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Obama Operation Sideshow Is A Mission Accomplished

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  • Obama Operation Sideshow Is A Mission Accomplished

    Obama Operation Sideshow Is A Mission Accomplished

    The Center for Western Journalism

    Alan P. Halbert


    "Just Google “Obama Sideshow” this simple phrase “sideshow” gave cover to what has become the single greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American people by a sitting president with the sole purpose to place a forged birth certificate on the White House website. I have dubbed it “Operation Sideshow.” My browser showed 5,380,000 hits for this search string, you are welcome to try to ascertain this for yourself.

    This is my favorite from the Huffington Post “Carnival Barkers Slam Obama’s ‘Sideshow’ Remark“; posted on April 28, 2011, the day after the release of Obama’s latest birth certificate.

    Couched Phrasing & Misdirection Accompanied the Discussion During the Press Gaggle on Why Obama was Releasing his Long-Form Birth Certificate

    A careful reading of the transcript is lacking some important details about why they were actually dealing with the issue of president Obama‘s long-form birth certificate at this time. Jay Carney passes out their press packets moments before the briefing starts:

    “You can read the paperwork we just handed out in a minute.”

    Dan Pfeiffer let’s them know what is in the “press packet” that was given to them moments before and gives a 30,000 foot perspective to bring them quickly up to speed on what they wanted them to know in paragraph 2:

    “Thanks, Jay. What you have in front of you now is a packet of papers that includes the President’s long-form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, the original birth certificate that the President requested and we posted online in 2008, and then the correspondence between the President’s counsel and the Hawaii State Department of Health that led to the release of those documents.”

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman