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GOP AWOL While National Disaster Unfolds With Obama Usurpation

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  • GOP AWOL While National Disaster Unfolds With Obama Usurpation

    GOP AWOL While National Disaster Unfolds With Obama Usurpation

    Obama State Ballot Challenge



    "This was entered by “Elegy” as a reader comment under our last Ken Bennett posting and was so good that we now run it as its own blog posting. If patriots like this are turned off, them America should be trembling. If the GOP morons believe that the election will solve the problem, they are sadly mistaken:

    1. The election is far from a slam dunk

    2. Awful precedents are being set which will be difficult or impossible to correct

    Seeing the GOP ignore the biggest Constitutional crisis in this nation’s history over the past 4 years has taken away every shred of motivation I have to even vote anymore, at least on the national level. I deployed while in the Army and have lost a handful of friends fulfilling the very same Oath that every one of these traitors took upon assuming public office. Every single Republican in Congress and in upper level state office are nothing less than traitors. And that includes veterans in Congress such as Allen West(who I once thought would make an excellent President). He is a traitor to the United States Constitution, period. Both Allen and I have served in the Army, deployed and lost friends overseas, but the difference between he and I is that there is no way in heck that I would have ignored this issue. The powers that be would have had to put bullet in my head to silence me because I actually still honor the sacrifice my friends made. The Oath I took in the Army does not expire.

    For the first time since I was able to vote 18 years ago, I will not be voting for President, at least not for the Republican Mitt Romney. I will never give a cent of my hard earned money to another Republican that has not had the guts to attack this issue. I truly believe that if the millions of pro-Article II citizens had stated this a couple years ago, we may have seen some action. These people have no loyalty to this nation, only power and money. While I have no doubt Romney would be better and may even prolong the eventual collapse, I’m beyond the point of caring who sits in the Oval Office. In my opinion, as bad as this may sound, maybe people will wake up once the crap hits the fan and we can fight another Revolutionary War and get it over with. I encourage everybody to write their state GOP leaders and state this."


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    B. Steadman