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ITB - Is Google subliminally promoting Obama with their Olympic-themed logo?

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  • ITB - Is Google subliminally promoting Obama with their Olympic-themed logo?

    Check out the 'Hurray for Sports' Olympic-themed logo image being shown on the Google home page, today, 7/27/2012.

    The TALL, BLACK, 'BASKETBALL GUY', prominently placed in the MIDDLE of the group of five athletes, is HOLDING A BIG LETTER 'O'.

    Hmmmm! The letter 'O' reminds many people of Obama!

    Could it be that a subliminal message promoting 'OBAMA the Marxist "Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa' is being intentionally delivered to millions of viewers by Google's use of this image? Nah - just a coincidence! (sarc)*

    Images: Hurray for Sports, Opening Ceremony

    opening_ceremony-2012-hp, Google, Obama.jpg

    * Google executive supports Obama

    Dalia Mortada, Cavalier Daily


    "Citing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s technological savvy and technology policies, Google chief executive officer Eric Schmidt expressed his support for the Illinois senator yesterday at the Law School.

    Schmidt and Obama’s technology adviser Julius Genachowski made a stop in Charlottesville in an effort to garner support for the presidential candidate and his technology policies. The pair spoke on a wide variety of issues from income disparity to using the Internet as a means for civic engagement, but the primary focus was Obama’s technology policies.

    Obama “sees technology as the key part of a solution to almost every problem we face,” Genachowski said. “He believes in using technology to make the government more transparent, more participatory and thus more effective.”

    Schmidt also noted that Obama attained his current level of success at least partly because of the Internet."


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 07-27-2012, 12:45 PM.
    B. Steadman