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Were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Really Married? -- American Thinker, Nick Chase

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  • Were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Really Married? -- American Thinker, Nick Chase

    Were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Really Married?

    American Thinker

    Nick Chase


    "In my previously published article "Secrets Revealed," I concluded that what President Obama is concealing on his genuine long-form birth certificate (not the digital PDF forgery released to the public) is that his mother signed her maiden name.

    That's all, you say? By today's standards (about 40% of births are out of wedlock; about half for women under 30) an unmarried woman giving birth is unexceptional. But in 1961, it was still a big deal (about 5% out-of-wedlock births, mostly by minorities) and was a mark of shame, especially if the woman was well-educated. So if Stanley Ann Dunham signed her maiden name to baby Barack's birth certificate, she did so either unintentionally -- a mental slip -- or deliberately -- she felt her signature should conform to her maiden name as typed on the certificate, or she was not married to Barack Obama the father, or she chose not to acknowledge the marriage.

    Thus, the real birth certificate (in my opinion) shows no evidence of this marriage. Is there any documentary evidence at all of this marriage? Yes, there is."


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    I posted the following comment to the American Thinker article -

    My comment to the American Thinker article is identical to the post I made here on the InspectorSmith Forum, except with the links removed to allow my comment to be posted.

    Here is the link to my complete 'Logical Obama Nativity Timeline' post as it now appears on this forum:

    Posted on American Thinker, 7/7/2012
    Logical Obama Nativity Timeline, Including Birth in Kenya

    I believe the following timeline presents the most logical and correct explanation for all the major events that transpired during the time period surrounding the birth of Barack Hussein Obama II in Kenya:

    Early November 1960: Ann Dunham becomes pregnant while a student at the University of Hawaii. I believe Frank Marshall Davis is BHO-II's real bio father.

    February 2, 1961: Ann Dunham, now about 3 months pregnant, and BHO Sr. the claimed bio father, allegedly are married on Maui.
    Sometime in the approximate time period 2/2/1961 (alleged marriage date) and 4/10/1961 (INS memo date): Ann and BHO Sr. attempt to make arrangements with the Salvation Army in Hawaii for the baby to be placed for adoption. Apparently, the attempt to place the baby up for adoption in Hawaii was not successful.

    Sometime in the approximate time period, February 1961 to April 1961: Ann, pregnant and now embarrassingly starting to show it, departs ALONE from Hawaii, via passenger cruise SHIP and slowly heads across the ocean toward Kenya, with the intent of giving the baby to the Kenyan relatives of BHO Sr. for adoption. An extended sea voyage by Ann to Kenya, starting in the Spring of 1961, would help explain why there have not been any photos of her, while pregnant in Hawaii, publicly released.

    August 4, 1961: BHO-II is born at the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya. Neither BHO Sr nor either one of Ann's parents are present at the birth. However, Obama's paternal grandmother, 'Momma Sarah' IS present at the birth.

    BHO Sr's relatives choose not to adopt BHO-II so Ann had no choice but to return with him to the USA. It is also possible, but less likely that Ann, feeling very maternal after the birth, decides to forget about any pre-arranged adoption with the relatives and chooses to keep her new baby son. However, there has been some unconfirmed reports that Ann was trying to fly back to the USA from the Nairobi airport but delayed too long and was refused permission to travel by the airline. According to the report, she was then transported to Mombasa by an American Christian Missionary, for delivery of the baby. If it was pre-arranged with BHO Sr's relatives for them to adopt the child, it is not likely she would have been trying to fly back to the USA prior to the birth of BHO-II!

    Mid to late August, 1961: Ann, BHO-II and possibly the American Christian Missionary who may have accompanied them, depart from Nariobi, Kenya and fly, via BOAC, first to London, and then to Vancouver, Canada. According to INS records, Barack Obama Sr. traveled from Kenya to Hawaii, via New York City in 1959 on BOAC. It seems reasonable that he would have recommended that his new wife travel on the same airline to cover the even shorter distance from Nairobi to Vancouver on her way to Seattle. BOAC was a major international airline servicing Nairobi at the time of Obama's birth.

