Why Islamists and the radical Left loathe the Day of Love.

FrontPage Mag
by Jamie Glazov


Today, February 14, is Valentine’s Day, the sacred day that intimate companions mark to celebrate their love and affection for one another. If you’re thinking about making a study of how couples celebrate this day in a positive and loving manner, the Muslim world and the milieus of the radical Left are not the places you should be spending your time. Indeed, it’s pretty hard to outdo Islamists and “progressives” when it comes to the hatred of Valentine’s Day. And this hatred is precisely the territory on which the contemporary romance between the Left and Islamic Supremacism is formed.

The train is never late: every year that Valentine’s comes around, the Muslim world erupts with ferocious rage, with its leaders doing everything in their power to suffocate the festivity that comes with the celebration of private romance. Imams around the world thunder against Valentine’s every year — and the celebration of the day itself is literally outlawed in Islamic states.

This year, for example, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has, as always, banned Valentine’s Day for promoting “immorality, nudity and indecency.” Pakistani television and radio stations are disallowed from mentioning the event — because of a court order the Islamabad High Court issued last year. No one in society, from an official level to any public place, can even hint that they might be celebrating, let alone thinking about, the day.


In the West, meanwhile, leftist feminists are not to be outdone by their Islamist allies in reviling — and trying to exterminate — Valentine’s Day. Throughout many Women’s Studies Programs on American campuses, for instance, you will find the demonization of this day, since, as the disciples of Andrea Dworkin angrily explain, the day is a manifestation of how capitalist, racist, classist, sexist and homophobic patriarchs brainwash and oppress women — and push them into spheres of powerlessness.


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