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Video: Barack Obama: The Writing was on the Wall

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  • Video: Barack Obama: The Writing was on the Wall

    Video: Barack Obama: The Writing was on the Wall

    Published on Aug 27, 2012 by ObamaBC

    View the video at:

    Barack Obama: The Writing was on the Wall
    By Kris Zane

    "The writing was on the wall.

    Not with a ghostly hand, warning a corrupt king that his kingdom was passing away.

    But written large over thousands of websites, blogs, and YouTube videos. Even in the mainstream media.

    When Jeremiah Wright's Marxist, anti-American rants were revealed in 2008, the media quietly shuffled it away as an anomaly in Obama's past, rather the norm that it was. Conservative researchers like Stanley Kurtz showed that Wright's Marxism and anti-American sentiment ran deep, not just in isolated sermons, but permeating every aspect of his life, and the lives of his parishioners in the form of Black Liberation Theology.

    And Barack Obama was steeped in that Marxist, anti-American gibberish.

    When it became known that Obama had hung out with anti-Israeli, pro-terrorist wonks like Rashid Khaladi and Edward Said, the media quietly shuffled it away, while conservatives screamed from the highest mountaintops that once in office Obama would embrace Islamic radicals, because he had been doing just that for decades.

    When Obama ascended his throne, not the presidency—as Obama rules by a shadow government in the form of czars and executive orders—all of that writing on the wall came to fruition.

    In 2009 Obama jetted around the Middle East during the so-called "apology tour," bowing to a Saudi King, pandering to Muslims in his Cairo speech, insisting the anti-American, Anti-Israeli terrorist-linked Muslim Brotherhood be invited, proclaiming them a sort of guest of honor.

    While in Cairo Obama was literally thirty minutes from Israel and wouldn't deign to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. After four years in office, Obama has failed to visit Israel and throws a temper tantrum anytime Israel does anything without his permission.

    When Obama threw a temper tantrum because Israel dared to build settlements on their own land and ordered them to stop—in effect calling Israel "occupiers" in land that has been theirs for thousands of years—the media dutifully took the side of the "oppressed" Palestinians.

    When Obama ludicrously insisted Israel return to the indefensible 1967 borders, both the Israeli and American people balked, and even the mainstream media refused to back Obama's foolishness.

    During the Egyptian "Arab Spring"—nothing more than a Muslim Brotherhood-induced mob—Obama quickly threw longtime American and Israeli ally Hosni Mubarak under the bus, and just as quickly embraced the "democratically elected" Mohammed Morsi, who now has control over the legislature and military, and has shut down all media critical of a totalitarian Islamic state.

    Like an Islamic Gestapo, Morsi's operatives have been abusing, attacking, jailing, and even murdering anyone who dares to question the Islamic fascist.

    If Obama is not stopped, we will have our own Mohammed Morsi sitting in the White House, with his own Gestapo roaming the country.

    Conspiracy theory?

    Two weeks ago a former Marine, Brandon Raub was ambushed by a contingent of police officers, FBI agents, and Secret Service agents for daring to criticize Barack Hussein Obama. He was deemed "mentally unstable," and consigned to thirty days in a VA mental ward.

    If not for conservative websites, blogs and YouTube, more than likely Brandon Raub would have been "re-educated" with psychotropic drugs, and released a "new" man, gladly towing the Obama party line.

    Did conservatives win this round against Obama's police state?

    Not in the least.

    It has been reported that in Chesterfield County, Virginia where Brandon Raub was ambushed, there are at least twenty cases resembling what happened to Raub.

    It appears Chesterfield is ground zero for the war on veterans, the war on the Tea Party, the war conservatives.

    It appears Chesterfield is a sort of test case, a fascist lab for what could be duplicated across the United States.

    We the people are the enemy now.

    We the people must rise up and remove Barack Hussein Obama from the Oval Office: whether through the election in November or impeachment, we care not how it is accomplished.

    Preferably the latter."
    B. Steadman