS memo that indicates Obama Sr. continued to have multiple girlfriends at the University of Hawaii after his supposed marriage, Feb. 2, 1961, in Maui to Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.

    In the memo, written by a Lyle H. Dahlin, Obama Sr.’s student adviser, a Mrs. McCabe, indicated Obama Sr. was “very intelligent” but had been a “playboy,” “running around with several girls” since he arrived. The adviser also noted he was married to an American, though he already had a wife in Kenya.

    Maraniss writes regarding the memo: “There was a fine line between how Obama acted and the racial attitudes and expectations of those who were working with him, the unanswerable but valid question being whether the official concern was heightened because he was a black man interacting with white women.”

    However, a close analysis of the INS documents in Obama Sr.’s immigration file makes clear Maraniss either misunderstood the true concerns of the INS or misrepresented them.

    The primary concern of the INS, according to the memos, was not that Obama Sr. was sexually involved with white women, but that he might have engaged in a sham marriage to Dunham so he could remain in the U.S. or gain U.S. citizenship.

    The INS documents indicate authorized government immigration agents suspected the evidence for an Obama-Dunham marriage was thin, and doubts that the Kenyan was the biological father were substantial."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Immigration officers doubted Obama birth story (Corsi tip-off to 7/17 Apaio Posse findings?)', which was started 7/10/2012 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references the 7/10/2012 WND article written by Jerome R. Corsi. -

    The following is COMMENT #25, by 'Seizethecarp' in the thread:

    “As of yesterday in a KHOW Denver interview with Peter Boyles, Corsi restated that he still thought Obama was born in Kenya.” - (from COMMENT #16, by 'Red Steel', in the thread)

    "I'm glad to hear that. Corsi would have a hard time walking back the evidence he found from Kenya pointing that way, such as the internal Kenyan Gov’t document stating that Barry's BC was missing from the file where it should have been in Kenya."
    B. Steadman