    Mid to late August, 1961 Ann and BHO-II, possibly still accompanied by the American Christian Missionary, travel the approximate 141 miles via ground transportation from Vancouver to Seattle, Washington, where Ann starts night school extension courses at the University of Washington for the Fall 1961 Semester

    The following is a reply to my comment on the 'American Thinker' article, which I received from 'Jim':

    bsteadman - I believe the scenario you proposed is what happen or close to it. It would make sense given people’s attitudes toward race relations at the time. Today people falsely assume liberals and socialist were not racist, though they professed loudly they weren’t and found race relations a useful tool to attack America with, privately they tended to lead as segregated lives as most other American’s and Europeans. It would have been hard to place a mixed race baby like Obama in the US then. He would not have been accepted by Black American’s because he would not have been considered one of them because his father was Kenyan and part Arabic. It makes perfect sense to have him adopted in Kenya by Obama’s family, after all Obama Sr. was a Moslem and Ann would have been his second wife and he would expect his first wife to accept and raise the child. The first wife probably was paid off by Ann’s family but was expecting Ann to stay and assume the role of second wife, she may have even been misled to the point she even thought Ann was African-American, however when she found out that Ann was white and planned to give her the baby to raise and leave she probably balked a the deal. At that point Ann had no choice but to keep the baby and come home because the Kenyan government would have not allowed her to place the baby in an orphanage and leave or like you said her maternal instincts kicked in and she decided to keep the baby. Her parents at that point had to scramble around get a Hawaiian birth certificate for the baby to clean up the immigration mess and come up with a socially acceptable story to explain everything. All of this and his childhood have clouded Obama’s citizenship status and he is most definitely not a “natural born citizen” as required by the constitution. Technically he may not even be a US citizen. These facts would warrant the multimillion dollar cover-up not the mere fact his parents weren’t married when he was born. These facts also give Obama’s behind the scene handler’s something to hold over his head to keep him in line.

    Read more:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-07-2012, 07:26 PM.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Were Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Really Married?', which was started 7/7/2012 by 'Meet the New Boss'

      The article references the 7/7/2012 American Thinker article, written by Nick Chase -

      View the complete Free Republic thread at:

      The following is an excerpt from COMMENT #88, by 'Seizethecarp' in the thread:

      “If the whole point of the marriage was to give legitimacy to the baby (from Ann's point of view) and help Sr. with his immigration status (from his point of view), then it makes absolutely NO sense at all that she then wouldn't go ahead and fill in her ‘husband's’ name on the birth certificate.” - (COMMENT #1 by 'Meet the New Boss')

      "I agree. The article writer provides a pretty comprehensive compilation of documentary evidence establishing Ann Dunhan as an HI wife of BHO Sr and also as mother of an infant named BHO II, but zero support for any reason Ann Dunham would omit BHO Sr. from any alleged HI BC, if there ever was one. Stay tuned for July 17 Arpaio Posse presser!

      IMO all of the documents displayed in the article corroborate each other establishing SADO as HI wife of BHO Sr. mom of BHO II from multiple sources (HI vital data print-out, multiple FOIA docs, U of WA transcript, HI divorce (also Seattle polk not shown).

      There were at least parties with the means, motive and opportunity to have spirited Ann Dunham to Kenya to hide a potentially scandalous pregnancy from the public and the FBI.

      1. Frank Marshall Davis. Under investigation as a communist agitator he may have wanted to avoid publicity and even criminal liability for pictures/paternity involving underage Ann Dunham, perhaps wanting even to hide all this from his KGB handlers.

      2. KGB. Had a lot invested in Frank Davis and also in BHO Sr. who was a raving communist speaking at KGB-front union events while in HI and likely being groomed to be a Marxist mole in the anticipated independent Kenya. An alleged marriage and assumed paternity by BHO Sr of FMD's baby would protect both FMD and BHO Sr. from being fingered as father of an illegitimate black baby. Also BHO Sr. would have an anchor baby US citizen to enhance his possible path as a future communist mole in the USA.

      3. Elizabeth Mooney Kirk. Financed BHO Srs Hawaii adventure herself. She could have been highly motivated to protect her investment in BHO Sr from being derailed by a youthful sexual indiscretion and would have been in a position to provide a hiding place for Ann Dunham "out of sight" during her pregnancy."
      B. Steadman

