The Victorian equivalent to pizzagate and the game plan that stopped the pedos. (pizzagate)

Jane Farrell stole 2 boots and was sentenced to do 10 hard days labour. Age 12 — Rabbit Hole: Victorian Child Criminals of Newcastle City Gaol and House of Correction

Submitted by ‘Forgetmenot’


The Victorian Era equivalent to Pizzagate and the game plan that stopped the Pedos.

Introduction : About 4 years ago, I came across some haunting and disturbing photos of ragged Victorian era children, sentenced to prison and lashings for stealing food or warm clothing. It led me down a rabbit hole of human trafficking, legalized child rape /prostitution, child labor and its wretched abuses, and the complicity of the elites. The predators were found throughout Victorian society, those at the highest levels of law enforcement, parliament, judicial branches, and even royalty. Today we are called the Pizzagate Movement, back then they were known as the Purity Movement. Link shows similar pictures of the children that triggered this research 4 years ago: (

Summary: History repeats itself: The Purity Movement Activists that fought for the abused and trafficked children left us a game plan that changed the course of history. The world is a safer place for children because of their contributions. This is relevant to the Pizzagate Movement because tt proves beyond a shadow of doubt that a small and fanatical group of people can fight an elite, wealthy, network of pedos and win. If not for the work of: William B. Stead, Josephine Butler, Catherine Booth, Dr. Barnard, and so many, many, more, it would be normal and even socially acceptable today to rape a child. It would be socially acceptable and legal to sell a child’s virginity as a cure to syphilis. These tireless activists are responsible for the idea that children deserve a “childhood.” Our cultural norms of today are due to the battle that was known as the Purity Movement during the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian Era. Factories became known as Satanic Mills and the public awareness and outrage grew. During the industrial and Victorian eras, children were considered fresh meat by elites and pimps who benefited from the cheap labor and sexual exploitation. The abuses were horrific, legal, institutionalized and even accepted by mainstream Victorian society.The aristocracy class was neck deep in the depravity and abuse of these children. None of this is exaggerated, in fact, the photos and testimony will bring tears to your eyes.

(Rule 1) I am sharing this because it relates to Pizzagate, since it demonstrates a historical precedence that elites (members of parliament, judges, law enforcement, and aristocrats) have been abusing and trafficking children for profit for hundreds of years. It demonstrates that laws can be changed and public pressure and awareness can force the hand of reluctant and even complicit leaders to curb the abuses. It is also useful, to understand the strategies that the activists used when fighting against industrial age corporations, royalty, MP’s, police, legislation, and judges. Finally, the activists won, and how they won is relevant. These activists changed the course of history and of our society today. The links below will show the strategies that the Pedo. networks used: such as legislation to protect the predators, the targeting of orphan and poor children by traffickers, the complicity of the elites in law enforcement, and in positions of authority, It will show the media black out of the time and what the activists did to circumvent it. These links will expose the strategies of the Pedo Cabal, but it will also demonstrate how the Purity Activists fought back.

Victorian / Industrial Society the links below will demonstrate the cultural norms and abuses that were common in Victorian Society. Link below will show pics of children and their abusers. ( “Harrowing pictures of a pregnant ten-year-old prostitute and tots begging for money capture the heart-breaking poverty of Victorian street children. Eminent Victorian men would unashamedly discuss their attraction to young girlsHowever a scandal in nineteenth century England caused the government to raise the age of consent and tackle child prostitution. The age of consent was then raised from 13 to 16. During this period, the term white slavery came to be used throughout Europe and the United States to describe prostituted children.” First hand accounts of children who labored in “satanic mills.” (Factories came to be refered by the public as “satanic mills.”)

( “Sarah Golding was poorly and so she stopped her machine. James Birch, the overlooker, knocked her to the floor. She got up as well as she could. He knocked her down again. Then she was carried to her house…she was found dead in her bed. There was another girl called Mary…she knocked her food can to the floor. The master, Mr. Newton, kicked her and caused her to wear away till she died. There was another, Caroline Thompson, who was beaten till she went out of her mind. The overlookers used to cut off the hair of any girl caught talking to a lad. This head shaving was a dreadful punishment. We were more afraid of it than any other punishment for girls are proud of their hair.”- An interview with an unknown woman who worked in a cotton factory as a child (1849)

“Children worked under deplorable conditions and were being exploited by the industrialists. A picture was painted of the “dark satanic mill” where children as young as five and six years old worked for twelve to sixteen hours a day, six days a week without recess for meals in hot, stuffy, poorly lit, overcrowded factories to earn as little as four shillings per week.”- Tuttle, 2001

The Heros who changed the world:

1.Josephine butler: “While investigating the effect of the Acts, Josephine had been appalled that some of the prostitutes were as young as 12, and that there was a slave trade of young women and children from England to the continent for the purpose of prostitution. A campaign to combat the trafficking led to the removal from office of the head of the Belgian Police des Mœurs, and the trial and imprisonment of his deputy and 12 brothel owners, who were all involved in the trade. Josephine fought child prostitution with help from the campaigning editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, William Thomas Stead, who purchased a 13-year-old girl from her mother for £5. The subsequent outcry led to the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 which raised the age of consent from 13 to 16 years of age and brought in measures to stop children becoming prostitutes. Her final campaign was in the late-1890s, against the Contagious Diseases Acts which continued to be implemented in the British Raj. 2.Catherine Booth

William T. Stead:

“1876, Stead joined a campaign to repeal the Contagious Diseases Act, befriending the feminist Josephine Butler.[11] The law was repealed in 1886.[11]” (

“William Thomas Stead (5 July 1849 – 15 April 1912) was an English newspaper editor who, as a pioneer of investigative journalism, became a controversial figure of theVictorian era.[1][2] Stead published a series of hugely influential campaigns whilst editor of The Pall Mall Gazette, and he is best known for his 1885 series of articles, The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, written in support of a bill to raise the age of consent from 13 to 16, dubbed the “Stead Act. Stead’s ‘new journalism’ paved the way for the modern tabloid in Great Britain. -Eliza Armstrong Case / Maiden tribute of Modern Babylonn order to demonstrate the truth of his revelations, he arranged the “purchase” of Eliza Armstrong, the 13-year-old daughter of a chimney sweep.

Conclusions: -It took at least 24 years for the activists to raise the age of consent. Let that sink in, from the first law on the books dated 1861, to the law which finally raised the age of consent to 16, it took 24 years of diligent work. We need a long game. History is repeating itself and history has left us a game plan to stop it. So where does the pizzagate movement go in the long run? How do we stay relevant and effective? What lessons can we learn from the purity movement? What can we learn from the Franklin Credit Union Scandal?

My next post will concentrate on the strategies and tactics employed by the purity movement against the pedo elite.Otherwise this post will be endless! I am sorry if the post is too long. I have mounds of links and I have put together a timeline. Four years ago this topic was MUCH easier to research. Much has been scrubbed from the internet since.

It is my wish that this post can spread some hope that Pizzagate is NOT a lost cause. We can change the world. Our predecessors did it and so could we! It is my hope that this post inspires fresh ideas and new tactics. Above all, I hope that we can unify this movement,since I sincerely believe that heaven is supporting this movement and that we are fighting the gates of hell literally. May angels protect the children and the movement. Amen

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One Response to The Victorian equivalent to pizzagate and the game plan that stopped the pedos. (pizzagate)

  1. Thanks for posting, Bruce. I’m always interested in reading new Pizzagate related reports.

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