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Game of Trump

New York Times
by Maureen Dowd


WASHINGTON — Wicked siblings willing to do anything for power. Secret deals with sworn enemies. The shock of a dead body. A Wall. Foreign bawds, guns for hire, and snakes. Back-stabbing, betrayal and charges of treason. Little birds spying and tattling. A maniacal mad king and his court of scheming, self-absorbed princesses and princelings, swathed in the finest silk and the most brazen immorality, ruling with total disregard for the good of their people.

The night in Washington is dark and full of terrors. The Game of Trump has brought a pagan lawlessness never before seen in the capital.

So far in life, Donald Trump has survived and thrived on the same philosophy espoused by Littlefinger in “Game of Thrones”: “Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder.”

But is the rampant deception and corruption in his gaudy, jangly realm about to engulf the Emperor of Chaos? Is this the grisly endgame for Cersei in King’s Landing and Donald in Washington? A talent to distract on Twitter, our Joffrey-like president will learn, is not the same as the ability to walk through fire.


View (as much as you can stomach) the BIASED, TRUMP-HATING and LOL-RIDICULOUS article including image, links and comments at:

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One Response to The Fake-News American MSM: BIASED, TRUMP-HATING and LOL-RIDICULOUS

  1. Bruce says:

    THE NEW YORK TIMES – Some early history!

    On August 18, 1896, Ochs acquired control of the financially faltering New York Times, again with borrowed money ($75,000). To set his paper apart from its more sensational competitors, Ochs adopted the slogan “All the News That’s Fit to Print” (first used October 25, 1896) and insisted on reportage that lived up to that promise. Despite an early shortage of capital, he refused advertisements that he considered dishonest or in poor taste. In 1898, when sales were low and expenses unusually high, he probably saved The New York Times by cutting its price from three cents to one cent. He thereby attracted many readers who previously had bought the more sensational penny papers, especially the New York World and the Journal. By 1900 Ochs was able to purchase a controlling interest in The New York Times. – (Excerpt from: ) – [bold emphasis added]

    That was 1896! Tragically, the New York Times now is known primarily for publishing “ALL THE (fake) NEWS THAT FITS”

    I think with Maureen Dowd’s op-ed, the NYT is now boldly leading the American MSM into “JUMPING THE SHARK”. Very sad!

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