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Imagine voting through Google, Apple -- WND, Aaron Klein

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  • Imagine voting through Google, Apple -- WND, Aaron Klein

    Imagine voting through Google, Apple

    Spanish-based SCYTL may raise national security concerns


    Aaron Klein


    "SCYTL, an international company that recently purchased the leading U.S. electronic voting firm, yesterday announced the successful implementation of technology that allows ballots to be cast using Google and Apple smart phones and tablet computers.

    The company previously has faced questions about the security of its electronic voting technologies, which are now set to be deployed in 900 U.S. jurisdictions via its U.S. subsidiary.

    The firm already provides balloting for overseas U.S. military and civilian voting in nine states along with elections technologies in several districts.

    Concerns have also been raised about SCYTL’s ties to the Spanish government and to international venture capital firms.

    Now SCYTL has unveiled a platform that it says encrypts each individual ballot on a voter’s Google or Apple mobile device before the ballot is then transmitted to an electronic voting system.

    Using this technology “Scytl is now able to guarantee end-to-end security – from the voter to the final tally – not only for computer-based online voting but also for mobile voting,” stated a press release by the company.

    “By leveraging its pioneering security technology with Google and Apple’s mobile device platforms, Scytl has become the premier election technology provider to offer an online voting system that guarantees the highest standards in terms of both voter privacy and ballot integrity both on personal computers and mobile devices,” said Gabriel Dos Santos, Scytl’s vice president of software engineering.

    The U.S. currently does not utilize voting platforms using mobile devices. SCYTL sees such methods as the future of electronic voting."

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman