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What is ObamaFraud.5x?

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  • What is ObamaFraud.5x?

    What is ObamaFraud.5x?

    Thank you,

    Lucas D. Smith and Bruce Steadman

  • #2

    Reposted from original 12/10/2012 entry on Lucas Daniel Smith's Blog


    We have just launched a powerful new and additional capability for the WOBIK ( website called, ‘ObamaFraud.5x – Inform Your Neighbors’. The new download option can viewed at:

    History – WOBIK:

    WOBIK was established in September, 2010 to allow site visitors to conveniently view and download free copies of the authentic Kenyan Birth Certificate of Barack Obama. Download links on the site were also provided to several important related documents. A link was added to the site in May, 2011 to allow viewing of the video, ‘Lucas Daniel Smith and the Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’. In addition to providing basic information, the site was primarily intended to encourage visitors to contact their local congressional representatives, the White House, and the media regarding Obama’s birth in Kenya and his likely illegal presidency. The site also encouraged visitors to spread the warning regarding Obama’s BC fraud to their own friends and acquaintances.

    ObamaFraud.5x – Inform Your Neighbors:

    Sadly, Congress, and the Courts and the mainstream media (MSM) have all chosen to either ignore or, in many cases, ridicule the prolonged and determined efforts of the American Patriots to have Obama’s frauds investigated and/or prosecuted. These frauds include, though are not limited to, his Hawaiian Birth Certificate fraud. Virtually nobody in a position of power and legal authority in the USA, with exception of Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, has done the job that we would logically expect from a public official regarding Obama’s frauds.

    Obama’s Birth Certificate fraud concerns his Constitutional eligibility to serve as POTUS. It is a very serious matter that could impact national security and the lack of attention to it by our public officials has been occurring now for over four (4) years.

    ObamaFraud.5x was crafted to BYPASS Congress, the Courts and the MSM and carry the message regarding Obama’s Birth in Kenya and likely illegal presidency DIRECTLY TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!


    Five (5) flyers, each consisting of the Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate and and explanatory cover sheet are simply placed in locations where they will be accessible to members of the general public. Those individuals viewing the flyers are encouraged to visit the WOBIK site, download, print and distribute their own five copies of the same flyer.

    We hope, of course, that after placing their first batch of five flyers, people will see how easy it is and choose to repeat the process a few more times. They may eventually get really excited about the project and even choose to print and place 100 or more flyers.

    Folks are understandably a bit lazy. They are often tempted by ‘teaser’ ads such as ‘Learn French in only one week’ or ‘lose 30 pounds in 5 days using this incredibly weird method’. Placing ONLY 5x flyers is EASY and its a GOOD START!

    We could have asked folks up-front to print and place 100 flyers for example, but few would probably choose to do this, saying to themselves, “That’s way too much work and will take too much of my valuable time!” They will just go back to watching TV or whatever else they have been doing while Obama has been expanding his rule, unimpeded, throughout our fair land!

    Respect the AWESOME MATHEMATICAL POWER inherent with exponential growth:

    Growth due even to a simple ‘DOUBLING’ of an entity can be breathtaking, as shown in this story, ‘The History of a Bored King‘, which is linked below:

    With ObamaFraud.5x, we are asking folks to not just multiply their input by 2x, but by 5x, or hopefully even more!

    Of course, many folks reading the flyer will simply ignore it or discard it.

    Still, the potential to inform a large fraction of the American Public about Obama’s true birthplace in Kenya is definitely possible with ‘ObamaFraud.5x’.

    Every chance you get, ask the question ‘What is ObamaFraud.5x?’

    Do you remember the puzzling question – Who is John Galt? – which was shown on billboards and asked repeatedly by various individuals in Ayn Rand’s book, ‘Atlas Shrugged’? The name ObamaFraud.5x was likewise chosen to be strange and only slightly descriptive . It obviously concerns ‘Obama’ and ‘Fraud’, but how? What does the (dot) 5x mean? Is it a website? We hope to generate at least a bit of curiosity concerning the term in the ‘blogoshere’, with the question hopefully being posted by many folks in various locations. Unlike in the time of ‘Atlas Shrugged’, Google will now easily be able to answer the question for anyone who is curious, thereby leading them directly to the WOBIK site.

    .................................................. ............

    Lucas D. Smith and Bruce Steadman
    Last edited by bsteadman; 12-10-2012, 10:34 PM.
    B. Steadman

