New film about Obama appears to have now been in post production for nearly 4 years.

Yesterday I watched an embedded movie trailer (41-42 minutes in length) over at Dr. Conspiracy’s website.   The new (?) film is titled, Barack Obama Made in Hawaii.

The above embedded trailer was uploaded to Vimeo sometime in early February, 2013 by Gloria Borland.  Once I saw one of Obama’s old Hawaiian classmates being interviewed I remembered that I’d seen the same interview somewhere online in the past.

I went to Youtube and searched for Barack Obama Made in Hawaii and found a movie trailer (8 – 9 minutes in length) that was uploaded nearly four (4) years ago, June 19, 2009, by globor:

All of the footage in the 2009 versi0n is also found in the 2103 version.  There is, however, additional footage in the 2013 version.  Gloria BorlandI also assume that globor and Gloria Borland are the same woman (shown in the adjacent photograph).

I’m not sure if this movie will ever be released or make it out of post production.   It sort of reminds of the a much more serious version of  the movie Birther: Obama’s Secret (Carl Christman) which released a couple of trailers back in 2010 although the movie itself has yet to be released.

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6 Responses to New film about Obama appears to have now been in post production for nearly 4 years.

  1. I will note that the PUMA/Birther film “We Will Not Be Silenced” by Bettina Sofia Viviano and Gigi Gaston has been in production now since 2008 and shows no signs of ever being finished or released.

  2. IP address says:

    Patrick McKinnion wrote:

    I will note that the PUMA/Birther film “We Will Not Be Silenced” by Bettina Sofia Viviano and Gigi Gaston has been in production now since 2008 and shows no signs of ever being finished or released.

    Or any other birther led production. This terri lakin movie will never get off the ground and will never see the light of day like Lucas’ passport stamps from Kenya.

  3. Greatkim says:

    Barack Obama Made in Hawaii
    We Will Not Be Silenced

    to be honest both films suck. Cut-pasting from the web I could make both of them in 30min, make them go viral and become an internet sensation. So could I post an Obama Certificate, born wherever you want him to be born. I could then season it with an e-bay auction and finally make a video in African-surroundings.
    Many would reply that Obama could have done the same with his own bc. But we could do this with just about any document, right ? So, in the end, what does it all amount to ? What is the essence of legitimacy ? What plants the seed of doubt ?
    The doubt is first-of-all in your minds, people. And you find comfort in what agrees with it. This is not certitude, this is what psychologists call self-gratification.

  4. Bruce says:

    Greatkim wrote:

    … What is the essence of legitimacy ? What plants the seed of doubt? The doubt is first-of-all in your minds, people. And you find comfort in what agrees with it. This is not certitude, this is what psychologists call self-gratification.

    You make some good points and raise some interesting questions. What indeed is the essence of legitimacy and what plants the seeds of doubt in the minds of honest truth-seekers? There obviously can be no CERTITUDE, at present, on either side of the Obama Birthplace Issue.

    All we can hope to do, until the adequate and expected level of transparency is provided by Obama, is to weigh the evidence presented on both sides, and try to draw the most logical conclusion possible

    I have pondered matters related to the ‘LDS, Obama Kenyan BC’ for several years now, and I have summarized some of my thoughts in the post, ‘Why haven’t more people accepted the fact that the CPGH-BC is authentic?’

    In my judgement, supporters of the Obama Hawaiian Birth scenario, in over four years time, have succeeded only in providing primarily: a few proven-fraudulent electronic birth-related documents, a few carefully phrased statements from obviously biased government officials in Hawaii, and questionably authentic or easily explained 1961 posts in two Hawaiian newspapers. In many cases, they have provided this information only reluctantly and under pressure.

    Conversely, in my judgement, the many INDEPENDENT sources demonstrating evidence of Obama’s birth in KENYA is OVERWHELMING!

    ‘Obama WAS Born in KENYA, Compilation of Support Data’

    Finally, and I certainly admit to a degree of bias and ‘self-gratification’ as you call it, I think the evidence supporting the authenticity of the ‘Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’, though far from attaining the level of certitude, is STRONG.

    The ‘Lucas Daniel Smith, Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate’ is AUTHENTIC, Compilation of Support Data

  5. Greatkim says:

    Bruce wrote:

    You make some good points and raise some interesting questions.

    Thankyou Bruce. And I also wish to point out that I don’t consider doubt as something irrational or unscientific. Doubt is a mental process that occurs in the individual when an “official” explanation is disputed by a considerable number of peers (like minded people to whom you relate to). This is in itself part of the scientific process. So I don’t agree with those who consider birthers (no offense meant) as being “unscientific”.

    There is another interesting viewpoint about how the mind accepts theories and facts:
    there is never anything totally objective. According to this theory what makes something scientific is simply it’s shared belief. So within the circle of your like minded you are being scientific. The same applies to the opposing view.

    There is an interesting read about this and the full text is available on the web:
    J Dewey – How We Think

  6. Greatkim says:

    Bruce, if ever you should read the book, you will find the answer to my question.

    So, in the end, what does it all amount to ?

    the answer is persuasion

    that’s what it’s all about

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