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Walter F. Fitzpatrick III, Update on Accusers, Prosecutors, and Victims -- P&E

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  • Walter F. Fitzpatrick III, Update on Accusers, Prosecutors, and Victims -- P&E

    Update on Walter Fitzpatrick


    The Post & Email

    Sharon Rondeau


    "On February 15, 2012, an addendum to the Habeas Corpus Writ was sent to the U.S. District Court in Knoxville filed on behalf of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III. The Writ was filed in federal court after the State of Tennessee refused to act on it.

    The Post & Email has learned that Fitzpatrick was taken to the U.S. District Courthouse in Knoxville for Darren Huff’s trial in October 2011 and was waiting to testify but was never called. Fitzpatrick stated that he never learned of the outcome of Huff’s trial until his own release from the Monroe County jail on December 3, 2011. “I’m in the dark about the accusations against him. I’ve been told a lot of things, but I’ve been unable to confirm it. They did everything they could to block communication with me from the outside in and from the inside out,” he said of his most recent incarceration in the Monroe County jail.

    Fitzpatrick has seen a medical doctor and had blood drawn. He is awaiting the results and will consult with the doctor again this week. He has also had two treatments with a chiropractor for the pain in his shoulders. “Sleeping on the concrete took its toll,” he said. “Prisoners in Guantanamo Bay are treated better than the men and women in the Monroe County jail.”

    The conditions in the jail have been corroborated by others who have stayed there as well as visitors who have received the information first-hand.

    The Post & Email has confirmed that on February 2, personnel from the Tennessee Corrections Institute performed a walk-through of sorts of the jail, but the TCI stated that it was not an “inspection.” We will be obtaining more information about the walk-through this week. Fitzpatrick has said that “The whole facility needs to be shut down.”

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman