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The BHO Presidential Library will be known as the BS Presidential Library

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  • The BHO Presidential Library will be known as the BS Presidential Library

    The BHO Presidential Library will be known as the BS Presidential Library

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    When the rich-guy handlers of Senator Barack Obama were laughingly putting the finishing touches on his coup d’état presidency, they made their inevitable plans for the takeover of America air tight.

    Knowing that no one could ever do anything to stop it, they made fighting off the Fundamental Transformation of America a wholly ‘racist’ act.

    Their game plan is ingenious because it means no one can stop Obama from doing what he was commissioned to do, the block-by-block Takedown of America.

    The Fundamental Transformation of America has many fronts, sent out one at a time, all of them dizzying in speed: ObamaCare; Common Core; the destruction of civilian privacy through the NSA; the bankruptcy of all dissenters, including the Tea Party through the IRS; the loss of private property rights; the muzzling red tape of the EPA. All resistance to any of the above are now covered by the term “Racist, Racist, Racist!”

    Because the details of branding dissent racism were worked out before Obama even got to sit down for the first time in the Oval Office, the administration will have no problems drumming the creator of the Barack Hussein Obama Presidential Library as a parade Outhouse out of society. Just ask the Rodeo Clown.

    Who dares to criticize Obama’s policies

    There’s nothing funny about an outhouse because only the poor use them, and with environmental radicals still trying to replace the flush toilet with the outhouse, the progressives are already getting the last laugh.

    Investigating the creator of an outhouse masquerading as the BHO Presidential Library in a July 4th parade is a PR promising racist piece of cake, to boot.

    Not only is every one who dares to criticize Obama’s policies an out-and-out racist, Attorney General Eric Holder can prove it and destroy your life during the charge.

    The Obama regime is downright touchy when it comes to the Barack Hussein Obama Presidential Library because it will be his his permanent mark on history. Untold millions will be reminded that it was built in adoration for the messiah who fundamentally transformed America.

    We should all know by now that in any argument Obama must always have the last word. How typical of Marxist ideology that just when the “we have had it with Obama” of the masses is at an all-time peak, the tables get turned with Obama making it seem that he got there first by having had it with all dissenters.

    Children indoctrinated in public schools will never come along to ask, “But how did the entire world go racist overnight?”

    The entire world can be made to look racist when you have a pen and a phone, a zombie like Holder in charge of the courts; and Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton et al on your side, making the same loud charges.

    Obama, the Tourism poster guy for ‘Become President and See the World’, now preparing for another 16-day, Martha’s Vineyard holiday from his hedonistic holiday life, has got this racism thing down pat.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman